There are 1 repository under display-driver topic.
Add virtual monitors to your windows 10/11 device! Works with VR, OBS, Sunshine, and/or any desktop sharing software.
Fast MicroPython driver for GC9A01 display modules written in C
Slow micropython driver for 240x240 ST7789 display without CS pin from Ali Express, written in MicroPython
ESP_LCD based MicroPython driver for ESP32-S3 Devices with ST7789 or compatible displays.
Arduino library to drive MIP (Memory In Pixel) displays produced by Sharp and Japan Display Inc.
E-Paper Display Device
A low-resource graphics library for MCUs with anti-aliased font rendering
Display & Touchscreen SDK for Raspberry Pi Pico
This is a fast display driver for interfacing ILI9341 LCD display with STM32F1 microcontroller over an 8bit parallel (8080-II/I) bus. Mainly made for my personal usage.
Scenic render and input driver for Waveshare display HAT for Raspberry PI
VGA display driver library for RP2040 pico-sdk
A bootloader, kernel & basic display driver.
TFT SPI LCD, ST7789 Driver, Raspberry pi PICO display library. C++ SDK
Universal Display Driver for Raspberry Pi
This is a fast display driver for interfacing ST7789 LCD display with STM32F1 microcontroller over an SPI bus. Mainly made for my personal usage.
Arduino Library for Flip-disc Displays. The library allows you to easily control flip-disc displays connected in series. You can connect up to 8 different displays in any order. This library is intended for use with the displays designed by - Marcin Saj.
fix for blue yeti mic not loading on boot on ubuntu
Linux DRM driver for Noritake GU-D series displays
Raspberry Pi library for ST7789 LCD TFT
A Windows PowerShell script to cleanly update your Nvidia display driver.
Python module to control an ILI9486 TFT. Allows simple drawing PIL images on the display.
ROS2 node that publish text on a LCD display. Supported displays LCD1604 + LCD2004 displays
LED Wall Screen Buffer and Panel Management Controller in VHDL
library to create a 7-Segment Display using WS2812b addressable LEDs
This repository is a tutorial about how to create fonts (and bitmap images) for embedded system displays to use with my display drivers. It also has some font files prepared following this tutorial. I use this method for all my display driver codes.
ILI9341 LCD Display Driver for Cypress/Infineon PSoC6 Microcontroller
Linux driver for HD44780 compatible alpanumeric displays via GPIO connections
Library/driver for 3.5 inch SPI display for Raspberry Pi 3
Drivers for the GC9A01 240x240 round display component for ESP-IDF
Arduino library for driving one 5x7 dot matrix display (using timer0 or timer1 interrupt)
A simple animation to test the TM1638 LED Controller with a common anode custom display with 8 digits and 8 little bars
Arduino library for LCD displays based on the Sitronix ST75256 controller
Firmwares for some ARM based microcontrollers
Customizable Automotive Gauge with CAN Bus interface and Integrated Inertial Measurement Unit
Seamlessly integrate ST7735 displays with ATtiny microcontrollers or others with low memory using Tiny Driver ST7735, a robust and versatile library. Perfect for small-scale projects..