eriksjolund / install-cryo-em-workstation

Step-by-step instructions for installing an Ubuntu workstation with standard cryo-em software

Repository from Github https://github.comeriksjolund/install-cryo-em-workstationRepository from Github https://github.comeriksjolund/install-cryo-em-workstation


Step-by-step instructions for installing an Ubuntu workstation with standard cryo-EM software. The installed software should provide tools for post-processing and analyzing experiment data from a Titan TEM. The ultimate goal is to have the installation fully automatic by just running a script.

Software to be installed

Hardware requirements

The computer is expected to have

  • at least one recent NVidia card (e.g. GTX 1080, GTX 1070, GTX 1060).

Step-by-step instructions

A lot of instructions are missing as of now, but let us start writing them.

Install Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop

Follow the tutorial of how to install an Ubuntu desktop.

Install Cuda and the nVidia kernel drivers

Cuda and nVidia kernel drivers can be installed in different ways. Investigate, Which one works best?....

graphics-drivers PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get update


Step-by-step instructions for installing an Ubuntu workstation with standard cryo-em software

License:MIT License