There are 0 repository under nexosis-api topic.
Javascript client for the Nexosis API
Swift client for the Nexosis API
Sample code that shows how to interact with the Nexosis Api
Ruby language samples for Nexosis API
Java based Nexosis API client
Machine Learning for Fun: Bigfoot and the Impact of the X-Files
Sample using Nexosis API PowerShell Module to forecast Web Sessions on Google Analytics.
Nexosis Github Pages Documentation Site
Forecasts your fitbit activity using the Nexosis API
PowerShell client for the Nexosis API
Sample appliction used to analyze air quality data from the U.S. State Department
Sample application using the Nexosis Api to generate Impact analysis of player tournaments.
Java sample that illustrates how to use Nexosis API to show marketing impact on Facebook Page Likes.
Simple house price forecasting sample written in Scala using Zillow historical data.