There are 2 repositories under decision-analysis topic.
🎓 Uni-Bonn Decision Analysis graduate course, lectures and materials
Financial modelling in real estate asset & development planning, decision-making, cashflow forecasting, and scenario analysis.
Multiple criteria decision analysis scripts
Knowledge Commons research group's repository
Prescriptive Analytics Case. A simple implementation of AHP and TOPSIS in python to help a human selecting a phone within an array of 10k celphone options based on a given budget.
Web interface for decision support using inference diagrams and Monte Carlo simulations.
R code for the case study in the manuscript titled "Probability bound analysis: A novel approach for quantifying parameter uncertainty in decision-analytic modeling and cost-effectiveness analysis."
A case study on optimization methods to evaluate whether to construct or extend existing distribution centres to sustain growth of a clothing brand
Group project by Mary Grace Barbacias, Marina Bigerna, Sara Florido, Arnaud Kentsa, and Frederic Schoenbach under Prof Corey Whitney and Eike Luedeling in Decision Analysis and Forecasting in Agricultural Development module at Bonn University. Makes use of the R package decisionSupport (Luedeling et. al).
A route optimization model for urban disaster evacuation planning in Montreal using GTFS data
R-codebase for scholarly article (PhD-Paper2)
This repository contains tutorials/explanations about decision analysis. Some examples of decision analysis also performed using R programming languages.
decision analysis / bayesian networks and influence diagrams
DA tools example using the supplementary from Lanzanova et al (2019)
Accompanying Julia code for research paper, "System Effects in Identifying Risk-Optimal Data Requirements for Digital Twins of Structures"
A multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)-based composite proxy target variable generation technique for business decision modeling that uses relevant features or independent variables conceptually related to the intended target variable.
Website of Acumen - Alliance for Mental Health Systems Models
A decision analysis whether smallholder farmes in Nepal should intercrop their rubber monocultures with black pepper. A contribution of the online-team to the module "Desicion Analysis and Forecasting for Agricultural Development" at University Bonn.
A digital companion to the research paper "Data-driven support for policy and decision-making in university research management: A case study from Germany", by Alona Zharova, Wolfgang Karl Härdle, and Stefan Lessmann.
R-codebase for a scientific research article, titled "The TruEnd-procedure: Treating trailing zero-valued balances in credit data"
Statistical Issues in the Design and Analysis of Series of N-of-1 Trials
Shrunk versus naive individual treatment effects in aggregated n-of-1 trials
Impact pathway and impact forecast of Integrated Soil Fertility Management
A fast implementation of the Expected Value of Perfect Parameter Information (EVPPI) for large Monte Carlo simulations
Repository for Decision Analysis projects.
Rice farming with crop rotation in Indonesia [a group project from Decision Analysis course]
MCDM using TOPSIS: A technique for multi-criteria decision making, utilizing the TOPSIS method to evaluate alternatives based on multiple criteria.
Decision model on investment in urban school gardens for food environment outcomes (Hanoi, Vietnam case)