There are 1 repository under impact-evaluation topic.
This repository contains the official implementation for the AAAI25 paper "From Words to Worth: Newborn Article Impact Prediction with LLM".
Making it easier to evaluate public good projects across the regen ecosystem with quality endorsements.
Implementing standard econometric models using Stochastic Gradient Descent and Perceptrons instead of MLE and GMM.
Reproducible workflows in R for processing open geodata to create knowledge about KfW supported protected areas and conservation effectiveness.
Replication Code for "Supporting Teacher Autonomy to Improve Education Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Brazil"
This repository contains the replication files for the paper "Do Private Consultants Promote Savings and Investments in Rural Mozambique?"
This is a showcase code from a real quasi-experiment (Diff-in-Diff) evaluation I led with Save the children US in Iraq on child rearing practices and early childhood development.
Repository to support knowledge dissemination and reproduction of the impact analysis of the project “Scaling-Up Assistance in Hard-to-Reach Areas, Phase II” (SAHaRA II) project
This is a starter kit for building a bare-bones impact measurement software aligned with the Common Impact Data Standard. This repository contains demo code to import and view data impact data aligned with the Common Impact Data Standard.
Fully functional KoboToolbox surveys used for impact evaluations, developed completely on excel, then uploaded to Kobo servers for deployment and collection.
Robust Extraction of Named Entities in Economics
Tutorial in French on impact evaluation applied to protected areas in Madagascar.
Tutorial in French and English on impact evaluation with Mapme tools applied to protected areas in Madagascar.
An R package for impact evaluation in vector and matrix systems.
Design and implement monitoring and evaluation frameworks. Measure and report on the impact of programs.
Neighborhood Legalization
This is a showcase code to implement a Random Forest ML method for variable importance.
Working paper: Can satellites help first responders in Ghana reduce food insecurity after catastrophic flooding? The foundations for a double-difference impact evaluation
Package for data analysis of the Impact Evaluation of WFP Resilience Window in South Sudan.