There are 5 repositories under relion topic.
example set up for Relion on AWS ParallelCluster for CryoEM
Implementation of a Bayesian approach to cryo-EM structure determination
Software to integrate Relion GUI with Amazon Web Services, accompanied by easy command line tools. Learn more at
Step-by-step instructions for installing an Ubuntu workstation with standard cryo-em software
A lightweight script to monitor RELION jobs and send information over Slack DMs
RelionReport is a tool which generates a report and animation from a given relion 3DClass, Refine3D or InitialModel job. RelionReport aims to give more meaningful output from relion jobs to aid in making processing decisions and presenting processing data.
Plot the class distribution as a function of iteration from a Class2D or Class3D job from RELION
Report the number of particles in each class from a file produced by RELION
helper scripts for Electron microscopy data processing
Software to divide data collected using Leginon into optics groups according to image shift
Subtomogram Averaging using Dynamo, imod, Relion and MatLab
Sbatch scripts for submitting cryo-EM jobs on Stanford's Sherlock compute cluster.
A tool reading IMOD points, obtaining particles' info and generating .star file for RELION
A tool converting DYNAMO table files(.tbl) to RELION star files(.star)
A suite of Odd-Job scripts for cryo-em data processing.
Some scripts to facilitate subtomogram-averaging workflows.