There are 3 repositories under impact-analysis topic.
GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing.
Measuring the impact of open source software
Insights and exploratory data analysis on the health of open source software ecosystems
This repository contains a novel time-series dataset for impact detection and localization on a plastic thin-plate, towards Structural Health Monitoring applications, using ceramic piezoelectric transducers (PZTs) connected to an Internet of Things (IoT) device.
📄↔📄 A tool to diff Puppet catalogs
In this project I used ML modeling and data analysis to predict ad clicks and significantly improve ad campaign performance, resulting in a 43.3% increase in profits. The selected model was Logistic Regression. The insights provided recommendations for personalized content, age-targeted ads, and income-level targeting, enhancing marketing strategy.
Impact analysis of software change leveraging ML, NLP models from huge number of test cases and requirement documents written in English – Using Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) model
Chilean Political Science Impact Ranking
Implementing standard econometric models using Stochastic Gradient Descent and Perceptrons instead of MLE and GMM.
A deep learning classifier for classifying ideational impact of research papers.
Electric Vehicle Load Profiles Generator for LV grid studies
Research impact in the academic world. Citation statistics and network analysis.
Website for showing the all codes and methodology to analyze compound extreme events and their socio-economic impacts.
GPS Controlled Robotic Vehicle for Environmental Impact Analysis
This is a showcase code from a real quasi-experiment (Diff-in-Diff) evaluation I led with Save the children US in Iraq on child rearing practices and early childhood development.
Ruby language samples for Nexosis API
Rate based Static Impact Analysis for robotic systems
This is a starter kit for building a bare-bones impact measurement software aligned with the Common Impact Data Standard. This repository contains demo code to import and view data impact data aligned with the Common Impact Data Standard.
Contraceptives are a transformative tool for health and life opportunities for those capable of pregnancy. In this analysis, I investigate interventions to increase contraceptive use, and find that education increases contraceptive use, specifically long term, across ages.
Urban flood database
A CSE225:Numerical Methods course project on Curve Fitting regression and Interpolation
Fully functional KoboToolbox surveys used for impact evaluations, developed completely on excel, then uploaded to Kobo servers for deployment and collection.
An R package offering quick and easy prototyping for non-causal impact analysis.
QuickU's uniform marketing across segments needs segmentation analysis to leverage each segment's behavior.
Replication code and data for Michler, J.D, Tjernström, E., Verkaart, S., and Mausch, K. (2019). "Money Matters: The Role of Yields and Profits in Agricultural Technology Adoption." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101 (3): 710-31.
PaperImpact: A Comprehensive System for Analyzing the Impact of Scientific Publications
Design and implement monitoring and evaluation frameworks. Measure and report on the impact of programs.
The first DeFi aggregator project supporting Green Blockchain infrastructure and framework for eco-projects, startups, micro, small and medium size enterprises for the formal and the informal sectors.
In this project we will run an A/B testing analysis by leveraging the Chi-Square test for independence and assess the impact of a new ecommerce web page on the users conversion rate compared to an old web page.
This is a showcase code to implement a Random Forest ML method for variable importance.
Analise utilizando yfinance para medir o impacto da flutuação cambial sobre brasileiros que recebem salários em USD
Simulate the impact dynamics of a dice rolled in a box using SymPy