pybel / bel-repository

A utility for loading data from repositories of BEL documents

Repository from Github https://github.compybel/bel-repositoryRepository from Github https://github.compybel/bel-repository

BEL Repository build zenodo

A utility for loading data from repositories of BEL documents with PyBEL [1].

Installation Current version on PyPI Stable Supported Python Versions License

bel_repository can be installed from PyPI with the following command:

$ pip install bel-repository

The latest version can be installed from GitHub with:

$ pip install git+


from typing import Mapping

from bel_repository import BELRepository
from pybel import BELGraph

# Build a repository by giving a folder
bel_repository = BELRepository('/path/to/folder/with/bel/')

# Get a mapping from paths to graphs
graphs: Mapping[str, BELGraph] = bel_repository.get_graphs()

# Get a combine graph
graph: BELGraph = bel_repository.get_graph()

Example BEL Repositories

Each of these repositories has BEL content that can be pip installed:

More publicly available BEL content can be found in the listing in this blog post.


[1]Hoyt, C. T., et al. (2017). PyBEL: a computational framework for Biological Expression Language. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 34(4), 703–704.


A utility for loading data from repositories of BEL documents

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%