There are 1 repository under 42heilbronn topic.
AWESOME little badges for 42 curriculum projects. A collection of badges(icons). Feel free to use them after staring the repository :) Contributions are welcomed! A special thanks to the actual artist who created the badges from the current version -> @lrcouto
My solution and basic explanantion on Net_Practice and networking basics.
It's like cutting an onion. Will make you cry. 1000+ tests to dance on your nerves.
Writing a simple sHell. 42_minishell
This project is about creating a SPA with a playable multiplayer pong game, chat, profiles, leaderboard etc.
Useful command shortcuts to make your life easier 42 zshrc
push_swap is a sorting algorithm based on sorting two stacks with the least amount of moves.
42 Python for Data Science
My solution for CPP Module 03 of the Common core of 42 school.
My solution for CPP Module 00 of the Common core of 42 school.
🚀 Overview of all my projects @ 42 Heilbronn ⭐️
3D rendering with openGL for the 42_scop project
My solutions to 42 Heilbronn Piscine challenges ≖‿≖
My solution for CPP Module 01 of the Common core of 42 school.
My solution for CPP Module 04 of the Common core of 42 school.
A simplified isometric 3D engine that represents a relief landscape from a matrix of points.
Setting up an infrastructure of containerized services.
A small data exchange program, based on client/server model, using UNIX signals.
Text-based communication protocol 42_IRC
Extends the classic Dining Philosophers problem to a larger group of philosophers. The problem requires finding a solution that allows all the philosophers to eat without deadlock or starvation, even as the number of philosophers increases.
This project is an introduction to the beautiful world of Raytracing.
This is a project that I did in 42 Heilbronn. The goal is to create mini version of bash shell, that also supports redirections, pipes, env variables, assignments and many more. We were a team of 2 devs, that work on that project.
42 Data Science Piscine using SQL, Python and docker-compose