There are 3 repositories under head-tracking topic.
Unity plugin for Apple Headphone Motion API.
Linux service for interacting with XR devices
Inside Out Positional Tracking (6DoF) for GearVR/Cardboard/Daydream using ARCore v1.6.0
The Phoenix Head Tracker is a program that interfaces with Xreal Air glasses to capture and analyze sensor data. By detecting changes in the user's head yaw and pitch, this program can send this gyro data to Opentrack UDP or can control the computer mouse to look around in video games
Easy, fast and efficient Head Tracking application using only webcam.
Combines Tobii eye tracking with TrackIR head tracking for a fast hands-free mouse replacement, in Rust!
iOS app, which demonstrates how to use headphones motion data.
Mouse control via head tracking, as a cross platform desktop app and JS library. eViacam alternative.
Jabberwocky Head Tracking Kit for iOS
WIP OpenCV webcam head tracker based on coloured markers
This folder contains a solution for a camera mouse enabling mouse control (moving mouse cursor, clicking and dragging) by head movements.
This is firmware source code for the mainboard controller a new Open-Source Motion Simulator Platform that is able to perform Yaw, Pitch and Roll based on input from Game-Telemetry Data or Directly from Head-tracker using BNO085 Inertia Measuring Unit
a git repository for Johnny Chung Lee's Wii Remote Head Tracking code (not my project)
Приложения для отслеживания головы в VR / VR tracking apps
Let the Dragonborn look at you. Smile To Camera SSE port by lyne408.
Jabberwocky Head Tracking Cordova Plugin for iOS
Proxies user input away from the Shortcuts app. Made with Vocable AAC’s head tracking implementation.
Project IRIS for AT-Hackathon 2018
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An Android app to control Fifty50 and view the livestream in VR with Google Cardboard
Contribution of Semanux to the GKV im:pulse accelerator. Demo at!
Using the Bosch XDK Orientation-Sensor, a PC software and OpenTrack to stream head tracking data from the sensor board to the final application.
Random experiment with head tracking + Minecraft.