There are 1 repository under agn topic.
Modelling jetted Active Galactic Nuclei radiative processes with python
JetSeT a framework for self-consistent modeling and fitting of astrophysical relativistic jets
Galaxy Line Emission & Absorption Modeling
A Python Toolkit for AGN Time Series Analysis using CARMA models
Python module for estimation of cross-correlation function of astronomical time-series based on the ZDCF method.
Amoeba: an AGN Model of Optical Emissions Beyond steady-state Accretion disks
Nirdust is a python package that uses K-band (2.2 micrometers) spectra to measure the temperature of the dust heated by a type 2 Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) accretion disk.
Python code for modelling spectral timing properties in AGN. Performs calculations of fully time-dependent SEDs following an input variable X-ray light-curve (See Hagen & Done (2023a)
A package following Stone & Shen (2023) for AGN accretion disk temperature fluctuation maps
Code for "Latent Stochastic Differential Equations for Modeling Quasar Variability and Inferring Black Hole Properties"
Uncertainty quantification of black hole mass estimation
Codes to calculate Temperature and Density from the lines ratio of certain ions in the narrow line region of a given AGN
Automated supermassive Blackhole Explorer(ABE) studies the co-evolution of the supermassive black holes with its host galaxies, particularly looking at the effect of AGN feedback
Simulate post-starburst galaxy spectral energy distributions to see if active galactic nuclei play a role in quenching post-starburst galaxies using prospector-alpha and FSPS.
Code for "Predicting High Magnification Events in Microlensed Quasars in the Era of LSST using Recurrent Neural Networks"
Code for "Joint Modeling of Quasar Variability and Accretion Disk Reprocessing using Latent Stochastic Differential Equation"
22 GHz Radio Data. Files should contain 1", 3", and 6" fits files.
Code supporting paper: A forward modeling approach to AGN variability – method description and early applications (2019ApJ...883..139S)
This project traces merger-triggered AGN in DM only simulations. Thereafter, analysing its impact on clustering and scaling relations of galaxy clusters.
Testing the unification model of active galactic nucleus (AGN) by convolution neural network
Code written for the AGN Data Challenge assigned by Dr Paula Sanchez Saez.
Coursework written for: Introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei, MASS course offered at the University of Belgrade
Code and data supporting paper: Observational Nonstationarity of AGN variability: The only way is down! ( 2020ApJ...889L..29C)
Data supporting paper: Optical Variability of AGNs in the PTF/iPTF Survey (2017ApJ...834..111C)
Example code to run prediction pipeline from Carvajal et al. 2023
The JAVELIN module for pyPetal.
Homeworks of the course "Introduction to AGNs" at the University of Belgrade in Spring 2024. Instructor: Dragana Ilic