There are 8 repositories under physical-modeling topic.
Physical modelling signal processing for analog tape recording
SLIDE is C++ code that simulates degradation of lithium ion cells. It extends the single particle model with various degradation models from literature. Users can select which degradation models they want to use for a given simulation.
Modelica library to build physical models of nuclear and combined cycle gas power plants. Based on ThermoSysPro library
Virtual Analog Modelling using the NodalDK method and Wave Digital Filters
This work considers combine multi-tricks with highway network to achieve traffic flow prediction accurately.
A physical modelling library for SuperCollider
Code associated with the paper "Physical Modeling using Recurrent Neural Networks with Fast Convolutional Layers"
R package for the simulation of leaf optical properties based on their biochemical and biophysical properties using the PROSPECT leaf model. A tutorial can be found on the gitlab website
A collection of virtual analog models in the form of MATLAB scripts.
Felix: Bloch wave method diffraction pattern simulation software
Hybrid physical-ML models (source code of "Soil Moisture Forecasting integrating Physical-based Model with Deep Learning", Advanced in Atmospheric Science)
Massively parallel hybrid particle-field molecular dynamics (hPF-MD) simulation method in Julia
🎸 Let's use physical modeling to synthesize guitar music in less than 15kb of JS code and make it play SOS by ◢ ◤ Avicii 👨🎤
Simulator based on the real physical phenomenons acting in a wildfire, deals with wind, heat more.
A virtual harpsichord based on Karplus-Strong string synthesis
A course on implementing a Bayesian workflow using Stan.
A comprehensive simulation platform integrating vehicle dynamics, environment emulation, body controls, and battery management for holistic testing and validation of automated vehicles.
[KDD 2022] T-Cell Receptor-Peptide Interaction Prediction with Physical Model Augmented Pseudo-Labeling
Harpejji VST developed as my Bachelor's Thesis using physical modeling of the strings.
This is the computer code corresponding to "Microbial physiology governs the oceanic distribution of dissolved organic carbon in a scenario of equal degradability"
Implementation of the Modified Nodal Analysis Algorithmn for a real-time audio plugin
This repository presents three audio plugins developed to assess the efficiency of algorithms designed to prevent mechanical overload of loudspeakers.
This repo covers the processes of designing a database by performing logical, conceptual and physical data modelling processes, creating the designed database using DML and DDL on various database server systems and performing SQL queries on the created database.
Modelling electrical motor dynamics using neural networks.
Code for the physical modelling for sound synthesis class - Spring18
Analytical derivation of the stochastic output of coincidence detection (CD) neurons