There are 2 repositories under vaccines topic.
Open Data su consegna e somministrazione dei vaccini anti COVID-19 in Italia - Commissario straordinario per l'emergenza Covid-19
An AI, Machine Learning and Blockchain based healthcare ecosystem that predicts health outcome, divulges users' and environmental health risk; mitigates illicit drug use.
Researchers around the world are trying to develop safe and effective vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Here's their progress so far.
Monitoring Italian conversations around vaccines on multiple social media (Twitter, Facebook)
Tooling is built off of Vaccine Spotter to send you notifications when COVID-19 vaccine appointments become available in your area. :syringe:
Check Argentina's public vaccination efforts
It is a Facebook Messenger Bot that helps hospitals or healthcare services to remind parents about their kid's vaccination days
Datos procesados de vacunas COVID19 en PerĂş. Datos originales de
Website to ensure proper vaccination of children by fruitful communication between parents and docters.
CLI for admins to manage the Vaccine Hunters Finder tool.
A rep to hold the code for our crew project
eNERVE is a dynamic, high-throughput and standalone in silico reverse vaccinology pipeline for eukaryotic protein candidate vaccines (PVCs) discovery from entire proteomes (FASTA file).
A CLI tool to process customer orders of COVID-19 vaccines for a shipping company. Developed with C++11.
Find the best investment opportunity among vaccine companies.
Python Script to notify you via your telegram bot about vaccine availability on
Streamlit Dashboard: Trend of vaccines on Italy
Repo for J. Waring's CURO 2017 project
This is a centralized repository for the Texas Vaccine Updates Slack group bots.
SARS-CoV-2 and Oxford-Astrazeneca / Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine pathways. Also describes immune responses, both to the vaccine itself and to post-vaccination viral invasion.
A demo serverless express.js api serving static information about children's vaccines and sample locations.
A tool to show the recommended date for the second dose of the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines.
A GDSC AI Bootcamp Capstone project for predicting the likeliness of individuals to take the H1N1 vaccine .
A ruby script that polls CoWIN api's to check availability of vaccine slots
Projeto Final da Disciplina POO 2020.2 Um sistema feito em Java para fazer o controle de vacinas de uma cidade, e mostrando as estatisticas das vacinas.
A cross-platform (Android, iOS, Web) dashboard to represent the trend of the Covid-19 vaccines distribution and administration in Italy.
This library is a PlugNPlay version of our novel pipeline VacSIM. We have built a pipeline that makes Reinforcement Learning guided policies for optimal distribution of Covid vaccines.
Buzz Kiosks for the Minnesota Department of Health Vaccines project
A project on designing a deceptive data graphic. Dataset from Toronto's Open Data portal:
A classifier to distinguish between informative tweets and junk/other tweets
Code and data associated with Billings et al., "High dose inactivated influenza vaccine inconsistently improves heterologous antibody responses in an elderly human cohort", in preparation.
DrivenData competition predicting H1N1 and flu vaccination.