There are 0 repository under variable-length topic.
Scikit-Learn compatible HMM and DTW based sequence machine learning algorithms in Python.
LoCoMotif is a time series motif discovery method that discovers variable-length motif sets in multivariate time series using time warping
Unsigned variable-length integers
Variable length sha256 hash function in Circom
A library that offers the utility of runtime variable length arrays that support items of variable type.
University Project ( Class: Audio Video Coding )
Variable-length integer (VLQ) encoding and decoding, in C99.
LoCoMotif-DoK is a time series motif discovery method that leverages domain knowledge represented by hard and soft constraints. It discovers variable-length motif sets in a multivariate time series using time warping.
This a case study seeking to answer which boroughs of London have seen the greatest increase in housing prices, on average, over the last two decades?