There are 0 repository under iron topic.
(请仔细阅读每个项目文件夹下的README) 钢材信息小程序服务已暂停, 后续可能改为云函数
Handlebars middleware for Iron web framework
ROS2-Jazzy for Raspbian-bookworm
🐳 OpenJDK JRE or JDK (8, 11, 17, 21) with Node.js 18 LTS (Hydrogen), Node.js 20 LTS (Iron) or Node.js 22 LTS (Jod) Docker image
🐳 Ruby 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4 with Node.js 18 LTS (Hydrogen), Node.js 20 LTS (Iron) or Node.js 22 LTS (Jod) Docker image
HMM-based identification and categorization of iron genes and iron gene operons in genomes and metagenomes
🐳 Node.js 18 LTS (Hydrogen), Node.js 20 (Iron) or Node.js 22 LTS (Iron) and Git Docker image
全网稳定性最高,0损耗ETH/ETC中转工具,以太坊中转矿池转发代理,以太经典中转矿池转发代理 ,实时观察算力,可以与同类软件进行比较测试,极致优化CPU和内存永不掉线,作者抽水恒定0.1%,不开抽水无开发者,独家加密 和抽水机制,web管理界面可显示矿机详细数据,支持ssl加密协议,跨池抽水,精准统计矿机所有数据,大客户需要TCP可在tg群 单独开发版本!
🐳 Node.js Node.js LTS 18 (Hydrogen), Node.js 20 LTS (Iron) or Node.js 22 LTS (Jod) and Chromium stable Docker image
Rust Web server example using Iron, R2d2 Diesel and Serde json
A platform for targeted annotation of (meta)genomic and (meta)transcriptomic datasets using HMM sets.
Develop a Hugo website and automatically publish a Helm Chart using just GitHub.
A repository template to start your new Go project on GitHub, batteries included.
Develop a Go web service and automatically publish a Helm Chart using just GitHub.
A simple server application which provides static endpoints for released unity versions
🐳 Node.js 22 LTS (Jod) and Firefox stable Docker image
Iron integrations for Juniper, the GraphQL server library for Rust
Soldering Iron Controller - It is Very Good
Signed, encrypted session cookies for Iron
CSRF protection for the Rust web framework Iron
As part of my PhD I created a 1D biogeochemical configuration based on PISCES model (version 1 - Bopp et al, 2005) The configuration was created to study the impact of environmental changes (mainly Mixed Layer Depth and Light) over Southern Ocean primary production, from the seasonal to decadal scales.