There are 0 repository under lmfit topic.
A Python framework for the batch processing and deconvolution of Raman spectra of carbonaceous materials.
Sculptor - Interactive modeling of (electromagnetic) astronomical spectra.
Generic tool dedicated to fit spectra in python
This repository contains the code Profiler, a Python program for decomposing galaxy light profiles in 1D
Analysis of intrinsically disordered proteins by comparing MD simulations to Small Angle Scattering experiments
Python-based tool for analyzing raw data from Raman mapping measurements
Modelled COVID-19 pandemic with a system of 9 first order differential equations. The system was fitted to the values of the pandemic in Italy, UK, India, Brazil and Sweden, and numerically solved using MCMC statistical methods in python’s lmfit module. Estimates of the real number of infected people and predictions for the future were then made.
Codes to calculate Temperature and Density from the lines ratio of certain ions in the narrow line region of a given AGN
Scripts for creation of response files for seismic devices
East java timelapse map of COVID-19 case count history and forecast.
Non-Linear Least Squares Minimization, with flexible Parameter settings, based on scipy.optimize.leastsq, and with many additional classes and methods for curve fitting
The core library of prediksicovidjatim
Notebooks used or made in development of prediksicovidjatim
Worker of prediksicovidjatim