There are 0 repository under temperature-control topic.
Configuration Tool for Vape Battery Mods with Arcticfox Firmware. :cloud: :wrench: Works on MacOS and Linux.
Arduino OLED Rlelay and DS18B20 to control heater element of a 3D printing Filament dryer.
Temperature controller for homebrewers & hackers
A simple device monitoring tool for e-cigarettes with Evolv DNA chipset :cloud: :chart_with_upwards_trend: Works with macOS and Linux
A simple device monitoring tool for vape battery mods with Arcticfox firmware. :cloud: :chart_with_upwards_trend: Works on macOS and Linux.
Fundamental continuous and discrete-time signals and their implementations using Matrix laboratory. Concepts include CTS, DTS, Amplitude modulation, Amplitude demodulation, Double sideband suppressed carrier (DSB-SC), single-sideband suppressed carrier (SSB-SC), PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation), PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), PPM (Pulse Position Modulation), PCM (Pulse Code Modulation), TDM (Time Division Multiplexing), DMT (Delta Modulation Technique), Data Formatting Techniques, ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying), FSK (Frequency Shift Keying), BPSK (Binary Phase Shift Keying), QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) and much more...
TuYa TS0601: Home Assistant automation for more accurate temperature control leveraging an external temperature sensor
A list of serial commands for Evolv DNA devices :cloud:
Raspberry Pi PID temperature controller with web interface for electric BBQ smokers written in Python
Yet another homebrewing control system. Free as in freedom to make free beer.
PID Loop routine for Temperature Control for Arduino
Thermoelectric module temperature stabilizer. HARDWARE part.
Universal remote climate monitoring and management system for greenhouses and indoor grow operations.
Temp control on ESP8266
ESP32 10 Channel PWM Fan Controller
Simple Python wrapper for the Thorlabs MTD415T OEM temperature controller module
A Raspberry Pi Zero-powered PID reflow oven controller -- PCB design files
Originally designed to control the heat and light for a germination and grow station for my succulents mimicing the seasonal conditions anywhere in the world. The upside is that it will also control a full sized grow installation, hydroponics station and even a reptile vivarium.
Learn to design and build an 4 channel LM35 temperature sensor chip Signal conditioner amplifier circuit based on the popular opamp LM324 using Kicad 6.0.The board can be used to monitor temperature from 4 different sources at the same time and can be used for building your own data acquisition system.
PID temperature controller for laboratory use
ESP32 based controller to manage temperature and humidity in a box to store 3d-Printer Filament.
Um programa Python para controlar um sistema Arduino RELE, injetando pulsos em superfícies para análises térmicas com uma câmera termográfica. Implementado no Laboratório de Transferência de Calor da UEMA, proporcionando uma plataforma eficiente para coleta de dados térmicos.
Air Still (or clone) upgrade that uses an SCR board or SSR for heating element control and an ESP32 to make the whole thing smarter. Eliminates that constant full power on/off switching to the heating element and the possibility of scorching. Plus even more features.
Automatic active temperature control and lighting for a 3d printer enclosure.
Temperature controlled DC fan using LM35 and Relay in LPC2148 microcontroller
Better than decent, open-source espresso machine software, offering data logging, temperature control and pressure profiling.
A cheap low cost diy data acquisition based on Arduino UNO which can monitor tempearture data from 4 independent analog temperature sensors and display it on a PC/Laptop/Mac