tobozo / esp32-dcf77-weatherman

Alarmclock based upon a Arduino Uno with an 3.5 inch (320x480) TFT shield.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DCF77 Time/Weather gatherer

This project is a mix of @FroggySoft's AlarmClock and arduino-projects4u's weather-station stripped down from external dependencies and adapted to work on an ESP32-Arduino platform.

It is intended to work with Universalsolder's DCF77 but may as well work with other models.


Alarmclock based upon a Arduino Uno with an 3.5 inch (320x480) TFT shield.


Language:C++ 88.4%Language:C 9.5%Language:Objective-C 2.0%