There are 1 repository under bsp-tree topic.
[[ ARCHIVED ]] gann(go-approximate-nearest-neighbor) is a library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search written in Go
This is a 3d engine written from scratch in my last semester on the university (Spring 2009)
Rendering BSP v30 files from Halflife and it's modifications. (CSTRIKE, TFC, VALVE)
A Python wrapper for the lightning fast fast3tree library, a BSP tree implementation written by Peter Behroozi.
Spatial point location using binary space partition tree
dungeon generator menggunakan algoritma BSP Tree dan Revursive Backtracking
Create HaxeFlixel game maps using BSP Trees.
general programming, languages: Python, C, C++, Java
Unity one button game mechanic prototype
Understanding BSP for Procedural Level Generation
Stuff about space partitioning data structures
Dungeon generator using a BSP tree.
Bounding Volumes (BV), BV Hierachies and Spatial Partitioning w/ OctTrees + BSPTrees for Spatial Data Structures Study
Integrating BSP trees for procedural environment regeneration in Unity-3D using C#
[Papers] Slides I made when I was student (french only): BSP, Law control, Principle of least action, Simulated annealing