There are 0 repository under collagen topic.
Python package that uses colorspace-based segmentation to analyze histopathology images.
A python package to analyze the matrix fiber orientation and intensity around cells in fiber matrices (as a proxy for cellular forces).
Intelligent System for Analysis, Model Building And Rational Design.
A Python package to conduct 3D Traction Force Microscopy on multicellular aggregates (spheroids).
Shape Collage generator for Windows !
A web application for atomistic modelling of coiled coils and collagens.
MSDS Thesis - Pan-Collagen Survival Analysis of CNV in Ovarian Cancer
ImageJ / FIJI script to analyse picrosirius red stained sections imaged under polarising light
Species identification based on mass spectrometry biomarker clustering
ImageJ / FIJI script to assess the orientation of collagen fibres in SHG images
Matlab based program for automatic chain tracing for AFM images of single molecule collagen, DNA, and other polymers.
Expression, biological and clinical relevance of the collagen pathway genes in prostate carcinoma