There are 2 repositories under animatronics topic.
Bottango is an intuitive, visual tool for animating robots, animatronics, and all kinds of hardware. This repository contains open source drivers and API examples to work with the Bottango desktop app.
Animately is an Arduino library that allows for precise animation of props or robots, down to the millisecond, without the need for thread-blocking (delay()) or complex state machines
Old versions of Pneumagination! Git project got screwed up and had to relocate.
A wiki all about animatronics!
Repository for Autonomous Robotic Human-Mimetic Host Builds
Custom motion-capture software using OpenCV and dlib to control Arduino animatronics with human face movement.
This repository focus on Animatronics and How can we relate it with Artificial Intelligence
A custom Animatronics Controller with the ability to load and save configuration and show files from an SD card in sync with a 16-bit WAV file.
A simple animatronic to represent the side kick to Quinn in League of Legends but in animatronic form.
Pneumagination is a sandbox survival game focusing on automation and simulation!
Arduino project for cosplay animatronics dragon
Code for random movements in an animatronic skull, using an arduino clone (attiny88) and sg90 microservos.
The Einstein TurtleBot for ECE478@PSU (Robotics I), Fall 2018
Mechatronics is an upcoming technology that facilitates the machine to mimic the action of human and animals and produce more natural movement. For some time, we have been interested in making some sort of robot based on the Arduino platform. This project is the first phase of this longer-term desired effort. Anything is possible with the mighty power of Arduino. It's compact, it's straight forward, and makes embedding electronics into the world-at-large fun and easy.
Ojos animatrónicos que centran la mirada en las personas e imita sus movimientos de cabeza y emociones (feliz o triste)
This is a small version of the Acrobot, a simple but expressive robot acrobat with 4 joints. It is easy to animate by using Bottango.
Synchronize billybass animatronic speech with alexa utilizing a modified version of AlexaPi --pure software solution-- --no sound sensors--
Frequency-aware code for hacked Big Mouth Billy Bass
Josh, an animatronic head exploring what it means to be human
This repository holds the code for an Eyeball Mechanism that can rotate a spherical eyeball 360 degrees with 3 DOF. This is the old C++ CLion code
A python library for controlling Pololu Maestro boards over serial