There are 3 repositories under ace-editor topic.
Open-Source Implementation of the great
Configuration UI for Home Assistant
Gitit Bigger: 超棒的个人、团队Wiki/文档方案(Git、Markdown、Bootstrap、Ace、Docker)
Ace editor component for Streamlit.
Angular markdown editor based on ace editor
:fire: FireEdit is a real-time text editor which allows programmers work simultaneously.
A LaTeX and WYSIWYG editor with academic search functionality and other helpful tools
Django-ace-editor is an implementation of the Ace editor as a form widget.
A code editor component for Streamlit apps, built on top of react-ace, with custom themes and customizable interface elements.
A collection of Algorithms to Synchronise changes across multiple clients using Operational Transformation
Language-aware features for Ace Editor
C Compiler that generates readable Kotlin and C# - Written in Kotlin + Small web-based Editor with autocompletion
Online code editor based on P2P and JavaScript. Demo:
A web-component to add code editors to your web page powered via Ace Editor
数据库管理系统(DMS)一个可在web上进行数据库管理的平台, 功能包括数据源管理, 对应数据源表结构设计, 提供AceEditor进行数据查询, 表结构可以使用页面进行设计, 也可以自定义SQL 进行设计.你可以把他理解成web版本的workbench, naivcat
Collaborative code editor using Ace Editor, Code-Mirror, and ShareDB
A highly customizable code-inserting editor for markdown or other languages
Transform a JSON grammar into a syntax-highlight parser for ACE Editor
Online Judge for testing programming ability in C, C++, Java and Python.
Light and dark RStudio 1.2.x themes with colourblind-safe colours.
Ace ( ) Edit Mode for Ethereum's Solidity language ( ).
Realtime editor for creating webgl shaders
:heavy_check_mark:Implementation of Hackerrrank using django
Collection of Customizable Custom Elements
Decoder - A Competitive Programming Portal which is created using MEAN stack
Syntax highlighting for R HTML documentation
A fully Antlr4 supported NPM Editor Library