There are 0 repository under invertebrates topic.
Object detection models for identifying species in marine environments.
An online toolset to manage and analyze data collected from insect camera traps for research and conservation efforts.
Code and data used for analysis and estimation of invertebrate biodiversity on a temperate forested island (Hauturu) based on DNA barcodes and soil DNA metabarcoding data.
Bash and Python pipelines and scripts from the Invertebrates & Microbiology Group at the Queensland University of Technology to help make data analysis easy.
Android app for gathering data of species
📦 Data and R code to explore sensitivity of subantarctic invertebrates to warming - Renault et al. (2022) []
Trait database of aquatic invertebrate traits assigned at the genus level for taxa found in floodplain wetlands of the Wolastoq | Saint John River, New Brunswick, Canada
📂 Metal oxides influence on Ni bioavailability in surface sediments
Kioloa biodiversity and community analyses for ENVS2018 Environmental Science Field School run by Fenner School of Environment and Society at The Australian National University.
Lithofacies and temporal variation predict composition of Siluro-Devonian vertebrate, invertebrate, and plant communities