There are 2 repositories under polytopes topic.
A tour in the wonderland of math with python.
Polyhedral Computation Interface
A tool for building and visualizing polytopes.
Symbolic (analytical) polyhedron projection by Fourier-Motzkin elimination using SymPy
ResPol is a software to compute projections of Newton polytopes of important polynomials in algebraic geometry such as the resultant defined for a given polynomial system.
MQM2019 Poster
Tools for Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in normal toric varieties associated to triangulations of reflexive polytopes in the Kreuzer-Skarke lists.
Discrete Hopf Fibrations
This repository contains code for visualizing robot capability specially wrench polytope capacity of cable driven shoulder joint
The Julia distribution of the POlyhedron Representation Transformation Algorithm (PORTA).
Code to support project in Ehrhart Theory
Deep Q-learning reinforcement learning model to generate fine regular star triangulations of reflexive polytopes.
Kaggle Polytope Permutation Challenge
Random sampling of convex polytopes
Personal website for projects and blogs.
This repository is a MATLAB version of hyperplane shifting algorithm that can be used to represent available wrench set facets