There are 13 repositories under health-economics topic.
:page_facing_up: List of health economics R packages.
R package for microsimulation
The survdigitzerR digitizes published KM curves and extracts survival times and events to be used as input to a digitization algorithm to generate pseudo individual patient level data. The survdigitzeR package is currently under development.
An AI, Machine Learning and Blockchain based healthcare ecosystem that predicts health outcome, divulges users' and environmental health risk; mitigates illicit drug use.
:deciduous_tree::deciduous_tree: Lightweight cost-effectiveness analysis using decision trees.
:green_heart: :yellow_heart: :heart: An R package to calculate time-dependent person cost and health functions e.g. quality-adjusted life-years with discounting.
An introduction book to doing standard health economics and HTA in R.
Collection of R Packages that support analysis for the purposes of Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
Health Economics simulation
A repository for the Advanced Programming Tutorial that teaches you how to develop an interactive model using Shiny
Health Economics in R Hackathon, Imperial College 2019
Global Health Policy Simulation model (Health-GPS)
PSA-ReD is a novel approach to the traditional scatterplot for displaying the results of Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis. Here, we provide the script and an example dataset so that everyone can use this new and improved approach. This new approach is described in detail in the paper titled "Increasing the information provided by probabilistic sensitivity analysis: The relative density plot"
Replicated code and exercises from 'Evidence Synthesis for Decision Making in Healthcare', Welton J., et al. 2012
R package that provides models and functions to fit non-standard NMAs: piecewise exponential models and fractional polynomial models for grouped survival data (derived from digitized Kaplan-Meier curves).
[UNDER DEVELOPMENT] R package implementing the DAEDALUS model for projecting and optimising health, social, and economic costs of a pandemic.
The goal of ‘aldvmm’ is to fit adjusted limited dependent variable mixture models of health state utilities in R. Adjusted limited dependent variable mixture models are finite mixtures of normal distributions with an accumulation of density mass at the limits, and a gap between 100% quality of life and the next smaller utility value. The package ‘aldvmm’ uses the likelihood and expected value functions proposed by Hernandez Alava and Wailoo (2015) using normal component distributions and a multinomial logit model of probabilities of component membership.
Code repository for "A Sensitivity Analysis Framework for Health Economic Evaluation in Middle Income Countries: Appropriately Incorporating a Comprehensive Approach"
Tools for applying budget impact analysis to projects developed with the ready4suite
An Artificial Intelligence process for identifying significant predictors of public health outcomes among among multiple geographic layers in large scale population datasets.
A collection of public data sources at sub-state geographic layers with informative information on public health outcomes.
Health Economics in R Data Dive, Queen's University Belfast 2020
Intermediate tutorial on time-dependent Markov models
Foundation library of ready4 software framework for transparent, reusable and updatable health economic models.
R package that facilitates the use of discrete event simulations without resource constraints for cost-effectiveness analysis.
R package that facilitates performing survival analysis to support the creation of Excel based economic models by providing helper functions to use alongside the flexsurv package.
R package that extends the rpsftm package with some useful default reports and functions to facilitate sensitivity analysis. Covering descriptive, diagnostic and reporting aspects.
IPECAD open-source model
Systematic scoping review paper for healthcare DES model sharing.
Cost-effectiveness analysis comparing two interventions with probabilistic sensitivity analysis.
Website of Acumen - Alliance for Mental Health Systems Models
A grammar of survival operations
Tools for mapping a range of measures routinely collected in youth mental health services to AQoL 6D utility
Simulating time-to-event data from parametric distributions, custom distributions, competing risk models and general multi-state models in Stata