There are 5 repositories under raman topic.
Scientific analysis of nanoscale materials imaging data
SpectroChemPy is a framework for processing, analyzing and modeling spectroscopic data for chemistry with Python
A Python library of algorithms for the baseline correction of experimental data.
🌈 A collaborative list of awesome tools for spectroscopy. Also, check:
R functions for the chemometric analysis of spectra
Python library for reading and writing scientific data format
Perform baseline removal, baseline correction and baseline substraction for raman spectra using Modpoly, ImodPoly and Zhang fit. Returns baseline-subtracted spectrum. Please give proper citation as specified in the documentation if it has helped you.
Python package for read-only accessing the wdf Raman spectroscopy from Ranishaw WiRE software
A peak-fitting tool based on MATLAB for spectroscopic data analysis.
Spectra.jl aims at helping treatment of spectral (Raman, Infrared, XAS, NMR) data under the Julia language
Repository containing code for analysis of Raman and IR spectra datasets
A Python framework for the batch processing and deconvolution of Raman spectra of carbonaceous materials.
CRIKit2 is a hyperspectral imaging toolkit formerly known as the coherent Raman imaging toolkit.
specio: Python input/output for spectroscopic files
FOSS Resources for Spectroscopy
A python package for communicating with Bruker OPUS spectroscopy software and reading its binary file format.
hyperSpec: Tools for Spectroscopy (R package)
Jupyter Notebooks for spectroscopic data processing
Efficiently compute off-resonance Raman spectra from first principles calculations (e.g. VASP) using polynomial models and ML/AI.
Code for processing either Raman or SERS maps. Includes baseline correction, peak comparison, and post processing anaylsis.
Neural network classifier for Raman spectral data using TensorFlow
MicroRaman is an R package to process microbial Raman Spectroscopy data
Procedures (for IgorPro) to perform operations needed in day to day analysis of spectroscopic data. For example, Raman or infrared spectra where the data is structured as array of 1-D or 2-D waves.
Simulation of linear and nonlinear (Raman, Kerr) coupling in few-mode fibers
Similarity Assessment of Raman Arrays -- Quatitative matching scores between experimental and DFT Raman spectra using the WCCA metric
Python package for unmixing hyperspectral data
This is my portfolio version 1, built with React.