There are 0 repository under legv8-arm topic.
Simulator for LEG-V8 Assembly in Rust, as well as other tools for facilitating LEG-V8 development.
A LEGv8 Assembly extension for Visual Studio Code.
A 5-stage pipelined 64-bit ARM processor; implemented in SystemVerilog
ARM Assembly Gradient Descent Program
Verilog Implementation of an ARM LEGv8 CPU
Simplified, monocycle version of the LEGv8 processor designed by PCS Poli-USP and implemented in VHDL for Digital Systems II
A LEGv8 Language Server that implements the Microsof Language Server Protocol.
C++ disassembler for the LEGv8 subset of ARM.
Bitonic Sort in a simplified ARMv8 Assembly language
My bachelor's thesis @UniTS
A disassembler for LEGv8 machine code as required by Computer Science 321 @ Iowa State University, Fall 2021.
Insertion sort implemented in LEGv8 assembly as required by Computer Science 321 @ Iowa State University, Fall 2021.
Parser for legv8sim from Nom that converts to an intermediate representation to interpret a legv8 program
Engineered low-level microcontroller programs for real-time GPIO control, data processing, and registerlevel manipulation. Assembled and configured hardware setups, including microcontroller boards and interfacing GPIO pins with LEDs and buttons