There are 0 repository under 3dengine topic.
3DreamEngine is an *awesome* 3d engine for LÖVE.
C++ 3D Engine developed during the Master's Degree in AAA Videogames Development.
Bang OLD REPO. Please go to the current repo ============>
A software renderer for educational purpose.
3d game engine
Interactive voxel rendering using R
Basic C++ Framework for games, it wraps the basic GPU interface (Meshes, Textures, Shaders, Application).
Open Source Game Engine
OpenGL Python 3D Engine
For VS2015 Integration
it's an unfinished game engine using the SDL lib, i'll return to finish developing it some day
Tutorials for Harfang High Level
100% GDScript!! 3D polygon software rendering, raycaster-like logic using bodies in an area! ...Welcome to WEGTEK.
Samurai Commando (alpha version)
3dEngine is a basic 3d real-time rendering engine written in c++ using OpenGL GLM and the SDL.
Repository of my Code Lyoko fangame prototype named BLOK.