There are 11 repositories under glitch topic.
Botkit is an open source developer tool for building chat bots, apps and custom integrations for major messaging platforms.
An index & manager of Onedrive based on serverless. Can be deployed to Heroku/Glitch/Vercel/Replit/SCF/FG/FC/CFC/PHP web hosting/VPS.
Unity Post Processing Stack Library | Unity引擎的高品质后处理库
An advanced discord music bot, supports Spotify, Soundcloud, YouTube with Shuffling, Volume Control and Web Dashboard with Slash Commands support!
glitch images with jpg encoding
Deploy json-server to Heroku & Glitch & Azure :up: :free:
Comparison of free Heroku alternatives for backend applications
⚡ Open GitHub repositories in online web IDE
A GUI based powerful automatic datamoshing application for free! Easily apply trippy glitch effects in your videos. Contains 30+ cool glitch effects!
Real-Time Corruptor, Vanguard, CorruptCore, NetCore2
Moderation bot discord
在 JS 容器平台部署 Xray + Argo 隧道,4种协议 Vless / Vmess / Trojan / SS + TLS + WS,不需 CF workers 反代
An irrationally minimalist, static feed reader (RSS, Atom, JSON) you can instantly deploy on Netlify, Glitch or your own server.
在 Glitch 上部署 xray 节点
DGH BOT is a multiple purpose bot including extraordinary features such as Moderation, Leveling System, Welcomer, Search, Misc and other commands
Easy To Use Giveaway Bot For Discord Written In Discord.js v14. Ft. Slash Commands & Select Menus. Make Giveaways and seamlessly enjoy giveaways on your discord server with advanced features such as role and server requirements!
distort and warp images in the browser
GitHub - Task list completed PR check
Glitched, text writing js module. Highly customizable settings. Decoding, decrypting, scrambling, or simply spelling out text.
Datamosh in the browser
🛰 Scrambled text reveal library and cli
data bending & glitch tools
PhyWhisperer-USB: Hardware USB Trigger
:flags: Sync changes in your GitHub repository to
generate animated pseudo random glitch SVG from Unicode characters
Stream Vimeo videos into WebVR.
Some various experiments with Ar.js and Three.js
Starter repository for the Introductions to API course
Search your Twitter Bookmarks
Corrupt Video™ is an OpenFrameworks based Glitch Art Software allowing its users to glitch and record movies or to corrupt real time videos.
A GUI based python glitch tool that uses FFMPEG to create motion interpolated glitches in your videos.
React Glitch effects