There are 36 repositories under urban-planning topic.
Download, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and other geospatial features from OpenStreetMap.
Gallery of OSMnx tutorials, usage examples, and feature demonstations.
Community list of data & technology resources concerning the built environment and communities. 🏙️🌳🚌🚦🗺️
A deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based approach for spatial layout of land use and roads in urban communities. (Nature Computational Science)
The Complete Street Rule for ArcGIS CityEngine is a scenario oriented design tool intended to enable users to quickly create procedurally generated multimodal streets.
QGIS toolkit 🧰 for pre- and post-processing 🔨, visualizing 🔍, and running simulations 💻 in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model 🌀
Code, data and prose of the book: Spatial Microsimulation with R
Computational tools for urban analysis
An open-source tool for calculating and reporting spatial indicators for healthy, sustainable cities worldwide using open or custom data.
Open framework for calculating spatial urban sprawl indices and performing disaggregated population estimates using open data
Code to repeat the experiments of "The economic value of neighborhoods: Predicting real estate prices from the urban environment"
Source code for the paper "Growing urban bicycle networks", exploring algorithmically the limitations of urban bicycle network growth
Meirim is an open-source smart city application that facilitates transparency in urban planning.
3D web app for participatory planning in Dumbo, Brooklyn NY
🏙 Design a city in Swift code (WWDC 2018 submission, ACCEPTED)
A standalone version of Urban Pulse
NetAScore - Network Assessment Score Toolbox for Sustainable Mobility
[EMNLP 2024 Industry Track & KDD UrbComp 2024 Best Paper Award] ITINERA: Integrating Spatial Optimization with Large Language Models for Open-domain Urban Itinerary Planning
A prototype for interactive 3D urban planning analysis on the web based on the ArcGIS Javascript API 4.3.
Road traffic data for Lebanon collected between 2014 and 2019.
The Safer Streets Priority Finder enables you to analyze the risk to bicyclists and pedestrians on your community’s roads.
Open source fork of the sDNA (Spatial Design Network Analysis) software
Prototype toolkit for sustainable urban design at the speed of thought.
Accumulated shadow data computed for New York City
A Ruby gem to get planning applications data from UK council websites.
Deep Neural Network model to predict security perception from Google Street View images. Model based on AlexNet CNNs
Areas-of-Interest (AOI) for and with OpenStreetMap.