unl-nimbus-lab / rsia

Rate based Static Impact Analysis for robotic systems

Repository from Github https://github.comunl-nimbus-lab/rsiaRepository from Github https://github.comunl-nimbus-lab/rsia

RSIA: Rate based Static Impact Analysis for robotic systems

Impact set generator for ROS based systems implemented in C++. Tool extracts and uses the message transfer rate information between two components to reduce the impact set size.

  • Free software: MIT License


Rate based Impact Analysis



Instructions on how to use RSIA on a sample system can be found here.


Dependency Analysis Tool

  • Generates system dependency graph from source code
  • Annotation of graph edges with rate-independent labels

Impact Analysis Tool

  • DFS based component reachability analysis starting at a changed node
  • Configurable stopping conditions for graph exploration
  • Simulation of traditional IA techniques

Helper Tools

  • Parsing of ROS based .launch files
  • Single command build and analysis of the whole system


NIMBUS Lab at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

This work was partially supported by NSF under awards #1526652 and #1638099 and USDA-NIAF #2013-67021-20947.


Rate based Static Impact Analysis for robotic systems

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 98.9%Language:CMake 1.1%