There are 0 repository under rf-transceiver topic.
ESP32 driver library for TI CC1100 Low-Power Sub-1 GHz RF Transceiver
Android Home Automation Hub with support for ZigBee And 433 MHz RF devices
A python program for 2-way texting with the 33cm band [REYAX RYLR998]( LoRa® module, either with a Raspberry Pi 4, five wires and ten female-female GPIO connectors; or with a Linux PC running a CP2102 USB 2.0 to TTL serial converter, four wires and eight female-female GPIO connectors. No threads, only async
USB controlled nRF24L01+ 2.4GHz Transceiver
Reliable Mechanism or circuit made using Arduino Microcontrollers and Radio Frequency Transceiver for Faster Emergency Vehicle Exit In traffic Jams
DA14531MOD-Breakout board
Transmitter and Receiver Software for Arduino Based Radio Frequency (RF) Communication System.
STM32 based radio-frequency transceiver PCB for IoT applications on KiCad
The aim of the project is to develop a device that may be utilized in several sectors like the military, medical and security. The device contains a flex sensor, RF transceiver, and GPS module, when a pattern is recognized by Arduino then a signal is sent and received by another Arduino and LED is turned on. With the signal, GPS coordinates will be sent.
electronic system to control breaks on handbikes remotely
Library for communication of the MSP430FR4133 microcontroller with the AP230-43 transceiver. Driverlib version.