There are 0 repository under point-in-polygon topic.
A point in polygon library based on the paper "Optimal Reliable Point-in-Polygon Test and Differential Coding Boolean Operations on Polygons" by Hao
The Tektosyne Library for Java provides algorithms for computational geometry and graph-based pathfinding, along with supporting mathematical utilities and specialized collections.
Code from O'Rourke book "Computational Geometry algorithms in C" 1997
An interactive program for creating polygons and determining if a given point is inside or outside the polygons
A numpy geometry class and functions that work with arcpy and ESRI featureclasses. Includes Free Tools for ArcGIS Pro
A fast 'point(s)-in-polygon' test for Python.
Shortest Path Algorithms on an Ocean Routing Graph extracted from Open Street Map data.
An in-memory point-in-polygon (reverse geocoding) package for GeoJSON data, principally Who's On First data.
Python implementation of polygon-inclusion algorithm based on the winding number
A Julia package for polygon clipping.
Benthos plugins to transform geographic coordinates from a stream.
Determine if a point lies in a 2D polygon or a 3D polyhedron.
Geometric queries (point-in-segment, point-in-polygon, polygon-in-polygon, etc.)
A .NET library to work with IAU constellations
A small module to generate a point in a polygon in O(n) time.
Spherical Point in Polygon Implementation
Early release of a Point In Polygon experimental algorithm. The method is naive, so it can be easily explained and taught. Enjoy and give feedback if possible. Thanks.
A Swift package to determine whether a point is within a polygon
Developed an optimized solution to the point-polygon query program mentioned by the ACM SIGSPATIAL CUP 2013. Showed differences between naive solution and my solution. Achieved 100% accuracy for both 'INSIDE' and 'WITHIN n' queries.
In this repository, we include algorithms that are in the field of Computer Graphics and related topics.
Interpolation of function value inside boundry element and grid generation
Combining journey data with community ethnicity data to evaluate Capital Bikeshare's performance on inclusion goals in Washington D.C.
A visualization of the point-in-polygon algorithm.
Collection of functions to speed up spatial point operations
:globe_with_meridians: Rust implementation Point-In-Polygon Algorithm