abhra0897 / psoc6_ili9341

ILI9341 LCD Display Driver for Cypress/Infineon PSoC6 Microcontroller

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ILI9341 Parallel & SPI Display Driver for Infineon/Cypress PSoC6

This is a (fast?) display driver for interfacing ILI9341 LCD display with PSoC6 microcontroller over an 8bit parallel (8080-II/I) and serial (SPI) bus. It's mainly written for my personal usage. This driver is written using ModusToolbox SDK

This driver utilises Peripheral Driver Library or PDL for faster IO access. Using the HAL library also works, but that might be a little bit slower. I tried to keep a moderate balance between portability and speed.

All the hardware-specific operations such as GPIO, SPI, delay etc are in separate platform-specific files. So, just by providing a few function implementations and a few macro definitions, the library can be ported to other hardwares. See Porting section.


File Details
ili9341.h Core library header, platform-independent. To be included by user application. It includes platform-specific header at the top.
ili9341.c Core library source. No need to modify it
platform_mtb_psoc6_spi.h Platform-specific header for PSoC6 to use SPI bus. To be included by ili9341.h only. It provides Macros and functions that are needed by core lib. Configure the macros here as needed.
platform_mtb_psoc6_spi.c Platform-specific source for PSoC6 to use SPI bus.
platform_mtb_psoc6_parallel.h [TO BE IMPLEMENTED] Platform-specific header for PSoC6 to use Parallel bus.
platform_mtb_psoc6_parallel.c [TO BE IMPLEMENTED]

Wiring (SPI)

Tested using CY8CKIT-062S2-43012 devkit, featuring a PSoC™ 6 CY8C62xA MCU.

Connections between CY8CKIT-062S2-43012 and ILI9341 display. I used SPI3 (SCB6) of the PSoC6, user may change SPI and respective pins as needed.

ILI9341 CY8CKIT-062S2-43012 Comment
SDI(MOSI) P12_0/D11 SPI data out from mcu
SDO(MISO) (P12_1/D12) Not used by driver
SCK P12_2/D13 SPI clock
DC P5_4/D4 Data/command select
RST P5_5/D5 (optional. Keep floating if unused) Display reset
CS P5_7/D7 (optional. Connect to GND if unused) Chip select
LED V3.3 Display backlight pin


All configuration options are in the platform_mtb_psoc6_spi.h file.

  • #define ILI_BUS_TYPE_SPI to select SPI bus. #define ILI_BUS_TYPE_PARALLEL to use parallel bus.
  • #define ILI_SPI_FREQ 40000000UL to set SPI frequency to 40MHz


To port this driver to other platforms, user needs to provide some macros and functions that are needed by ili9341.c/h files. The required platform-specific functions and macros are in platform_mtb_psoc6_spi.h (for SPI) and in platform_mtb_psoc6_parallel.h (for parallel bus. TBD).

A table of required macros and functions to be provided by user is given below. Some of the macros/functions are optional, some of them are only applicable in one bus type and not in the other.

Name Details Mandatory? Applicable Bus
#define ILI_BUS_TYPE_SPI Sets the bus type to SPI Yes SPI
#define ILI_BUS_TYPE_PARALLEL8 Sets the bus type to 8-bit parallel Yes Parallel
#define ILI_SPI_FREQ 40000000UL Sets SPI frequency, Default value is in ili9341.h No SPI, Parallel
Sets DC pin high or low Yes SPI, Parallel
Sets DC pin high or low No SPI, Parallel
Sets RST pin high or low No SPI, Parallel
Sets WR pin high or low No Parallel
Sets RD pin high or low No Parallel
void ili_platform_spi_init(uint64_t spi_freq, uint8_t cpol, uint8_t cpha, uint8_t is_lsbfirst) Initialize the SPI bus along with DC, RST, CS pins Yes SPI
void ili_platform_spi_deinit(void) De-init the spi bus Yes SPI
void ili_platform_spi_send8(uint8_t byte) Send a byte (8 bits) using SPI Yes SPI
void ili_platform_spi_send_buffer16(uint16_t *buf, uint32_t items_count); Send a buffer of type uint16_t using SPI Yes SPI
void ili_platform_delay(uint64_t ms) Delay specified milliseconds Yes SPI, Parallel
void ili_platform_parallel_init(void) initialize parallel bus data pins, DC, CS, RST, WR, RD pins Yes Parallel
void ili_platform_parallel_deinit(void) De-init the parallel bus Yes Parallel
void ili_platform_parallel_send8(uint8_t byte) Send a byte (8 bits) using parallel bus Yes Parallel


  • SPI:
    • FPS Test at 40MHz, ili_draw_pixels_buffer(), pre-filled buffer of 240*320:

      • Frames : 200
      • Delta(ms): 6161
      • FPS : 32.462261
    • FPS Test at 40MHz, ili_fill_color(), ILI_TMP_DISP_BUF_PX_CNT=256:

      • Frames : 200
      • Delta(ms): 6260
      • FPS : 31.948883
  • Parallel 8-bit: Not implemented yet


See the example code test.c. Compile using ModusToolbox IDE. This code requires CLK_TIMER to be set to 1MHz using Device Configurator of ModusToolbox. Simply set Timer Divider of CLK_TIMER to 8.

Depending on the version of Device Configurator, there might be a bug that'll cause the resultant frequency to be displayed as 125KHz instead of 1MHz which is the actual frequency. See this forum post.


 * Initialize the SPI or Parallel bus. Must be called before ili_init()
void ili_bus_init(void);

 * De-initialize the SPI or Parallel bus. Useful when bus is being shared with other devices
void ili_bus_deinit(void);

 * Initialize the display driver.  Can be called only if ili_bus_init() is called
void ili_init(void);

 * Set an area for drawing on the display with start row,col and end row,col.
 * User don't need to call it usually, call it only before some functions who don't call it by default.
 * @param x1 start column address.
 * @param y1 start row address.
 * @param x2 end column address.
 * @param y2 end row address.
void ili_set_address_window(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2);

 * Fills `len` number of pixels with `color`.
 * Call ili_set_address_window() before calling this function.
 * @param color 16-bit RGB565 color value
 * @param len 32-bit number of pixels
void ili_fill_color(uint16_t color, uint32_t len);

 * Fills `len` number of pixels with `color`.
 * Call ili_set_address_window() before calling this function.
 * @param color_buffer Buffer of 16-bit RGB565 color values
 * @param len 32-bit number of pixels
void ili_draw_pixels_buffer(uint16_t *color_buffer, uint32_t len);

 * Draw a line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) with `width` and `color`.
 * @param x0 start column address.
 * @param y0 start row address.
 * @param x1 end column address.
 * @param y1 end row address.
 * @param width width or thickness of the line
 * @param color 16-bit RGB565 color of the line
void ili_draw_line(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint8_t width, uint16_t color);

 * Experimental
 * Draw a rectangle without filling it
 * @param x start column address.
 * @param y start row address
 * @param w Width of rectangle
 * @param h height of rectangle
void ili_draw_rectangle(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t color);

 * Rotate the display clockwise or anti-clockwie set by `rotation`
 * @param rotation Type of rotation. Supported values 0, 1, 2, 3
void ili_rotate_display(uint8_t rotation);

 * Get display's current width, height, and rotation
 * @param width Pointer to width data
 * @param height Pointer to height data
 * @param rotation Pointer to rotation data (0,1,2,3)
void ili_get_display_size(uint16_t *width, uint16_t *height, uint8_t *rotation);

 * Fills a rectangular area with `color`.
 * Before filling, performs area bound checking
 * @param x Start col address
 * @param y Start row address
 * @param w Width of rectangle
 * @param h Height of rectangle
 * @param color 16-bit RGB565 color
void ili_fill_rect(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t color);

 * Same as `ili_fill_rect()` but does not do bound checking, so it's slightly faster
void ili_fill_rect_fast(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t color);

 * Fill the entire display (screen) with `color`
 * @param color 16-bit RGB565 color
void ili_fill_screen(uint16_t color);

 * Draw a pixel at a given position with `color`
 * @param x Start col address
 * @param y Start row address
void ili_draw_pixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color);


  • Add more example code
  • Add Parallel bus support
  • Add DMA support


All source codes of the root directory and example directory are licensed under MIT License, unless the source file has no other license asigned for it. See MIT License.


ILI9341 LCD Display Driver for Cypress/Infineon PSoC6 Microcontroller

License:MIT License


Language:C 100.0%