waako / awesome-stars

Awesome list of my starred repositories

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Awesome Stars Awesome

A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by stargazed

🏠 Contents


  • critical-path-css-demo - Above-the-fold CSS generation + inlining using Critical & Gulp
  • mobile-menu-a11y-demo - A Mobile Menu widget, demo code for one of my JavaScript Accessibility talks.
  • accecss - AcceCSS A Sass Mixin That debug & check the accessibility of your designs
  • generator-greenfield - A full and clean frontend web workflow Yeoman generator. Simple configuration, powerful preprocessing and image pipeline, livereload and a highly optimized production build output
  • webdesignerschecklist - No Longer Maintained : A general workflow checklist for visual designers working within a team setting where they'll be sharing visual exploration and comps with a developer.


  • SketchRunner - The macOS application that can launch the Sketch when its trial expired.
  • modern.IE-VM-Installer - AppleScript to install modern.IE VMs with one click in VirtualBox for Mac.
  • SpotifyControl - Control Spotify through the OS X Terminal


  • Automated_Curtains - A system to automatically open curtains when an alarm time passes
  • tempbase - WiFi temperature sensor with Arduino MKR1000
  • Arduino-Energy-Monitor - A simple Arduino-based current and temperature monitor
  • climaduino - Open source thermostat with humidity control for the Arduino using the DHT22 sensor
  • emonTH - An open-source wireless temperature and humidity monitoring node
  • TinyTX - ATtiny84 & RFM12B wireless sensor node
  • Arduino-Oil-Level-Logger - Arduino based oli level logger is a measurement device for Domoticz home automation system which monitors fill rate of oil tank.
  • avocado - An interaction design toolbox


  • prometheus - Prometheus - a Drupal installation profile


  • time-tracker - A script to track time of your activities. Development stopped.


  • circuitpython - CircuitPython - a Python implementation for teaching coding with microcontrollers
  • rtl_433 - Program to decode traffic from Devices that are broadcasting on 433.9 MHz like temperature sensors
  • hstr - Bash and zsh shell history suggest box - easily view, navigate, search and manage your command history.
  • tidy-html5 - The granddaddy of HTML tools, with support for modern standards
  • Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3 - Open Vehicle Monitoring System - Version 3
  • lora_gateway - Driver/HAL to build a gateway using a concentrator board based on Semtech SX1301 multi-channel modem and SX1257/SX1255 RF transceivers.
  • system-bus-radio - Transmits AM radio on computers without radio transmitting hardware.
  • httrack - HTTrack Website Copier, copy websites to your computer (Official repository)
  • Wio_Link - Wio_Link 8266
  • twenty-fifty-new-look - The source code for the new look version of the 2050 calculator
  • sigfox_gps_tracker - Tutorial on how to make a GPS tracker using the TD1205 with Sigfox connectivity
  • sonoffsc - Itead Studio SonoffSC custom firmware with MQTT and Domoticz support
  • souliss-smart-thermostat-WiFi - ESP8266 WiFi Smart Thermostat based on Souliss IoT Framework
  • ESP8266_Relay_Board - 1CH MQTT WiFi Relay/Thermostat Board
  • tig - Text-mode interface for git
  • mozjpeg - Improved JPEG encoder.
  • mjolnir - Lightweight automation and productivity app for OS X
  • ttygif - Convert terminal recordings to animated gifs
  • tts - Command-line time tracking
  • toxcore - The future of online communications.
  • seafile - High performance file syncing and sharing, with also Markdown WYSIWYG editing, Wiki, file label and other knowledge management features.


  • duplicati - Store securely encrypted backups in the cloud!
  • Emby - Emby Server is a personal media server with apps on just about every device.
  • ShareX - ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to many supported destinations you can choose from.


  • OpenMQTTGateway - MQTT gateway for ESP8266, ESP32, Sonoff RF Bridge or Arduino with bidirectional 433mhz/315mhz/868mhz, Infrared communications, BLE, beacons detection, mi flora / mi jia / LYWSD02/ Mi Scale compatibility, SMS & LORA.
  • Wemos-Weather-Station - Outdoor Weather Station with Wind Speed, direction &Rainfall sensors
  • NodeMCU-Home-Automation-Sensor - Readme/Diagram for the "Kube" NodeMCU/DHT22 based MQTT temp/humidity home automation multi-sensor with local OLED display)
  • Sonoff-Tasmota - Provide ESP8266 based itead Sonoff with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE or PlatformIO
  • CopyQ - Clipboard manager with advanced features
  • EmonESP - ESP8266 WIFI serial to emoncms link
  • Arduino - ESP8266 EasyIoT library and sensor examples
  • esp8266-dht22-sensor -
  • libsass - A C/C++ implementation of a Sass compiler
  • calaos_base - Calaos server and touchscreen interface
  • electron - :electron: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • emonpi - Raspberry Pi Based Energy Monitor
  • zeal - Offline documentation browser inspired by Dash
  • Homer-Conferencing - Homer is a free cross-platform SIP softphone with video support.
  • znc-push - Push notification service module for ZNC


  • just-the-docs - A modern, high customizable, responsive Jekyll theme for documention with built-in search.
  • pocorgtfo - a "PoC or GTFO" mirror with extra article index, direct links and clean PDFs.
  • a11y-css-reset - A small set of global rules to make things accessible and reset default styling
  • tufte-pandoc-css - Starter files for using Pandoc Markdown with Tufte CSS
  • a11y.club - Accessibility Club website
  • pesticide - Kill your css layout bugs
  • FontFamous - Font Famous is the free vector media logo font.
  • RemixIcon - Open source neutral style icon system
  • themify - 👨‍🎨 CSS Themes Made Easy. A robust, opinionated solution to manage themes in your web application
  • typefaces - NPM packages for Open Source typefaces
  • new-moon - 🌙 The optimized dark theme for web development.
  • webfont-kits - Webfont kits for websites
  • empathy-prompts - 💡 Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.
  • midnight-red - A gorgeous dark theme for Node-RED
  • diveintoaccessibility - Copy of 'Dive Into Accessibility' by Mark Pilgrim
  • css-animation-101 - Learn how to bring animation to your web projects
  • sass-a11ycolor - 🌈 Generate the nearest accessible color with Sass.
  • modern-js-by-example - An example driven guide on modern javascript with real world and easy to understand examples
  • intro-to-testing - Slides for "Testing Like You've Never Tested Before (Because You Haven't)"
  • localFont - Implement localStorage web font caching in seconds
  • icono - One tag One icon, no font or svg, Pure CSS
  • sphinx_rtd_theme - Sphinx theme for readthedocs.org
  • flexbox-patterns - Patterns for using flexbox CSS to build awesome UI components.
  • 11ty.io - Documentation site for the Eleventy static site generator.
  • file-icon-vectors - A collection of file type icons in SVG format
  • gridset - Downloaded sets from the now defunct Gridset app
  • boxicons - High Quality web friendly icons
  • onionshare-website - Source code for the OnionShare website
  • markdown-new-tab - 🗒️ ⏰ ✅ Save notes in Markdown directly in the 'New Tab' page
  • boilerform - Boilerform is a little HTML and CSS boilerplate to take the pain away from working with forms.
  • claro - ⛔️ DEPRECATED ⛔️ Project is worked in the Drupal.org issue tracker.
  • HoverEffectIdeas - Some inspiration and modern ideas for subtle hover effects.
  • garden-planner -
  • scss-mixins-collection - Collection of handy scss mixins
  • cssdb - A database of staged CSS features
  • load-awesome - An awesome collection of — Pure CSS — Loaders and Spinners
  • sass-planifolia - Vanilla Sass helper functions
  • select-css - Cross-browser styles for consistent select element styling
  • colorcube - Brand Color Palette Accessibility Color Checker Tool
  • hiq - A lightweight, progressive, high-IQ CSS framework.
  • source-sans-pro - Sans serif font family for user interface environments
  • base16-oceanic-next - A base16 version of oceanic-next
  • tufte-jekyll - Minimal Jekyll blog styled to resemble the look and layout of Edward Tufte's books
  • postcss-focus-visible - Use the :focus-visible pseudo-selector in CSS
  • css-sitemap - CSS stylesheet for generating a visual sitemap
  • slickmap - A Visual Sitemapping Tool for Web Developers
  • css-gridish - Automatically build your grid design’s CSS Grid code, CSS Flexbox fallback code, Sketch artboards, and Chrome extension.
  • jekyll-now - Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.
  • hacker101 - Hacker101
  • drupaltools.github.io - Open-source tools used for Drupal related tasks.
  • column-setter - Custom responsive grids in Sass that work in older browsers.
  • CrookedStyleSheets - Webpage tracking only using CSS (and no JS)
  • rfs - 📐 Automate your responsive workflow
  • city-lights-ui-atom -
  • lit - World's smallest responsive 🔥 css framework (395 bytes)
  • pace - Automatically add a progress bar to your site. #hubspot-open-source
  • Koa11y - Easily check for website accessibility issues
  • precss - Use Sass-like markup in your CSS
  • Micromodal - ⭕ Tiny javascript library for creating accessible modal dialogs
  • vivify - Vivify is free CSS animation library.
  • css-flags - A collection of pure CSS flags, all single divs.
  • minimal - A Theme for GitHub Pages
  • eleven - Drupal 8 admin theme that goes to 11
  • sass-tools - My Sass/Scss Mixins and more
  • adopteungit - Adopte un Git
  • one-dark-vivid-syntax - A more vivid One Dark Syntax theme
  • my-mac-os - List of applications and tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing
  • money.js - money.js is a tiny (1kb) javascript currency conversion library, for web & nodeJS
  • floating-label - A quick demo of floating, animated labels
  • Accessible-Tabs-and-Accordions - Progressively enhanced and accessible tabs and accordions script.
  • sass-boilerplate - A boilerplate for Sass projects using the 7-1 architecture pattern from Sass Guidelines.
  • Gutenberg - Modern framework to print the web correctly.
  • play.csssecrets.io - CSS Secrets Book live demos
  • grandstand - BBC Grandstand is a collection of common CSS abstractions and utility helper classes
  • thunderbird-monterail - A set of themes for thunderbird inspired by a Monterail blog post
  • mini.css - A minimal, responsive, style-agnostic CSS framework!
  • tentcss - 🌿 A CSS survival kit. Includes only the essentials to make camp.
  • basekick - Typographical baselines for CSS
  • spectral-jekyll-theme - A Jekyll version of the "Spectral" theme by HTML5 UP.
  • nord - An arctic, north-bluish color palette.
  • debugCSS - CSS to highlight potentially malformed, invalid or questionable markup.
  • frend.co - Frend — A collection of accessible, modern front-end components.
  • a11y-style-guide - Accessibility (A11Y) Style Guide
  • tachyons - Functional css for humans
  • core - Our Front-end baseplate, from mobile to desktop
  • accoutrement-scale - Size and scale helpers for typography and layout
  • accoutrement-color - Color helpers
  • css-aspect-ratio - A tiny module to help preserve aspect ratio in pure CSS
  • spectre - Spectre.css - A Lightweight, Responsive and Modern CSS Framework
  • expandable-image-gallery - An image that expands on click, going full-width and turning into a gallery.
  • weather-icons - Node-red weather icons
  • assemble - Get the rocks out of your socks! Assemble makes you fast at web development! Used by thousands of projects for rapid prototyping, themes, scaffolds, boilerplates, e-books, UI components, API documentation, blogs, building websites/static site generator, an alternative to Jekyll for gh-pages and more! Gulp- and grunt-friendly.
  • rin - A Lean HTML & SASS Boilerplate
  • vanilla-framework - From community websites to web applications, this CSS framework will help you achieve a consistent look and feel.
  • hack - ⛷ Dead simple CSS framework.
  • bear_skin - The base theme included with the Bear Starter Kit,
  • tasktimer - A way to time what you are doing.
  • square-one - Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 starter theme files with Gulp tasks.
  • open-color - Color scheme for UI design.
  • SpinThatShit - A set of SCSS mixins for single element loaders and spinners
  • SassMagic - Collection best of Sass mixins and function
  • SidebarTransitions - Some inspiration for transition effects for off-canvas navigations.
  • OffCanvasMenuEffects - Some inspiration for off-canvas menu effects and styles using CSS transitions and SVG path animations.
  • NavigationIndicators - Some navigation style ideas for slideshows, pages and other components that require a navigation. Shown on the example of a vertical slideshow.
  • SelectInspiration - Creative styles and ideas for custom select elements.
  • brainstorm - Project-brainstorm is a multi-purpose note-taking application which excells at free writing, prototyping, task lists and cheat sheets
  • normalize-scss - This is the Sass version of Normalize.css, a collection of HTML element and attribute rulesets to normalize styles across all browsers.
  • Gulp-Sass-Starter - Base kit with Gulp, Sass, Browsersync and more
  • family.scss - Family.scss is a set of Sass mixins which will help you to manage the style of :nth-child'ified elements, in an easy way.
  • typey - A complete framework for working with typography on the web.
  • gulp-susy-starter - Susy Starter that uses LibSass with Gulp
  • tootik - A pure CSS/SCSS/LESS Tooltips library. Super easy to use, No JavaScript required.
  • cts_demo-8.x -
  • mnml - Start a responsive html5 site with postcss and browser-sync
  • inStyle - Modify the current selector &: https://instyle-css.salsitasoft.com
  • inuitcss - Extensible, scalable, Sass-based, OOCSS framework for large and long-lasting UI projects.
  • ostrich-sans - A gorgeous modern sans-serif with a very long neck.
  • Fira - Mozilla's new typeface, used in Firefox OS
  • adminx - Drupal Admin theme
  • project-timeline - An HTML template for project timelines
  • timelined - A customizable CSS-only vertical timeline
  • shila-drupal-theme - Atomic design and Pattern Lab friendly, component-based, fairly unopinionated starting point for new Drupal 8 themes
  • reflex - responsive flexbox grid with inline-block legacy support
  • templatestarter2016 - Happy Cog frontend starter files
  • cutestrap - A strong, independent CSS Framework. Only 2.7KB minified & gzipped.
  • seven_ui - A repository to make some of the UI for Drupal 8's 'Seven' theme a bit more like Drupal 7's.
  • starter - A starter site for Jekyll + Prose
  • basscss - Low-level CSS Toolkit
  • gemma - A lightweight CSS library.
  • nameless - nameless starter theme
  • nerd-fonts - Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 40+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
  • web-design-standards-drupal - A Drupal base theme that uses the U.S. Web Design System. (ARCHIVED)
  • imagehover.css - Pure CSS Image Hover Effect Library
  • typi - A sass mixin to make responsive typography easy
  • juice - Mixins for Life
  • bulma - Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
  • paperless - Scan, index, and archive all of your paper documents
  • hamburgers - Tasty CSS-animated Hamburgers
  • workbench - A basic frontend boilerplate with some opinionated magic
  • nwdrupalwebsite - The website for the North West Drupal User Group
  • pattern - ProudCity Pattern Library
  • proudtheme - Drupal base theme for Proud based on the ProudCity Pattern Library with Bootstrap 3
  • DFAK - The Digital First Aid Kit has moved to Gitlab:
  • tutorials - Source files for our Bootstrap tutorials.
  • layers-css - A lightweight, unobtrusive and style-agnostic, CSS framework aimed for practical use cases. Comes with a small footprint and zero bullshit.
  • Overpass - Overpass open source web font family — Sponsored by Red Hat
  • pa11y-dashboard - Pa11y Dashboard is a web interface which helps you monitor the accessibility of your websites
  • stretchy - Form element autosizing, the way it should be.
  • Hover - A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.
  • perf.rocks - Curated resources that help you build lightning fast websites
  • sass-import-once - Ensures SASS modules can only be included once per build
  • IBM-Watson-Speech-QA-iOS - A native iOS app that creates a voice driven app experience using the Watson Speech to Text and Question & Answer services, with operational analytics powered by the Advanced Mobile Access service on IBM Bluemix. The native iOS app allows you to ask Watson questions in spoken language, and receive textual responses based on the Watson QA Healthcare
  • design-guide - IBM Watson's Design Guide
  • bristol_drupal_camp_demos - demonstrations from the bristol drupal camp demonstrations
  • parrot - Parrot sits on the shoulders of some great projects. Parrot is a Drupal 7 & 8 Mothership subtheme that uses "some" Bootstrap CSS structure, with SASS & Compass.
  • platformsh-docs - Platform.sh documentation
  • helpmy.design - A collection of articles and resources for designers and the masses about user experience, successful design patterns, and steering clear of costly outdated patterns.
  • frcss -
  • Hack-the-Hackpad - Make a blog rendering for hackpad
  • awesome-sket.ch - Source Code for
  • workshop - A workshop on creating style guides in Sass
  • generator-center-subtheme - Yeoman generator for the Prototype Drupal theme
  • contributor_covenant - Pledge your respect and appreciation for contributors of all kinds to your open source project.
  • docker-jumpstart - A quick introduction to Docker
  • chardonnay - RepEquity Drupal 8 starter theme.
  • monoset - Drupal 8 theme
  • seti-ui - A subtle dark colored UI theme for Atom.
  • d8modulestatus - D8 Contributed Module test coverage status.
  • Worthy - Free Bootstrap Template
  • PaymentFont - A sleek webfont featuring your favourite payment methods
  • lanyon-hugo - Port of poole/lanyon, to spf13/hugo
  • sassdown - Generates styleguides from Markdown comments in CSS, SASS and LESS files using Handlebars
  • cssnano - A modular minifier, built on top of the PostCSS ecosystem.
  • sass-burger - A Sass mixin for creating hamburger icons.
  • yy - a collection of sass utilities
  • solved-by-flexbox - A showcase of problems once hard or impossible to solve with CSS alone, now made trivially easy with Flexbox.
  • slackthemes - A Slack sidebar theme browser
  • trellosnap - Bug reporting tool that allows you to screenshot a page or snippet and post it to Trello as a card.
  • blocked-org-uk - Template front-end code, markup, style-sheets, images and other assets for the Censorship Monitoring Project (blocked.org.uk)
  • bem-constructor - A Sass library for building immutable and namespaced BEM-style CSS objects
  • reevo-redmine-theme - This is github-like theme for Redmine.
  • flatly_light_redmine - Flatly light redmine theme
  • redmine-theme-gitmike - This is github-like theme for Redmine.
  • sanitize.css - A best-practices CSS foundation
  • github-buttons - Showcase the success of any GitHub repo or user with these simple, static buttons with dynamic counts.
  • generator-drupal-gulp - Yeoman Generator: Drupal 7 Gulp Starter Theme for use as a starting template for building custom themes. Uses SCSS/SASS (with libsass compiler), HTML5 Boilerplate 5 with Modernizr and Normalize.css, and Gulp for all tasks.
  • hubpress.io - A web application to build your blog on GitHub
  • jekyll-foundation - A vanilla jekyll project using the latest version of foundation
  • bootsy - Bootstrap small projects and keep them organized with a simple folder structure.
  • sass-mq - A Sass mixin that helps you compose media queries in an elegant way.
  • social-share-kit - Library of decent and good looking CSS/JavaScript social sharing icons, buttons and popups
  • bassplate - Boilerplate for Basscss with PostCSS
  • chathub-client - :octocat: 💬 Chatrooms for your Github Projects
  • grunt-parker - Grunt plugin for parker, a stylesheet analysis tool.
  • material-design-iconic-font - Material Design Iconic Font and CSS toolkit
  • lanyon - A content-first, sliding sidebar theme for Jekyll.
  • Skeleton-Sass - A port of Skeleton's responsive grid framework to SASS
  • color-schemer - A sassy way to build color schemes
  • Skeleton - Skeleton: A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development
  • Google-Material-UI-Color-Palette -
  • flakes - Flakes is an Admin Template Framework. A combination of CSS Libraries, JavaScript Libraries and Design files that help you build business tools very quickly.
  • style-prototype - Example of an HTML/CSS style tile.
  • banana-chocolate-chip - Front-end framework for modern web apps powered by gulp, based on muffin.
  • color-me-sass - Colour library for the css preprocessor SASS
  • BootstrapBlocks - Bootstrap/HTML5 boilerpate based starter theme for Drupal 7.x
  • startup-demo - Demo Version of Startup Framework
  • a11y.css - This CSS file intends to warn developers about possible risks and mistakes that exist in HTML code. It can also be used to roughly evaluate a site's quality by simply including it as an external stylesheet.
  • drupal-boots - Bootstrap based starter theme for Drupal 7
  • monosocialiconsfont - Mono Social Icons Font
  • muffin - A design focused front-end web development template using SASS and Jekyll.
  • jekyll-example - Example Jekyll site with basic defaults and Sass enabled.
  • csstyle - MOVED TO https://github.com/csstyle/csstyle a modern approach for crafting beautifully maintainable stylesheets
  • iconizr - A PHP command line tool for converting SVG images to a set of CSS icons (SVG & PNG, single icons and / or CSS sprites) with support for image optimization and Sass output. Created by Joschi Kuphal (@jkphl), licensed under the terms of the MIT license
  • opendrupal-oxford - Resources for Open Drupal training in Oxford
  • disco - A simple visual git browser with pull request support.
  • sass-color-helpers - A collection of Sass color helpers that enables easier, more fool-proof design implementations (+ some math helpers)
  • sass-font-face -
  • marka - Beautiful transformable icons built for the web.
  • oscailte - Oscailte — A powerful light, clean, and responsive Octopress theme.
  • starboard - onboarding, offboarding, or crossboarding made easy
  • credentialmanagement - Credential Management
  • uptight - User Stylesheet functionality for Chrome 32+
  • gistblog - A blogging platform built on Github gists
  • sass-list-maps - Polyfill for map (hash/object) data functionality in libsass and ruby-sass < 3.3.x.
  • pinboard-chrome-extension - This Chrome extension improves the design and UX of Pinboard.in
  • patternbolt - A fine selection of SVG pattern background, packed in a single CSS or SCSS file. Add patterns just adding a class.
  • rework-color-function - Implements Tab Atkins's proposed color function in CSS.
  • devicons - Devicons - An iconic font made for developers
  • kittn - Kittn the frontent toolkit with more meow
  • browser-diet - 🍟 The definitive front-end performance guide
  • Sassy-Maps - Map helper functions for Sass 3.3 and up
  • SassyLists -
  • hellodrupal - A quick introduction to Drupal
  • scss-tooltips - SCSS / Sass Tooltip mixin
  • breakpoint-slicer - A very quick and efficient syntax for Breakpoint
  • jsonresume-theme-flat - A minimalistic theme for http://jsonresume.org/
  • webstiles - The modern tool to help prototyping in the browser
  • projects -
  • REVENGE.CSS - A CSS bookmarklet that puts pink error boxes (with messages in comic sans) everywhere you write bad HTML.
  • rdw-code-examples - Code examples from my book Responsive Design Workflow
  • jquery-ui-sass-rails - jQuery UI stylesheets packed as Sass files for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline
  • Singularity-extras - singularity-extras
  • crossass - A Sass mixin / function library for modular CSS like SMACSS, OOCSS, BEM etc.
  • poole - The Jekyll Butler.
  • generator-drupal-theme - A yeoman generator to start the foundation of any Drupal theme.
  • AllSeeingEye - Google Chrome Extension. Record All Browsing in Screenshots & Full Text. Search For Anything At Any Time. Never Forget Where You Read Something. Saves Everything To Your Machine, Not the Cloud, So Your Web History Stays With You.
  • github-card - :octocat: A web component to show a card for your GitHub profile
  • communitydata-styleguide - A Jekyll-based styleguide template.
  • open-iconic - An open source icon set with 223 marks in SVG, webfont and raster formats
  • frontend-styleguide - Keep your code clean, legible and beautiful!
  • card - 💳 make your credit card form better in one line of code
  • frontend-ops - Automate your frontend workflow: dev, debug, test, deploy
  • frontend-testing - Learn how to use Automated Frontend Testing tools. Covers functional and performance testing.
  • Style-Guide-Boilerplate-Bootstrap-Edition - A starting point for crafting living style guides.
  • sassline - Set text on the web to a baseline grid with Sass & rems using a responsive modular-scale.
  • grunt-email-workflow - A Grunt workflow for designing and testing responsive HTML email templates with SCSS.
  • Crumpet - Crumpet is a deliciously simple SASS/SCSS responsive framework that keeps your HTML clean & stays out of your way.
  • wtf-forms - Friendlier HTML form controls with a little CSS magic.
  • talk-origami -
  • bugger - Bugger is a collection of functions for debugging PHP code.
  • ResponsiveEmailPatterns - A collection of patterns & modules for responsive emails
  • project-hub - Project Hub
  • dbyll-ghost - Ghost port of the open-source jekyll theme, dbyll.
  • Spark - A jump start for front-end responsive development.
  • wtf-html-css - Common reasons your HTML and CSS may be fucked.
  • mvcss - Sass-based CSS Architecture
  • FullWidthTabs - 100% width tabbed content with some example media queries for smaller screens.
  • holmes - Holmes is stand-alone diagnostic CSS stylesheet that can highlight potentially invalid or erroneous HTML(5) markup by adding one class
  • atom-themes.github.io - The Atom Themes website, powered by Jekyll
  • hubdrop.github.io -
  • stackicons - Icon font and Sass-based construction kit for Stackicons-Social, which supports multiple button shapes and a unique "multi-color" option in CSS for over 60 social brands.
  • start - Web site prototype tool with Jekyll, Foundation and SASS/Compass
  • gridforms - Data entry can be beautiful
  • formata - Drupal 8 Theme
  • toolkit - Toolkit for Responsive Web Design and Progressive Enhancement with Compass
  • animate.css - 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
  • modularscale-sass - Modular scale calculator built into your Sass
  • Linen - A Starter Theme for Ghost
  • colors - Smarter defaults for colors on the web.
  • sassaparilla - Start your web projects fast with Sassaparilla
  • style-tiles - Create HTML and CSS Style Tiles with Sass & Compass
  • Sublime-CSS3 - at this point just use official CSS package =>
  • predawn - Predawn is a dark interface and syntax theme for Sublime Text and Atom.
  • verepo - veRepo is a SASS library of modules and mixins for robust and maintainable front-end development using SASS
  • north - Design and development standards to align and guide your project.
  • Sassifaction - A Sass mixin library
  • project-hub - An HTML template for project timelines
  • toadstool - Scaleable Sass-based style guide framework.
  • mnml-devtools-theme - A not so minimal theme for the Chrome Developer Tools.
  • abetterbrowser.org - It's Time to Choose A Better Browser
  • uikit - A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces
  • offline - Automatically display online/offline indication to your users
  • jacket - Conditional Styles with Sass. Dress you CSS appropriately.
  • source-code-pro - Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments
  • markdown-css - CSS for making regular HTML look like plain-text markdown.
  • daturi - Converts images to Base64.
  • ghostwriter - A simple AJAX driven Ghost theme.
  • N-Coded - A GitHub homage theme for the Ghost Blogging platform - forked from Casper, the default Ghost theme
  • Pattern-Primer - Generating styled markup from a folder of markup snippets.
  • hire - Hire Me
  • shared_dguk_assets - Source for DGUK assets shared by both CKAN and Drupal.
  • tractor - Old Angular Prototyping Project (no longer maintained)
  • awfulrecruiters.com - Previously, a list of third-party recruiter domains
  • social-sharing - Add social sharing links and buttons without the bloat.
  • jekyllthemes - A directory of the best-looking themes for Jekyll blogs
  • so-simple-theme - A simple Jekyll theme for words and pictures.
  • dbinbox - an inbox for your Dropbox
  • justdelete.me - A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.
  • minimal-devices - minimal-devices
  • Brief - Brief is a Chat Style for Skype 5 on OS X.
  • flatdoc - Build sites fast from Markdown
  • tomorrow-theme - Tomorrow Theme now lives on at https://github.com/chriskempson/base16
  • Roughdraft - Gist-powered writing.
  • aprilFools.css - Harmlessly goof up your co-workers browser and chrome dev tools
  • sashimi -
  • dexy-templates -
  • mfglabs-iconset - Awesome web font icon by MFG Labs
  • hint.css - A CSS only tooltip library for your lovely websites.
  • breakpoint - Really simple media queries in Sass
  • gitlist - An elegant and modern git repository viewer
  • pattern-response - A HTML library for storing resposive patterns and creating style guides.
  • Aurora - Drupal HTML5 Base Theme
  • compass-recipes - UNMAINTAINED compass/sass mixins and snippets.


  • osm-bright - A Carto template for OpenStreetMap data


  • confetti - 🎉 A tool to help creating and deploying static sites with AWS
  • uxbox - UXBOX - The Open-Source prototyping tool
  • FiraCode - Monospaced font with programming ligatures


  • yakyak - Desktop chat client for Google Hangouts
  • atom-drupal-cinc - Atom snippets for the CINC Drupal module
  • toggl - Atom Package for having control over Toggl entries directly from your editor
  • hubot-github-notify - Hubot script to notify users of GitHub comment mentions, issues/PRs assignments
  • zxcvbn - Low-Budget Password Strength Estimation
  • otterbot - An otter.
  • taiga-front - Project management web application with scrum in mind! Built on top of Django and AngularJS (Front)
  • MyFeed - 🔥 like a facebook profile but on your own domain
  • cloudtunes - Web-based music player for the cloud ☁️ 🎶 Play music from YouTube, Dropbox, etc.
  • design-template - A simple living styleguide template for web designers
  • generator-reveal - Yeoman generator for Reveal.js
  • signet - Display a unique seal in the developer console of your page
  • docpad - Empower your website frontends with layouts, meta-data, pre-processors (markdown, jade, coffeescript, etc.), partials, skeletons, file watching, querying, and an amazing plugin system. DocPad will streamline your web development process allowing you to craft powerful static sites quicker than ever before.
  • hubot-scripts - DEPRECATED, see github/hubot-scripts#1113 for details - optional scripts for hubot, opt in via hubot-scripts.json

DIGITAL Command Language

  • blocklists - Shared lists of problem domains people may want to block with hosts files


  • docker-drupal - Quick and dirty Drupal for development
  • drupal - Docker Official Image packaging for Drupal
  • docker-drupal - Docker with Drupal, running Apache, mod_php, Apc, Mysql, memcache


Emacs Lisp

  • dotfiles - ♥ Arch Linux, OSX, mutt, xmonad, i3, vim, emacs, zsh, mpv, cmus


  • screenshots - Firefox Screenshots: the best way to take screenshots on the web.


  • git-town - Generic, high-level Git workflow support!


  • lefthook - Fast and powerful Git hooks manager for any type of projects.
  • annie - 👾 Fast, simple and clean video downloader
  • echoip - IP address lookup service
  • goss - Quick and Easy server testing/validation
  • timeliner - All your digital life on a single timeline, stored locally
  • mgphoto - A dead simple photo import tool
  • git-bug - Distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git
  • goreplay - GoReplay is an open-source tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic into a test environment in order to continuously test your system with real data. It can be used to increase confidence in code deployments, configuration changes and infrastructure changes.
  • pulumi - Modern Infrastructure as Code - Create, deploy, and manage infrastructure on any cloud using your favorite language.
  • trello-burndown - An easy to use self-hosted SCRUM burndown chart for Trello boards. (Docker or binary)
  • antibody - The fastest shell plugin manager.
  • htmltest - ✅ Test generated HTML for problems
  • chezmoi - Manage your dotfiles across multiple machines, securely.
  • lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands
  • s3deploy - A simple tool to deploy static websites to Amazon S3 and CloudFront with Gzip and custom headers support (e.g. "Cache-Control")
  • commento - A fast, bloat-free, privacy-focused commenting platform
  • lite - Split a repository to read-only standalone repositories
  • mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
  • drobot - Site update checker for Drupal manifest files (drush makefile and composer.lock)
  • wtf - The personal information dashboard for your terminal.
  • gitleaks - Audit git repos for secrets 🔑
  • caire - Content aware image resize library
  • alfred-toggl - Alfred Workflow for interacting with the Toggl time tracking service
  • cozy-stack - Simple, Versatile, Yours
  • node-prune - Remove unnecessary files from node_modules (.md, .ts, ...)
  • fzf - 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder
  • prometheus - The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.
  • repo-security-scanner - CLI tool that finds secrets accidentally committed to a git repo, eg passwords, private keys
  • gh-polls - Polls for user feedback in GitHub issues
  • duplicacy - A new generation cloud backup tool
  • matterbridge - bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocket.chat, steam, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase and matrix with REST API (mattermost not required!)
  • dt - DNS tool - display information about your domain
  • ddev - DDEV-Local: a local PHP development environment system
  • checkup - Distributed, lock-free, self-hosted health checks and status pages
  • s3git - s3git: git for Cloud Storage. Distributed Version Control for Data. Create decentralized and versioned repos that scale infinitely to 100s of millions of files. Clone huge PB-scale repos on your local SSD to make changes, commit and push back. Oh yeah, it dedupes too and offers directory versioning.
  • rclone - "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, Amazon Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Cloudfiles, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files
  • git-appraise - Distributed code review system for Git repos
  • cli - A Go based command line tool for exercism.io.
  • lantern - 蓝灯Windows下载 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getlantern/lantern-binaries/master/lantern-installer.exe 蓝灯安卓下载 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getlantern/lantern-binaries/master/lantern-installer.apk
  • gdrive - Google Drive CLI Client
  • go-wakatime - Go library for accessing WakaTime API
  • vault - A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
  • journey - A blog engine written in Go, compatible with Ghost themes.
  • hugo - The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
  • sshauth - SSH Authentication using the Github Teams API
  • gdrive2slack - Frictionless integration between Google Drive and Slack, as a service.
  • comcast - Simulating shitty network connections so you can build better systems.
  • joe - 🏃 A .gitignore magician in your command line
  • alfred-pinboard - Alfred Workflow for Pinboard (written in Go (golang))
  • alfred-font-awesome-workflow - 🎩 Font Awesome Workflow for Alfred
  • terraform - Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.
  • moby - Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
  • syncthing - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
  • gh - Fast GitHub command line client (deprecated). gh has been merged into https://github.com/github/hub, see mislav/hub#475 for more info
  • postman - Command-line utility for batch-sending email.
  • Heartbleed - A checker (site and tool) for CVE-2014-0160
  • ngrok - Introspected tunnels to localhost


  • rellax - Lightweight, vanilla javascript parallax library
  • Contract-Killer-Generator - Based on the popular open-source contract for web designers and developers, this generator lets you create a contract within minutes and export it to PDF.
  • tweet-this - A bookmarklet to tweet the current document, highlight text as the tweet.
  • Publii - Publii is a desktop-based CMS for Windows, Mac and Linux that makes creating static websites fast and hassle-free, even for beginners.
  • d3-circle-text - A plugin for placing text centered along a circle.
  • union - A web component library for the ILR School
  • node-red-contrib-watt2kwh - A node-RED node that converts a power feed (Watts) to energy (Wh) and ultimately kWh..
  • accessible-modal-dialog - An accessible modal dialog
  • caniemail - Can I email… Support tables for HTML and CSS in emails.
  • flexmasonry - A lightweight masonry (cascading grid layout) library powered by flexbox.
  • jkan - Estonian Open Data Portal - A lightweight, backend-free open data portal, powered by JKAN
  • a11y_tooltips - Accessible Tooltip Component
  • introducinghtml5 - Code examples to accompany the book: Introducing HTML5
  • awesome-piracy - A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links
  • ssl-config-generator - Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator
  • css-transform - CSS Transform Playground. Online tool to visualize 2D & 3D CSS3 Transform functions.
  • dropcss - An exceptionally fast, thorough and tiny unused-CSS cleaner
  • public-sans - A strong, neutral, principles-driven, open source typeface for text or display
  • googlefonts-font-display-helper - A snippet generator to speed up Google Fonts rendering with font-display
  • quickchart - Google Image Charts alternative
  • Leaflet.Icon.Glyph - Add glyphs from icon fonts to your LeafletJS markers
  • itty-bitty - Itty.bitty is a tool to create links that contain small sites
  • learn-a11y - A web app for learning web accessibility
  • Kitchen-Inventory - A stock system for food and such.
  • speedtest - Self-hosted Speedtest for HTML5 and more. Easy setup, examples, configurable, mobile friendly. Supports PHP, Node, Multiple servers, and more
  • CSS-file-icons - Pure CSS icons for popular file extensions
  • css-grid - Starter Files + Solutions to my CSSGrid.io Course
  • css-examples - Code examples that accompany the MDN CSS documentation
  • font-level-up - WebFonts talk
  • accessible-dropdown - accessible dropdown
  • sal - 🚀 Performance focused, lightweight scroll animation library 🚀
  • construct.css - Focus on the content and structure of your HTML
  • seeboard - A visual tool to practise touch typing
  • a11y_breadcrumbs - Accessible breadcrumb pattern
  • a11y_styled_form_controls - Various styled accessible form controls
  • dougsillars.github.io -
  • adg - Accessibility Developer Guide
  • webcomponents - Web Components specifications
  • webtypography - The source code for WebTypography.net, a practical guide to web typography.
  • fem-layout - Frontend Masters: CSS Grids and Flexbox in Responsive Web Design workshop files
  • bolt - The Bolt Design System provides robust Twig and Web Component-powered UI components, reusable visual styles, and powerful tooling to help developers, designers, and content authors build, maintain, and scale best of class digital experiences.
  • node-red-contrib-pid - A node-red PID loop controller node intended for the control of real world processes
  • node-red-contrib-timeprop - A node-red node for generating a time proportioned output from a linear input
  • angular-material-time-picker - Material design time picker for 12 and 24 hour time.
  • et-book - A webfont of the typeface used in Edward Tufte’s books.
  • tufte-css - Style your webpage like Edward Tufte’s handouts.
  • sitemapper - A prototyping tool that converts CSV files into nested visual sitemaps for project managers that create sitemaps in Excel and want to output them to HTML
  • jquery-accessible-modal-window-aria - jQuery simple and accessible modal window, using ARIA
  • accessible_modal_window - Accessible modal dialogs
  • translucent -
  • accessibility-fails - An HTML page with lots of accessibility errors to use as a test page to see which errors are picked up by automated tools
  • Node-Red-Radio-Thermostat -
  • node-red-contrib-chatbot - Visually build a full featured chat bot for Telegram, Facebook Messenger and Slack with Node-RED. Almost no coding skills required.
  • node-red-contrib-talkify - A Node Red node wrapper for the Talkify Natural Language Processing library
  • node-red-dashboard - A dashboard UI for Node-RED
  • node-red-contrib-cache - Node-RED nodes for memory cache
  • suit - Style tools for UI components
  • guss-webfonts - Guss' Webfonts component
  • drupal_pyramid_theme - A demo theme for Drupal Pyramid
  • umami - [Deprecated] Umami is now included in Drupal Core. All further work happens there.
  • web-font-loading-recipes - A bunch of demos for different web font loading strategies. Companion to https://www.zachleat.com/web/comprehensive-webfonts/ Read more: https://www.zachleat.com/web/recipes/
  • node-red-contrib-string - Provides a string manipulation node with a chainable UI based on the concise and lightweight stringjs.com.
  • cupper - An inclusive pattern library builder.
  • url-to-pdf-api - Web page PDF/PNG rendering done right. Self-hosted service for rendering receipts, invoices, or any content.
  • modulz-original-design-system-archive - An open-source design system for building scalable, responsive websites and applications.
  • node-red-contrib-float - Node Red node to convert binary and decimal numbers in floating point
  • node-red-contrib-scenario - Node-Red Node that can be configured to send a list of output messages with a differents delays between them
  • node-red-contrib-light-scheduler - Light Scheduler is a node-red node that provides a weekly schedule mainly focused on controlling light in home automation scenarios.
  • node-red-contrib-flow-statistics - A simple node that outputs a flow-statistic.
  • node-red-contrib-twitter-user-timeline -
  • amorce - My starter HTML/CSS kit (reset, grid, form, typography, grunt config)
  • node-red-contrib-summariser - Node-RED node to summarise arrays of data
  • node-red-contrib-boolean-logic - Node-RED nodes to perform Boolean logic
  • node-red-contrib-fritz - Generic Fritzbox node for node-RED, giving access to tr064 api
  • node-red-contrib-collector -
  • node-red-contrib-tradfri - Work in progress - Node-RED node for IKEA TRÅDFRI devices
  • node-red-contrib-tinkerforge - Node-RED nodes to interact with Tinkerforge sensors
  • node-red-contrib-wit - Node-Red nodes for communication with Wit.ai
  • delicious_paragraphs - Default paragraphs for Delicious Creative websites.
  • hoverintent - 🐭 Fire mouse events when a user intends it
  • campaign - Comic Relief Campaign Distribution in Drupal 8
  • Accessible-Mega-Menu - A demonstration of how to implement a keyboard and screen reader accessible mega menu as a jQuery plugin.
  • jquery-accessible-carrousel-aria - jQuery Accessible Carrousel System, using ARIA
  • SVG-Loaders - Loading icons and small animations built with pure SVG.
  • atomic-design - The repository for the Atomic Design book
  • style-guide-guide - A boilerplate for creating your own custom style guide
  • http-observatory-website - Mozilla Observatory (Website)
  • beautiful-web-type - In-depth guide to the best open-source typefaces: https://beautifulwebtype.com
  • HTML5accessibility - HTML5accessibility.com web site
  • AT-browser-tests - HTML tests for various uses, including HTML5accessibility.com and JAWS tests
  • Va11yS - Verified Accessibility Samples - Testing the accessibility of HTML & ARIA samples
  • grd - A CSS grid framework using Flexbox. Only 321 bytes (Gzipped).
  • csswg-drafts - CSS Working Group Editor Drafts
  • SuperTinyIcons - Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos
  • cog -
  • you-might-not-need-jquery-plugins - In addition to http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/ this is a list of commonly used plugins without dependencies
  • outline-audit - A script to test the heading outline of a document
  • alix - Alix, a browser extension for a11y.css
  • ImageOptim - GUI image optimizer for Mac
  • flex-cheatsheet - 📖 Flexbox cheatsheet
  • bootstrap-image-hover - Image hover effects that work with or without bootstrap
  • MySensorsArduinoExamples - MySensors examples using external library dependencies
  • awsm.css - Simple CSS library for semantic HTML markup
  • accessibility-demos - A collection of web accessibility demonstrations and test cases.
  • eqcss - EQCSS is a CSS Reprocessor that introduces Element Queries, Scoped CSS, a Parent selector, and responsive JavaScript to all browsers IE8 and up
  • Font-Awesome - The iconic font and CSS toolkit
  • web-feature-availability - estimating the % of web users that have certain web features natively supported
  • ResponsiveMultiLevelMenu - A responsive multi-level menu that shows its submenus in their own context, allowing for a space-saving presentation and usage.
  • text-spinners - Pure text, CSS only, font independent, inline loading indicators
  • grays -
  • closing-the-gaps - Prioritizing Accessibility in Custom Themes with Drupal 8
  • chroma - Chroma: The Sass color manager
  • shower - Shower HTML presentation engine
  • a11y-toggle - A tiny script for accessible content toggles.
  • catapult - Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 Starter Theme. D7 is stand alone and D8 uses Classy from core as it's base.
  • paragraphs_types - A collection for Drupal 8 paragraphs (www.drupal.org/project/paragraphs). Currently not stable!
  • flexboxgrid - Grid based on CSS3 flexbox
  • deploy - Ansible role to deploy scripting applications like PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. in a capistrano style
  • system-font-css - Use the native system font of the OS running the browser
  • starterkit-shila-drupal-theme - Abandoned: has now been merged into Shila theme
  • pattern-kit-starter -
  • drizzle - A streamlined tool for developing, documenting and presenting UI pattern libraries.
  • gall - Drupal 8 theme for The Gallery Guide
  • base - Base - A Rock Solid, Responsive CSS Framework built to work on all devices big, small and in-between.
  • html - HTML Standard
  • bemify - Sass Mixins to write BEM-style SCSS source
  • svg-icon-system-boilerplate - A boilerplate for building a custom icon system via a linked external SVG sprite
  • particle - A starter kit for using the prototyping tool, Pattern Lab, in tandem with a Drupal and Grav theme. Utilizes Webpack for all asset management.
  • d8theming - Drupal 8 Theming Tutorials
  • material-design-lite - Material Design Components in HTML/CSS/JS
  • hardboiled-style-guide -
  • oddboxen - Development environment used at Odd Hill, forked from Boxen.
  • gridly - ⚡ The minimal (~100-170 bytes) grid system for modern browsers.
  • simple-icons - SVG icons for popular brands
  • fonts - Font files available from Google Fonts
  • editorconfig.github.com - Configuration file format for defining coding styles in shared projects
  • designopen.github.io - Homepage
  • atlas - Atlas is a starter theme for Drupal 8.
  • freewall - Freewall is a cross-browser and responsive jQuery plugin to help you create grid, image and masonry layouts for desktop, mobile, and tablet...
  • flag-icon-css - 🎏 A collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration
  • sinatra - Base theme for Drupal 8 adding Twig Blocks and a few useful classes.
  • stickyfill - Polyfill for CSS position: sticky
  • chopstick-boilerplate - Chopstick boilerplate
  • una.github.io - Redesign of my blog to match my new portfolio :) and migrate off of Tumblr
  • blocking-critical-css - An example showing how inlined critical CSS can still block page renders.
  • frontend-perf - The repository for the Frontend Performance training
  • LightLazyLoader - LightLazyLoader is a lightweight lazy loading image script (less than 1.7KB). It lets you lazy load and multi-serve your images so you can save bandwidth and server requests.
  • uxrecipe.github.io - UX Recipe - a checklist where you discover, choose and estimate your next UX project tools & techniques.
  • pixelcounterapp - How many pixels have you crafted?
  • free-for-dev - A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
  • training-kit - Open source cheat sheets for Git and GitHub
  • stylex-barebones - A barebones example project for Stylex
  • contracts - dxw's terms of service and agreements
  • keep-a-changelog - If you build software, keep a changelog.
  • git-stats - 🍀 Local git statistics including GitHub-like contributions calendars.
  • chosen - Chosen is a library for making long, unwieldy select boxes more friendly.
  • windup - A Drupal starter theme
  • fluid - Personalize the web!
  • resumecards - [Unmaintained] A Markdown based resume generator. It looks great on mobile/desktop and can be saved as PDF.
  • styleguides - Documenting resources related to front-end style guides and pattern libraries
  • styleguide - The starting point for my projects
  • poor-mans-styleguide - A frontend styleguide for the pragmatic.
  • opencodeHQ.github.io -
  • dashboards - Responsive dashboard templates 📊✨
  • Hartija---CSS-Print-Framework - Universal CSS for web printing
  • bootstrap-hover-dropdown - An unofficial Bootstrap plugin to enable Bootstrap dropdowns to activate on hover and provide a nice user experience.
  • prototyping - Old tool for making prototypes. No longer maintained. Use https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_prototype_kit instead
  • fonts - 🔤 A collection of 100% actually free open source fonts!
  • hjson - Hjson, a user interface for JSON
  • druphpet - [The project is on hold] A Puppet-based Vagrant VM suitable for instant and unified configuration of Drupal environments.
  • d8-theming-guide - A Drupal 8 Theming Guide, written for and by front-end developers.
  • hotosm-website - The website of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. See instructions below for writing blog posts or updating your profile.
  • phantomjs - Scriptable Headless Browser
  • transactional-email-templates - Responsive transactional HTML email templates
  • templates - Sendwithus Open Source Email Templates
  • rdash-angular - AngularJS implementation of the RDash admin dashboard theme
  • node-unfluff - Automatically extract body content (and other cool stuff) from an html document
  • oxfordfreelancers -
  • type-scale - A Visual Type Scale Calculator
  • tappy - Retired (see README): Tappy! - a lightweight normalized tap event.
  • turndown - 🛏 An HTML to Markdown converter written in JavaScript
  • jsonresume-theme-elegant - Elegant theme for jsonresume
  • elements-of-html - Elements of HTML per version
  • simpl - Simplest possible examples of HTML, CSS and Javascript:
  • ShortcutMapper - A visual keyboard shortcuts explorer for popular applications.
  • outdated-browser - A simple tool to identify and upgrade old browsers.
  • web-starter-kit - Web Starter Kit - a workflow for multi-device websites
  • Bootsketch - Bootstrap wireframing theme -
  • grunt-static-inline - A grunt plugin to replace url from static files such as img,js,css an put inline in a template.
  • grunt-inline - Brings externally referenced resources, such as js, css and images, into a single file.
  • country-list - 🌐 List of all countries with names and ISO 3166-1 codes in all languages and data formats.
  • style - An opinionated starting point for scalable, maintainable CSS architecture.
  • code-guide - Standards for developing consistent, flexible, and sustainable HTML and CSS.
  • twofactorauth - List of sites with two factor auth support which includes SMS, email, phone calls, hardware, and software.
  • bootflat.github.io - BOOTFLAT is an open source Flat UI KIT based on Bootstrap 3.3.0 CSS framework. It provides a faster, easier and less repetitive way for web developers to create elegant web apps.
  • WebFundamentals - Best practices for modern web development
  • itcss.github.io -
  • osx-installer - Docker installer for Mac OS X
  • SassyIcons - Flexible icons system.
  • UI-Feedbacks - A bunch of feedback ideas for your buttons
  • a11yproject.com - A community–driven effort to make web accessibility easier.
  • crisp - A minimalist, responsive, and open-source two-column theme for the Ghost publishing platform
  • digitaloxford.github.com -
  • sculpin.io - Website for Sculpin
  • slice - an elegant collection of form components
  • glacier-theme - Glacier is a flat, colorful theme/scheme combo for Sublime Text.
  • sketch-measure - Make it a fun to create spec for developers and teammates
  • spotify-export - Export your Spotify library as JSON
  • Socialite -
  • github-cards - The unofficial GitHub Cards. Card for your GitHub profile, card for your GitHub repositories.
  • Templates - Just the flat HTML/CSS templates to help you get started
  • dbyll - Stylish, minimalistic theme for jekyll.
  • pattern-library - The ALA Pattern Library.
  • confcodeofconduct.com - A code of conduct template for conferences
  • rrssb - ↪️ Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons
  • youmightnotneedjquery -
  • grid - A simple guide to responsive design.
  • grunticon - A mystical CSS icon solution.
  • js-the-right-way - An easy-to-read, quick reference for JS best practices, accepted coding standards, and links around the Web
  • thesassway.com - Your source for the latest tips and tricks on Sass.
  • gifs - 😂 📷 🎇 Storage place for all mah gifs.
  • colour-schemes - Colour schemes for a variety of editors created by Dayle Rees.
  • theme-itg-flat - A flat theme for Sublime Text that supports both retina and non-retina.
  • min - the world's smallest (995 bytes) CSS framework
  • typopocketguide - A Pocket Guide for Every Day’s Typographic Adventures
  • frontend - The Guardian Dot Com.
  • Circular - An open source Buffer app clone
  • Responsive-Image-Placeholders - Using a little basic CSS, JavaScript and a dash of animation it's simple to avoid the performance hit of re-calculating layout and provide a smooth user experience.
  • life - Life - a timeline of important events in my life
  • libricons - An icon font for everyone.
  • foundation-emails - Quickly create responsive HTML emails that work on any device and client. Even Outlook.
  • stacktable.js - jQuery plugin for stacking tables on small screens
  • Style-Guide-Boilerplate - ⚡️🎨 A starting point for crafting living style guides.
  • antwort - Beautiful responsive email templates with code as beautiful as email templates can be
  • grunt-uncss - ✂️ A grunt task for removing unused CSS from your projects.
  • unicode-table-data - Data for unicode-table.com
  • puphpet - Vagrant/Puppet GUI
  • screenfull.js - Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API
  • devtools-snippets - A collection of helpful snippets to use inside of browser devtools
  • git-achievements - Aquire achievements while using git.
  • git-pissed - gitting pissed about your code
  • binford2k-drupal - This is a module that allows you to manage many aspects of a multisite Drupal installation.
  • puppet-php - Puppet module to manage PHP
  • topcoat - CSS for clean and fast web apps
  • typeplate.github.io - Official Website for Typeplate: “A Typographic Starter Kit.”
  • tmTheme-Editor - Color scheme editor for SublimeText, Textmate and a bunch of other text editors
  • Canvas-Sparkline - Create a sparkline in a canvas element.
  • Avgrund - A JS/CSS3 modal UI concept
  • this-is-responsive - This Is Responsive
  • Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions - A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
  • easybook - Book publishing as easy as it should be (built with Symfony components)
  • usesthis - A nerdy little interview website, asking people what they use to get stuff done.


  • git-toggl - Track time spent making a commit with Toggl
  • shellcheck - ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts
  • github-backup - backs up everything github knows about a repository, to the repository
  • zsh-git-prompt - Informative git prompt for zsh


  • data-transfer-project - The Data Transfer Project makes it easy for people to transfer their data between online service providers. We are establishing a common framework, including data models and protocols, to enable direct transfer of data both into and out of participating online service providers.
  • TheOpenVoiceFactory - The Open Voice Factory - open software for people with communication difficulties
  • openapi-generator - OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
  • haven - Haven is for people who need a way to protect their personal spaces and possessions without compromising their own privacy, through an Android app and on-device sensors
  • hackpad - Hackpad is a web-based realtime wiki.
  • interviews - Everything you need to know to get the job.
  • awesome-android-things - A curated list of awesome android things tutorials, libraries and much more at one place
  • Contrast-Finder - Find valid background / foreground color contrast for accessibility (a11y, WCAG)
  • gitpitch - The Markdown Presentation Service For Developers on Git
  • whackpad - Community fork of the Hackpad web-based realtime wiki.
  • AndroidWebAutoLaunch -
  • hackpad - Hackpad is a web-based realtime wiki.
  • actor-platform - Actor Messaging platform
  • openhab1-addons - Add-ons for openHAB 1.x
  • DrupalCloud - DrupalCloud is a library for native Android applications to communicate with Drupal web services.
  • ArduinoEnergyProjects -
  • physical-web - The Physical Web: walk up and use anything
  • Fairphone - Source code for the Fairphone OS. A seriously cool smartphone. Putting social values first.
  • gpslogger - 📡 Lightweight GPS Logging Application For Android. Available on the Android Market as "GPSLogger for Android"
  • dashboard-demo - Responsive web application demo made with Vaadin Framework
  • geoserver-sec-drupal - Binds GeoServer to Drupal so that multiple Drupal instance can provide user and roles for GeoServer
  • Oxford-buses - A android application that maps out each of the bus stops within oxford and directs to the user to the appropriate live bus time table.
  • neo4j - Graphs for Everyone
  • fluxtream-app - Fluxtream Web Application and Core Modules
  • seyren - An alerting dashboard for Graphite


  • adblockradio - An adblocker for live radio streams and podcasts. Machine learning meets Shazam.
  • stargazed - Creating your own Awesome List of GitHub stars!
  • gulp-url-prefixer - prefix urls of static assets in an flexible way
  • docs - concourse documentation and website
  • Ackee - Self-hosted, Node.js based analytics tool for those who care about privacy.
  • Contract-Builder - Easily build and maintain any kind of contract. Free and Open Source
  • leonsans - Leon Sans is a geometric sans-serif typeface made with code in 2019 by Jongmin Kim.
  • tray-example - Electron Tray Mac OS X Example App
  • find-unused-sass-variables - Simple tool to find unused Sass variables
  • smee-client - 🔴 Receives payloads then sends them to your local server
  • wallace-cli - Pretty CSS analytics on the CLI
  • mothereff.in - Web developer tools
  • css-analyzer - Analytics for CSS
  • static-site-mailer - A contact form mailer using Serverless for static sites
  • qube - Qube is a virtual office that enables you to work remotely! Qube provides office context - who's talking to who, who's out of the office and who just stepped out to lunch.
  • nve - Run any Node.js version
  • loading-attribute-polyfill - Fast and lightweight vanilla JavaScript polyfill for the native behaviour to load elements right before they enter the viewport.
  • documentation - 📖 documentation for modern JavaScript
  • careful - Validate git branches according to git-flow before you push / commit code.
  • gulp-stylelint - Gulp plugin for running Stylelint results through various reporters.
  • mklicense - 📋 🎉 CLI tool for generating Licenses. Easily.
  • style-dictionary - A build system for creating cross-platform styles.
  • cssjanus - Flip CSS stylesheets between left-to-right and right-to-left. From Wikimedia.
  • mjml - MJML: the only framework that makes responsive-email easy
  • boomerang - End user oriented web performance testing and beaconing
  • node-sass-svg - Import svg as background-image
  • hokus - A modern CMS for Hugo
  • opensource.guide - 📚 Community guides for open source creators
  • Contract-Builder - Easily build and maintain any kind of contract. Free and Open Source
  • lazyload - LazyLoad is a fast, lightweight and flexible script that speeds up your web application by loading your content images, videos and iframes only as they enter the viewport. It's written in plain "vanilla" JavaScript, it leverages the IntersectionObserver API, it works with responsive images and it supports native lazy loading.
  • focus-within-polyfill - Small vanilla javascript that feature detect the :focus-within pseudo selector and polyfills it with a standard css class if necessary.
  • stylelint-a11y - Plugin for stylelint with a11y rules
  • urlpages - Create and view web pages stored entirely in the URL
  • no-more-scroll-jacking - This extension prevents scroll jacking whilst holding a meta key
  • moniteur - Monitor asset size over time
  • adele - Adele - Design Systems Repository
  • degit - Straightforward project scaffolding
  • contrast-swatch - 🅰️ Image microservice for color contrast information
  • readme-md-generator - 📄 CLI that generates beautiful README.md files
  • data - This repository contains general data for Web technologies
  • json-node-normalizer - 'json-node-normalizer' - NodeJS module that normalize json data types from json schema specifications.
  • highcharts - Highcharts JS, the JavaScript charting framework
  • color-thief - Grab the color palette from an image using just Javascript. Works in the browser and in Node.
  • inclusive-menu-button - A keyboard and screen reader accessible ARIA menu button implementation.
  • matter - Material Design Components in Pure CSS. Materializing HTML at just one class per component 🍰
  • caniuse - Raw browser/feature support data from caniuse.com
  • devtools-frontend - The Chrome DevTools UI
  • emergence.js - Detect element visibility in the browser
  • pluralize - Pluralize or singularize any word based on a count
  • pa11y-ci - Pa11y CI is a CI-centric accessibility test runner, built using Pa11y
  • gulp-image-lqip - Gulp plugin which generates HTML image placeholders using lqip technique
  • themer - 🎨 themer takes a set of colors and generates themes for your apps (editors, terminals, wallpapers, and more).
  • medium-zoom - 🔎🖼 A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium
  • medium-to-own-blog - Switch from Medium to your own blog in a few minutes
  • supercrawler - A web crawler. Supercrawler automatically crawls websites. Define custom handlers to parse content. Obeys robots.txt, rate limits and concurrency limits.
  • fancytree - JavaScript tree view / tree grid plugin with support for keyboard, inline editing, filtering, checkboxes, drag'n'drop, and lazy loading
  • follow-redirects - Node.js module that automatically follows HTTP(S) redirects
  • tornis - Tornis helps you watch and respond to changes in your browser's viewport 🌲
  • auto-changelog - Command line tool for generating a changelog from git tags and commit history
  • trilium - Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes
  • the-unit - Parses a number and unit string, and returns the unit used
  • gulp-newer - Pass through newer source files only
  • fusuma - ✍️Fusuma makes slides with Markdown easily.
  • lighthouse - Automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web.
  • docsify - 🃏 A magical documentation site generator.
  • actual - Determine actual CSS media query breakpoints via JavaScript
  • d3-horizon-chart - D3.js plug-in that draws horizon charts using canvas
  • node-shellies - Handles communication with Shelly devices
  • ikonate - Fully customisable & accessible vector icons
  • node-red-contrib-zigbee - Node-RED Nodes for ZigBee Devices 🐝
  • ioBroker.shelly - Shelly ioBroker Adapter
  • crazy-svg - reveal.js presentation for Drupalcon 2019
  • LogFocus - LogFocus - handy Bookmarklet for Keyboard Accessibility testing
  • nicedoc.io - pretty README as service.
  • Magic-Grid - A simple, lightweight Javascript library for dynamic grid layouts.
  • libretaxi - LibreTaxi, free and open source Uber/Lyft alternative to connect passengers and drivers.
  • a11y-accordion-tabs - A script for an accessible accordion tabs component
  • is-url-superb - Check if a string is a URL
  • webp-in-css - PostCSS plugin and tiny JS script (131 bytes) to use WebP in CSS background
  • laxxx - Simple & light weight (3kb minified & zipped) vanilla javascript plugin to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scrolllll! Harness the power of the most intuitive interaction and make your websites come alive!
  • js-calendar - The lightest Javascript calendar out there, without any dependency.
  • drupal-webpack-setup-example - A simple webpack setup for Drupal themes, with ES6, SCSS, Hot Module Replacement.
  • leon - 🧠 Leon is your open-source personal assistant.
  • eat - Eat everything 🧀
  • snippet-generator - ⚡ Sublime Text, Atom & VS Code snippet generator
  • responsive_breakpoints_generator -
  • git-tutor - :octocat:+md=❤️ Awesome tutorials from your git log
  • autoComplete.js - Simple autocomplete pure vanilla Javascript library.
  • npm-build-boilerplate - A collection of packages that build a website using npm scripts.
  • npm-scripts-example - An example of how to use NPM scripts over Grunt/Gulp & Friends. http://blog.keithcirkel.co.uk/how-to-use-npm-as-a-build-tool
  • accessibility-guide - A curated collection of web accessibility tips, tricks, and best practices
  • a11y-for-managers - Translate Accessibility issues on a website into actual understandable feedback from dummy users.
  • site-validator-cli - Gathers Urls from crawling or a file, then uses html-validator to validate each page.
  • ibrew - 🍻Interactive CLI for Homebrew – the missing package manager for macOS.
  • upsite - Just put up a site
  • Awesome-Design-Tools - The best design tools for everything 👉
  • 30_seconds_of_knowledge - Google Chrome Extension that lets you gain new developer skills, every time you open a New Tab.
  • focus-trap - Trap focus within a DOM node.
  • tomato-pie - A new UI for Pomodoro Technique. Schedule your time directly with a clock.
  • clean-code-javascript - 🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
  • zero - Zero is a web server to simplify web development.
  • maki - POI Icon Set
  • suncalc - A tiny JavaScript library for calculating sun/moon positions and phases.
  • details-dialog-element - A modal dialog that's opened with <details>.
  • awesome-IT-films - 📺 A curated list of awesome films about IT & geek people.
  • multisite-lighthouse - Create lighthouse reports for multiple sites
  • third-party-web - Data on third party entities and their impact on the web.
  • clippy.js - Add Clippy or his friends to any website for instant nostalgia.
  • floccus - ☁️ Sync your bookmarks across browsers via Nextcloud, WebDAV or a local file (and thus any file sync solution)
  • staticman - 💪 Static sites with superpowers
  • Akbar - A bookmarklet that simulates various types of users with disabilities. It is an education tool that will hopefully educate people about web accessibility.
  • animated-burgers - Collection of animated burgers for React, also available as HTML+CSS
  • WOW - Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page
  • owlcarousel2-a11ylayer - Accessibility layer for Owl Carousel v2
  • a11y-outline - web extension to navigate document outlines easily
  • palx - 🌈 Automatic UI Color Palette Generator
  • basicScroll - Standalone parallax scrolling for mobile and desktop with CSS variables.
  • security-checklist - A checklist for staying safe on the internet
  • sayit - Visualization of related subreddits
  • backyourstack - BackYourStack analyzes repositories to recommend Open Source projects to support.
  • justgage - JustGage is a handy JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean dashboard gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing.
  • static-site-boilerplate - A better workflow for building modern static websites.
  • format-message - Internationalization Made Easy
  • date - Date() for humans
  • tellform - ✏️ Free Opensource Alternative to TypeForm or Google Forms ⛺
  • Librefox - Librefox: Firefox with privacy enhancements
  • coypu - Text-editor-like weekly planner
  • javascript-time-ago - International highly customizable relative date/time formatting
  • hugulp - Hugo + Gulp starter project
  • quicklink - ⚡️Faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching in-viewport links during idle time
  • editor.md - The open source embeddable online markdown editor (component).
  • lint-staged - 🚫💩 — Run linters on git staged files
  • MagicMirror - MagicMirror² is an open source modular smart mirror platform. With a growing list of installable modules, the MagicMirror² allows you to convert your hallway or bathroom mirror into your personal assistant.
  • statusfy - A Marvelous Open Source Status Page System
  • zigbee2mqtt - Zigbee 🐝 to MQTT bridge 🌉, get rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges 🔨
  • vanilla-back-to-top - Simple and smooth Back To Top button
  • gatito-theme - Minimalistic and modern looking fork of fantastic Oceanic theme for Visual Studio Code.
  • enquirer - Stylish, intuitive and user-friendly prompts.
  • handsontable - Handsontable - JavaScript/HTML5 Data Grid Component with Spreadsheet Look & Feel. Available for React, Vue and Angular.
  • vscode-markdown-shortcuts - Markdown shortcuts extension for Visual Studio Code
  • stylelint-high-performance-animation - Stylelint rule for preventing the use of low performance animation and transition properties.
  • pannellum - Pannellum is a lightweight, free, and open source panorama viewer for the web.
  • ervy - Bring charts to terminal.
  • responsive-nav.js - Responsive navigation plugin without library dependencies and with fast touch screen support.
  • percollate - 🌐 → 📖 A command-line tool to turn web pages into beautifully formatted PDFs
  • date-fns - ⏳ Modern JavaScript date utility library ⌛️
  • convert-units - An elegant way to convert quantities between different units.
  • 33-js-concepts - 📜 33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know.
  • gulp-rev-rewrite - Rewrite references to assets revisioned by gulp-rev
  • nodebestpractices - ✅ The largest Node.js best practices list (September 2019)
  • spoof - Easily spoof your MAC address in macOS, Windows, & Linux!
  • plex-music - Web/Desktop app for streaming music from your Plex Media Server
  • svgr - Transform SVGs into React components 🦁
  • react-accessible-typeahead - Composable, accessible, keyboard and screen reader friendly typeahead react component
  • offline-articles - playing around with readability offline viewing of articles
  • snazzy-info-window - Customizable info windows using the Google Maps JavaScript API.
  • Dotgrid - Minimalist Vector Tool
  • json-stringify-safe - Like JSON.stringify, but doesn't throw on circular references
  • You-Dont-Need-Momentjs - List of functions which you can use to replace moment.js + ESLint Plugin
  • wcag-contrast - WCAG contrast ratio measurement and scoring
  • slate - Beautiful static documentation for your API
  • noUiSlider - noUiSlider is a lightweight JavaScript range slider library with full multi-touch support. It fits wonderfully in responsive designs and has no dependencies.
  • markdown-to-medium - Publish markdown to medium
  • offside - Minimal JavaScript kit without library dependencies to push things off-canvas using just class manipulation.
  • au-revoir-utm - Removes crappy utm_ tracking stuff
  • Gladys - A privacy-first, open-source home assistant
  • svgurt - Image -> SVG Vectorizing Tool - Live at:
  • 30-seconds-of-interviews - A curated collection of common interview questions to help you prepare for your next interview.
  • contrast-ratio - A tool to calculate the contrast ratio between any two valid CSS colors.
  • apexcharts.js - 📊 Interactive SVG Charts
  • jquery.wanker - A jQuery plugin that reveals a takeover when people start excessively resizing their browser.
  • taskbook - Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat
  • terminalizer - 🦄 Record your terminal and generate animated gif images or share a web player
  • excellent - Make a spreadsheet, you say? Style it nicely and use a pre-existing template too? All in node.js/io.js? Yessir!
  • subfont - Command line tool to optimize your webfont loading. Aggressive subsetting based on your font use, self-hosting of Google fonts and preloading
  • tingle - Vanilla modal plugin with no dependencies
  • scottyjs - Deploy static websites and single page apps to AWS S3 and CloudFront with a single command
  • discharge - ⚡️ A simple, easy way to deploy static websites to Amazon S3.
  • coolhue - Coolest Gradient Hues and Swatches
  • display-anchors - Display #Anchors offers an easy way to see all (invisible) anchors in a page, to make it easier to link to a specific part of a webpage.
  • browsh - A fully-modern text-based browser, rendering to TTY and browsers
  • compress-images - Minify size your images. Image compression with extension: jpg/jpeg, svg, png, gif. NodeJs
  • google-alarm - Browser add-on that alerts you when you are sending data to Google
  • ally.js - JavaScript library to help modern web applications with accessibility concerns
  • clipboard2markdown - Convert rich-text on your clipbaord to markdown
  • React-For-Beginners-Starter-Files - Starter files for learning React.js with React for Beginners
  • loadCSS - A function for loading CSS asynchronously
  • chartist-js - Simple responsive charts
  • uppy - The next open source file uploader for web browsers 🐶
  • ftscroller - FTScroller is a cross-browser Javascript/CSS library to allow touch, mouse or scrollwheel scrolling within specified elements, with pagination, snapping and bouncing support.
  • browser-compat-data - This repository contains compatibility data for Web technologies as displayed on MDN
  • vivid - a JavaScript library which is built to easily customize and use the SVG Icons with a blaze.
  • trim-indentation - Trim the initial indentation from a string
  • short-and-sweet - 📟 Accessible character counter for input elements
  • critters - 🦔 A Webpack plugin to inline your critical CSS and lazy-load the rest.
  • svg-icon - An ultimate SVG icons collection DONE RIGHT, with over 10,000 SVG icons out of the box.
  • tresor - A tool that enables you to use Trello as a headless CMS
  • gdpr-cli - A command line tool for checking your website for GDPR compliance.
  • css-vars - Sass mixin to use CSS Custom Properties with Sass
  • easy-toggle-state - A tiny JavaScript library to easily toggle the state of any HTML element in any contexts.
  • savvior - A Salvattore and Masonry alternative without CSS-driven configuration or absolute CSS positioning
  • a11y-dropdown - An experiment to improve accessible drop-down menus for WordPress themes.
  • eqio - A simple, tiny alternative to element/container queries
  • tui.calendar - 🍞📅A JavaScript calendar that has everything you need.
  • eleventy-inclusive-design-checklist - A sample project converted to use eleventy, a static site generator.
  • eleventy - A simpler static site generator. An alternative to Jekyll. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.
  • css-element-queries - CSS Element-Queries aka Container Queries. High-speed element dimension/media queries in valid css.
  • feature-queries-manager - 🛠Toggle CSS styles within @supports blocks
  • mousetrap - Simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript
  • dayjs - ⏰ Day.js 2KB immutable date library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API
  • doctoc - 📜 Generates table of contents for markdown files inside local git repository. Links are compatible with anchors generated by github or other sites.
  • a11y-modal - This plugin was created to help you implement accessible modal dialogs with minimal work, because everyone is tired of using crappy UI plugins that damage the underlying experience.
  • spectrum - Simple, powerful online communities.
  • tabler - Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
  • hotkeys - ➷ A robust Javascript library for capturing keyboard input. It has no dependencies.
  • alfred-polyglot - 🈚️ Translate text using Google Translate in Alfred 3
  • is-thirteen - Check if a number is equal to 13.
  • size-limit - Calculate the real cost to run your JS app or lib to keep good performance. Show error in pull request if the cost exceeds the limit.
  • plex - The package of IBM’s typeface, IBM Plex.
  • clipboardy - Access the system clipboard (copy/paste)
  • tinpig - A fast, lightweight command line utility to create projects of any kind from templates.
  • Choices - A vanilla JS customisable select box/text input plugin ⚡️
  • wait-on - wait-on is a cross-platform command line utility and Node.js API which will wait for files, ports, sockets, and http(s) resources to become available
  • observatory - Beautiful UI for showing tasks running on the command line.
  • Font-Awesome-SVG-PNG - Font Awesome split to individual SVG and PNG files of different sizes along with Node.JS based generator
  • stackedit - In-browser Markdown editor
  • percent-value - 📊 Percentage helper functions.
  • Noderize - Create a Node app in less than 30 seconds.
  • friendly-cron - Convert friendly strings to cron patterns
  • can-i-standardize - Can I Standardize?
  • pell - 📝 the simplest and smallest WYSIWYG text editor for web, with no dependencies
  • video.js - Video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player
  • git-branch - Get the current branch for a local git repository
  • drupal-admin-ui - This is an admin UI for Drupal, built with JavaScript & React. ⬅️✌️➡️
  • prompts - ❯ Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts.
  • Front-End-Toolkit - A collection of resources, useful tools and technologies for front-end web development.
  • git-sketch-plugin - 💎:octocat: A Git client generating pretty diffs built right into Sketch.
  • node-red-contrib-tplink-smarthome - A collection of node-red nodes for TP-Link Smart Home devices
  • node-red-contrib-hs100 - Node-RED node is for controlling tp-link Wi-Fi Smart Plug - Model HS100.
  • Sketch-Maps - 🗺 A Sketch plugin that uses the Mapbox API to fill layers with specific and custom maps.
  • vue-orgchart - 🌿 Vue.js wrapper for OrgChart.js
  • node-red-contrib-mytimeout - A dynamic count down timer for node-red
  • bookmarks-organizer - With the Bookmarks Organizer it's easy to put order in your bookmarks. The Bookmarks Organizer finds no longer working bookmarks, redirects, duplicates and more!
  • gulp-postcss - Pipe CSS through PostCSS processors with a single parse
  • alfred-show-network-info - Alfred 4 Workflow - See network info and discover local devices
  • instascan - HTML5 QR code scanner using your webcam
  • focus-visible - Polyfill for :focus-visible
  • awesome-vscode - 🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources.
  • trello-history - A Trello powerup to enable more visibility of card history.
  • tech-interview-handbook - 💯 Materials to help you rock your next coding interview
  • kutt - Free Modern URL Shortener.
  • front-end-interview-handbook - 🕸 Almost complete answers to "Front-end Job Interview Questions" which you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore
  • refined-twitter - Browser extension that simplifies the Twitter interface and adds useful features
  • sweetalert2 - A beautiful, responsive, highly customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes. Zero dependencies.
  • sketch-isometric - Generate Isometric and 3D Rotation views from Artboards and Rectangles in Sketch app.
  • polacode - 📸 Polaroid for your code
  • csscombx - CSS coding style formatter (Maintenance)
  • gulp-drupal-stack - OVH Gulp tasks for Drupal themes and modules
  • tiny-tim - ⏳ a tiny timer < 160 bytes
  • easytimer.js - Easy to use Timer/Chronometer/Countdown library compatible with AMD, ES6 and Typescript
  • chronos - A simple and lightweight JavaScript timer
  • moment-timer - Timer plugin for Moment.js that allows creation of setInterval and setTimeout-like timers.
  • combobo - Accessible combobox
  • slickmap - 🌳 SlickMap is inspired on SlickMap CSS: Create site map with base JSON tree
  • kap-now - Kap plugin - Share on ▲ZEIT now
  • hads - 📚 Markdown superpowered documentation for Node.js
  • badger-accordion - An accessible vanilla JS accordion with extensible API
  • launchy - Launchy: An Accessible Modal Window
  • html-sketchapp-example - Convert any website into an asketch.json file
  • html-sketchapp - HTML to Sketch export solution
  • CSS-inject - CSS focused Bookmarklet generator. Modify the layout and looks of a site on the fly.
  • dstatuspage - Decentralized Status Page
  • gridtoflex.com - Flexbox fallbacks for CSS Grid
  • html-sketchapp-cli - Quickly generate Sketch libraries from HTML documents and living style guides, powered by html-sketchapp
  • drupack -
  • text-gradient - 🍭 Apply text gradients with CSS, inline SVG mask fallback or a solid color as last resort.
  • outline - The fastest wiki and knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, feature rich, markdown compatible and open source.
  • purgecss - Remove unused CSS
  • stylemark - Living style guide generator for everything—CSS, JS, React, Angular, Ember, and more.
  • FlipClock -
  • mnemonic-words - List of words for making random mnemonic sentences
  • spider-pig - Get a list of local URL links from a root URL.
  • gulp-replace - A string replace plugin for gulp
  • inline-source - Tool for inlining flagged js, css, and img sources in html
  • node-red-contrib-git-nodes -
  • pa11y - Pa11y is your automated accessibility testing pal
  • axe-cli - A command-line interface for the aXe accessibility testing engine
  • gulp-rev - Static asset revisioning by appending content hash to filenames: unicorn.cssunicorn-d41d8cd98f.css
  • CheatSheetWorld - Public repo for www.cheatsheetworld.com
  • pinboard-api - A free, CORS-enabled version of the Pinboard public feeds API
  • hyperapp - The tiny framework for building web interfaces.
  • taskr - A simple task manager app
  • when-dom-ready - $(document).ready() for the 21st century
  • lab-portfolio-kit - UI components and templates for building a portfolio with Compositor Lab and Iso
  • node-red-contrib-openzwave - OpenZWave nodes for node-red
  • node-red-contrib-telegrambot - Telegram bot nodes for node-red.
  • node-glob - glob functionality for node.js
  • x0 - Document & develop React components without breaking a sweat
  • docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
  • home-assistant-config - My configuration for Home Assistant
  • 30-seconds-of-code - A curated collection of useful JavaScript snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
  • node-red-contrib-change-detect - Change detection node for node-red
  • node-red-contrib-fan - A simple Node Red node that can be used to fan i/out flows to reduce clutter in the editor.
  • tippyjs - Highly customizable tooltip and popover library
  • joplin - Joplin - a note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum: https://discourse.joplinapp.org/
  • continua11y - continuous integration for website accessibility
  • parcel - 📦🚀 Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
  • iso - Build pages and prototypes with Lab UI components. No configuration or build setup required.
  • prettier-atom - An atom package for the prettier formatter.
  • choo - 🚂🚋 - sturdy 4kb frontend framework
  • hyperform - Capture form validation back from the browser
  • tinyify - a browserify plugin that runs various optimizations, so you don't have to install them all manually. makes your bundles tiny!
  • awesome-mac -  Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
  • miio - Control Mi Home devices, such as Mi Robot Vacuums, Mi Air Purifiers, Mi Smart Home Gateway (Aqara) and more
  • node-red-nodes - Extra nodes for Node-RED
  • commitlint - 📓 Lint commit messages
  • inclusive-design-checklist - Aims to be the biggest checklist of inclusive design considerations ever
  • z-context - A Chrome DevTools Extension that finds stacking contexts and z-index values in the elements panel
  • gatsby - Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React
  • postcss-fout-with-a-class - Rewrite all selectors that will trigger a font load to be scoped under a class
  • readability - visualise readability
  • charts - Simple, responsive, modern SVG Charts with zero dependencies
  • foxshot - Capture web page screenshots using headless Firefox!
  • beaker - An experimental peer-to-peer Web browser
  • electric - ⚡ Create beautiful documentation for your projects
  • granim.js - Create fluid and interactive gradient animations with this small javascript library.
  • open - Open stuff like URLs, files, executables. Cross-platform.
  • time-elements - Web component extensions to the standard <time> element.
  • rrssb-plus - Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons Plus
  • supersniff - A simple function for debugging stuff like promise chains and other pipeline-like thingees. It just creates a function that console logs whatever is passed to it and then returns that value.
  • concurrently - Run commands concurrently. Like npm run watch-js & npm run watch-less but better.
  • ab-datepicker - An accessible and bootstrap compatible datepicker
  • carbon - 🎨 Create and share beautiful images of your source code
  • Front-End-Checklist - 🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
  • carbon - A design system built by IBM
  • sketch-styles-generator - Generate hundreds of Sketch Shared Styles in a matter of seconds.
  • Sketch_Swatches - A swatches plugin for Sketch.
  • accessibilityjs - Client side accessibility error scanner.
  • mrm - Codemods for your project config files
  • lando - A local development and DevOps tool for all your projects that is fast, easy, powerful and liberating
  • pullit - Display and pull branches from GitHub pull requests
  • standard - 🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
  • snazzy - Format JavaScript Standard Style as Stylish (i.e. snazzy) output
  • pencil - The Pencil Project's unique mission is to build a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use.
  • mainspring -
  • prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
  • gulp-strip-comments - Strips comments from code
  • stylelint-scss - A collection of SCSS specific linting rules for stylelint
  • testcafe - A Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing.
  • node-red-contrib-fritzbox-presence - node-RED node for listing devices connected to a Fritz!Box
  • node-red-contrib-sonoff-tasmota - Connect Sonoff Devices running the Sonoff-Tasmota firmware easy to node red
  • node-red-contrib-msg-resend - A Node Red node for resending flow messages
  • node-red-contrib-spreadsheet-in - Node-RED nodes to read data from spreadsheet (Excel, ODS, etc.) file
  • node-red-contrib-interval-length - A Node Red node to measure the interval length between successive messages
  • fitty - ✨ Makes text fit perfectly
  • stylelint-validator - Stylelint plugin to validate CSS syntax
  • earth - a project to visualize global weather conditions
  • mail-for-good - An open source email campaign management tool for nonprofits
  • stylelint-no-unsupported-browser-features - 🤵 Disallow features that are unsupported by the browsers that you are targeting
  • styleguidekit-assets-default - The static assets for the default StyleguideKit for Pattern Lab. Contains styles and mark-up for Pattern Lab's front-end.
  • fractal-twig-drupal-adapter - Twig template adapter for Fractal with Drupal 8 directives.
  • remote-jobs - A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies in tech.
  • dummy-json - Generates random dummy JSON data in Node.js
  • node-red-contrib-timed-counter - A node that counts messages received in a specified time limit
  • arborea11y - Chrome extension that visualizes the Accessibility Tree
  • node-red-contrib-later - A node red node for triggering using later.js
  • node-red-contrib-uibuilder - Easily create web UI's for Node-RED using any (or no) front-end library. VueJS and bootstrap-vue included but change as desired.
  • node-red-contrib-simple-weekly-scheduler - A Node-RED Node to allow recuring events to be scheduled over a week
  • node-red-contrib-schedex - Scheduler for node-red which allows you to enter on/off times as 24hr clock (e.g. 01:10) or suncalc events (e.g. goldenHour). It also allows you to offset times and randomise the time within the offset.
  • showdown - A bidirectional Markdown to HTML to Markdown converter written in Javascript
  • todometer - A meter-based to-do list
  • tinytime - ⏰ A straightforward date and time formatter in <1kb
  • html-validator - A Node.js module for validating html using validator.w3.org/nu
  • comparison - Comparing different ways to style components
  • atom - Atom file-specific icons for improved visual grepping.
  • drupal-org-api - A wrapper for the Drupal.org HTTP API.
  • sketch-palette-generator - Output a JSON colour palette to Sketch 💎
  • kap - An open-source screen recorder built with web technology
  • stylelint-config-recommended-scss - The recommended shareable SCSS config for stylelint
  • gulp-selectors - Catalog all of your selectors and do fun stuff with them.
  • webpack-101-starter - All files from the Webpack 2 YouTube tutorials.
  • browser-laptop - [DEPRECATED] Please see https://github.com/brave/brave-browser for the current version of Brave
  • postcss-inline-svg - PostCSS plugin to reference an SVG file and control its attributes with CSS syntax
  • project-guidelines - A set of best practices for JavaScript projects
  • learn-tdd - ✅ A brief introduction to Test Driven Development (TDD) in JavaScript (Complete Beginner's Step-by-Step Tutorial)
  • google-webfonts-helper - A Hassle-Free Way to Self-Host Google Fonts. Get eot, ttf, svg, woff and woff2 files + CSS snippets
  • postcss-animation - PostCSS plugin that adds @keyframes from animate.css.
  • responsively-lazy - Lazy load responsive images
  • share-this - Medium-like text selection sharing without dependencies
  • glyphhanger - Your web font utility belt. It can subset web fonts. It can find unicode-ranges for you automatically. It makes julienne fries.
  • browser-bookmark-manager - Search through your Chrome and Firefox bookmarks with the command-line
  • usus - Webpage pre-rendering service. ⚡️
  • markdown-it - Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
  • webpack-by-sample - Learn webpack by sample, each of the samples contains a readme.md file that indicates the purpose of the sample plus an step by step guide to reproduce it.
  • github-post-release - Forms release changelog and posts a note to each referenced issues after semantic release publishes a new module version
  • webpack-demos - a collection of simple demos of Webpack
  • fractal-tenon - Fractal component library tool (http://fractal.build) plugin for accessibility testing against Tenon (http://tenon.io)
  • HTML5test - How well does your browser support HTML5?
  • webpack-recipes - 🆘 A collection of webpack configurations
  • titanic - A set of animated icons + code to insert them into the webpages
  • moveTo - A lightweight scroll animation javascript library without any dependency
  • chalk - 🖍 Terminal string styling done right
  • lightcrawler - Crawl a website and run it through Google lighthouse
  • postcss-flexbugs-fixes - PostCSS plugin that tries to fix all of flexbug's issues
  • fluidvids - Fluid width (responsive) videos module, 1KB, custom players, dynamic elements/XHR support.
  • postcss-unique-selectors - DEPRECATED, see https://github.com/cssnano/cssnano | Ensure CSS selectors are unique.
  • the-book - 📗 THE Book on Full-Stack Web Application Development covering User Experience (UX) Design/Tests, HTML5, Responsive + Functional CSS, Functional JavaScript, Mobile/Offline/Security First, Progressive Enhancement, Node.js, Hapi.js, Redux, React (Native), Elm, Elixir+Phoenix, Continuous Integration/Deployment, Testing (UX/TDD/BDD), Performance-Driven-Development and much more!
  • stylehacks - DEPRECATED, see https://github.com/cssnano/cssnano | Detect/remove browser hacks from CSS files.
  • front-end-guide - 📚 Study guide and introduction to the modern front end stack.
  • gulp-html - gulp plugin for HTML validation, using vnu.jar
  • postcss-fixes - Fixes known Browser Bugs.
  • postcss-combine-duplicated-selectors - automatically keep css selectors unique.
  • postcss-zindex - DEPRECATED, see https://github.com/cssnano/cssnano | Reduce z-index values with PostCSS.
  • postcss-sorting - PostCSS plugin to keep rules and at-rules content in order.
  • postcss-focus - PostCSS plugin to add :focus selector to every :hover for keyboard accessibility
  • postcss-pseudo-class-enter - Use the :enter pseudo-class in CSS
  • postcss-font-magician - Magically generate all the @font-face rules
  • js-offcanvas - A lightweight, flexible jQuery off-canvas navigation plugin which lets you create fully accessible sidebar or top/bottom sliding (or push) panels with keyboard interactions and ARIA attributes.
  • country-flags - SVG and PNG renders of all countries' flags.
  • staticrypt - Password protect a static HTML page
  • css-color-converter - Converts CSS colors from one representation to another
  • release-it - 🚀 Automate versioning and package publishing
  • flubber - Tools for smoother shape animations.
  • css-doodle - 🎨 A web component for drawing patterns with CSS.
  • alchemy - 🔮 File conversion, all from the menu bar
  • browserslist - 🦔 Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-preset-env
  • microjs.com - Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit!
  • timelinejs - 🎬 jQuery timeline plugin, easily creates timeline slider.
  • geocomplete - jQuery Geocoding and Places Autocomplete Plugin
  • extension-boilerplate - ⚡️ A template for building cross browser extensions for Chrome, Opera & Firefox.
  • scrape - Super simplistic CLI markup scraper tool
  • feather - Simply beautiful open source icons
  • postcss-start-to-end - PostCSS plugin that lets you control your layout (LTR or RTL) through logical rather than physical rules
  • birdview-chrome-extension - Get a glance at a whole web page with an aerial view
  • etcher - Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily.
  • aos - Animate on scroll library
  • geemans-a11y-guide - Accessibility guide for novice/newcomers
  • accessible-modal-dialog - An demonstration of how to code a modal dialog/window so that it is accessible to people with disabilities.
  • raw - The missing link between spreadsheets and data visualization
  • cookiecutter - CLI for quickly creating boilerplate files based on templates you provide.
  • theme-tools - Flexible, un-opinionated tools for front end development
  • mavo - Create web applications entirely by writing HTML and CSS!
  • bundlephobia - 🏋️ Find out the cost of adding a new frontend dependency to your project
  • guides - Dealerdirect guides for getting things done, be a programming role-model, coding in style and being the better colleague.
  • butternut - The fast, future-friendly minifier
  • jQuery-Knob - Nice, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery dial
  • fractal - A tool to help you build & document web component libraries, and then integrate them into your web projects.
  • accessible-colors - Automatically find the closest accessible color combination
  • matcher - Simple wildcard matching
  • DOMPurify - DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and hooks. Demo:
  • thelounge - 💬 Modern, responsive, cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC client
  • front-end-tooling-recipes - Collection of pre-configured front-end tooling setups for common uses.
  • blendid - A delicious blend of gulp tasks combined into a configurable asset pipeline and static site builder
  • edimax-smartplug - Unofficial Edimax Smartplug Libary. Control SP-1101W and SP-2101W from Node.js.
  • gulp-axe-webdriver - Gulp plugin for aXe utilizing WebDriverJS
  • awesome-gulp - 🍹 A curated list of awesome gulp resources, plugins, and boilerplates for a better development workflow automation - http://alferov.github.io/awesome-gulp
  • Modaal - An accessible dialog window library for all humans.
  • conduct - 🖖 Generate a Code of Conduct for your project
  • gulp-image - Optimize PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG images with gulp task.
  • speedtracker - 📉 Visualisation layer and data store for SpeedTracker
  • sample-currency-converter - A sample currency conversion Progressive Web App
  • holder - 🌇 Client-side image placeholders.
  • css-grid-cheat-sheet - CSS Grid Cheat Sheet
  • fathom - A framework for extracting meaning from web pages
  • van11y-accessible-modal-window-aria - ES2015 accessible modal window system, using ARIA
  • axe-core - Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing
  • funbook-old - I have a dream, to be a novelist someday.
  • flexibility - A JavaScript polyfill for Flexbox
  • stylelint-config-standard - The standard shareable config for stylelint
  • emulsify-gulp - Gulp setup to be used with https://github.com/fourkitchens/emulsify
  • gulp-rtlcss - Gulp plugin that uses RTLCSS to convert LTR CSS to RTL.
  • tachyons-cheatsheet - Interactive cheat sheet for Tachyons 📝
  • baguetteBox.js - ⚡ Simple and easy to use lightbox script written in pure JavaScript
  • twig - Use Twig templates with Fractal.
  • aria-practices - WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices, maintained by ARIA WG https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/
  • You-Dont-Need-jQuery - Examples of how to do query, style, dom, ajax, event etc like jQuery with plain javascript.
  • browserhacks - An extensive list of CSS/JS browserhacks from all over the interwebs.
  • sprite.sh - A Bash script to build a SVG sprite from a folder of SVG files (typically icons).
  • a11y-dialog - A very lightweight and flexible accessible modal dialog.
  • tota11y - an accessibility (a11y) visualization toolkit
  • PhotoSwipe - JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent
  • profiler - Firefox Profiler — Web app for Firefox performance analysis
  • postcss-grid-kiss - A PostCSS plugin to keep CSS grids stupidly simple
  • faker.js - generate massive amounts of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser
  • front-end-handbook-2017 - 2017 edition of our front-end development guide
  • Strut - Strut - An Impress.js and Bespoke.js Presentation Editor
  • animated-scroll-to - Lightweight scroll to function with a powerful API.
  • outset - A frontend scaffolding tool.
  • rucksack - A little bag of CSS superpowers, built on PostCSS
  • swiper - Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions
  • sharp - High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library.
  • htmllint - Unofficial html5 linter and validator.
  • 5ss-build-tools - Sample code for the book "5 Simple Steps Fast Reads: Build Tools" by Gavin Davies
  • viewport-list - Return a list of devices and their viewports
  • lokum - Manage a website’s content using Trello
  • jquery-watch - A jQuery plug-in to watch CSS style and attribute changes and get notified when a change occurs
  • gulp-smoosher - Inline css and js links with file contents
  • inliner - Node utility to inline images, CSS and JavaScript for a web page - useful for mobile sites
  • skycons - Colored Weather Icons from skycons
  • mediaelement - HTML5 <audio> or <video> player with support for MP4, WebM, and MP3 as well as HLS, Dash, YouTube, Facebook, SoundCloud and others with a common HTML5 MediaElement API, enabling a consistent UI in all browsers.
  • generator-awesome-list - 😎 Yeoman generator for GitHub awesome lists
  • manage-wifi-cli - Turn your Wi-Fi on and off
  • thermostat - Node-red interactive thermostat
  • colorme - Visualize The CSS Color Function
  • accesslint.js - Keep accessibility errors in check.
  • siema - Siema - Lightweight and simple carousel in pure JavaScript
  • WebSlides - Create HTML presentations in seconds —
  • accessible-color-matrix - An Elm-based prototype to help designers build accessible color palettes.
  • gassetic - Assetic replacement based on the gulp build tool
  • MQTT.js - The MQTT client for Node.js and the browser
  • staticland - Publish static sites with this command-line tool & API client for staticland
  • hackathon-starter - A boilerplate for Node.js web applications
  • https-everywhere - A browser extension that encrypts your communications with many websites that offer HTTPS but still allow unencrypted connections.
  • codimd - CodiMD - Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.
  • gulp-responsive - gulp-responsive generates images at different sizes
  • generator-jekyllized - A Yeoman generator for Jekyll to rapidly build sites using Gulp
  • sketch-palettes - A Sketch plugin for exporting and importing fill presets. It supports colors, gradients, and pattern fills.
  • wayback-css - Get the css from a domain and timestamp via the wayback machine
  • HELPq - 💁 an extensible real-time queue application, for mentorship @ hackathons and classrooms
  • node-metawear - nodejs library for MetaWear devices
  • emulsify - Emulsify: Pattern Lab + Drupal 8
  • arduino-wifi-switch - Code for the Arduino WiFi power switch & energy monitoring device
  • time-keeper - A simple NW.js-based desktop time tracker application written in Vanilla JS.
  • viewport-units-buggyfill - Making viewport units (vh|vw|vmin|vmax) work properly in Mobile Safari.
  • alfred-font-awesome - Alfred workflow to search for font-awesome icons
  • panda - The Panda 🐼 base theme for Drupal 8.
  • gulp-sequence - Run a series of gulp tasks in order
  • hello10k - An under 10kB adaptation of Hello Color for 10k Apart
  • kaktus - Experimental web browser with minimalistic design
  • guru - Guru Theme - Styleguide driven Drupal theme using kss-node
  • TheA11yMachine - The A11y Machine is an automated accessibility testing tool which crawls and tests pages of any web application to produce detailed reports.
  • gulp-sass-lint - Gulp plugin for Sass Lint
  • drupal-sass-breakpoints - This is the initial public commit of Drupal Sass Breakpoints. Easily share breakpoints between Drupal 8 and your Sass code.
  • gulp-csscomb - CSScomb plugin for Gulp.js. Formats CSS according to a pre-defined coding style.
  • AccessSniff - Automated accessibility testing using HTML_Codesniffer (WCAG and Section508)
  • quail - Accessibility testing in the browser and on the server.
  • dyslexia - Jumble text to simulate reading with dyslexia
  • gulp-imagemin - Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images
  • Gulp-Drupal - Gulp base for a drupal theme, with Sass | A11y | browserSync | Autoprefixer
  • gulp-a11y - A Gulp plugin for a11y to run accessibility audits on html files.
  • hammer.js - A javascript library for multi-touch gestures :// You can touch this
  • cropper - A simple jQuery image cropping plugin.
  • blazy - Hey, be lazy! bLazy.JS is a lightweight pure JavaScript script for lazy loading and multi-serving images. It's working in all modern browsers including IE7+.
  • Performance - Client side performance tool
  • flickity - 🍃 Touch, responsive, flickable carousels
  • gulp-sass-glob - Use glob includes in sass
  • jquery-ui-daterangepicker - A JQuery UI based date range picker.
  • gDoc.js - Use Google Spreadsheets as your CMS & to save your inputs!
  • Docbase - Turn .md docs into beautiful sites
  • checkbox.css - ☑️ Tiny set of pure CSS animations for your checkbox input. https://720kb.github.io/checkbox.css/
  • sharingbuttons.io - Quickly generate social sharing buttons with a tiny performance footprint
  • starterpoint - A very lightweight drupal 8 starter theme
  • Drupal-8-Theme - A starter theme for Drupal 8 that contains several development tasks handled by Gulp.
  • awesome-lint - Linter for Awesome lists
  • kube - Kube CSS Framework
  • customize-twitter-1.1 - Add your own custom CSS to modify the Twitter Embeddable Widget
  • palettable - Create color palettes using the knowledge of millions of designers.
  • ScrollTrigger - Triggers classes on html elements based on the scroll position. Uses requestAnimationFrame so it doesn't jack the users scroll.
  • headroom.js - Give your pages some headroom. Hide your header until you need it
  • html5shiv - This script is the defacto way to enable use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer.
  • alfred-emoj - Alfred 3 workflow to find relevant emoji from text
  • Sassisfaction - Awesome Sass Resources
  • stylelint-property-unknown - A custom stylelint rule to catch usage of unknown properties.
  • dom-css - fast dom CSS styling
  • ish. - ish. is yet another viewport resizer
  • stylelint - A mighty, modern style linter
  • atomic-docs - Front end code documentation generator. http://atomicdocs.io/
  • privacybadger - Privacy Badger is a browser extension that automatically learns to block invisible trackers.
  • shots - 🔫 pull down the entire Internet into a single animated gif.
  • Styleguide -
  • coach - Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can’t Lose.
  • hotel - 🏩 A simple process manager for developers. Start apps from your browser and access them using local domains
  • flower-power - The “Flower Power” Component Style Guide
  • aquifer - Drupal build, test, and deployment CLI.
  • drupal-template-helper - Chrome extension for Drupal 8, Drupal 7 and Backdrop CMS templates
  • immutable-css - A css linter for immutable selectors
  • MyHomeEnergyPlanner - My Home Energy Planner - Open Source home energy assessment software based on emoncms framework + openbem
  • tips - Most commonly used git tips and tricks.
  • css-style-guide-audit - Audit the CSS on a page to see what elements are using styles from the style guide and which styles are overriding them
  • perflint - PerfLint is a tool to identify unexpected performance levels of a Website
  • nylas-mail - 💌 An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web. Forks welcome!
  • nativefier - Make any web page a desktop application
  • serverless - Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! –
  • antimoderate - The progressive image loading library for great good!
  • Hozz - [Development indefinitely suspended] A better way to manage your hosts.
  • kalabox - A deprecated GUI for awesome shit
  • HackMyResume - Generate polished résumés and CVs in HTML, Markdown, LaTeX, MS Word, PDF, plain text, JSON, XML, YAML, smoke signal, and carrier pigeon.
  • stylefmt - stylefmt is a tool that automatically formats stylesheets.
  • trello-mup - Trello - Mindmup integration tool
  • hacker-scripts - Based on a true story
  • pewpew - ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Build your own IP Attack Maps with SOUND!
  • theo - Theo is a an abstraction for transforming and formatting Design Tokens
  • prosemirror - The ProseMirror WYSIWYM editor
  • alex - Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing
  • UpUp - ✈️ Easily create sites that work offline as well as online
  • material-palette - Colour extraction library, based on the Palette support library by @chrisbanes
  • freeCodeCamp - The https://www.freeCodeCamp.org open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free together with millions of people.
  • Typeset - An HTML pre-proces­sor for web ty­pog­ra­phy
  • converjon - An advanced image conversion server and command line tool.
  • GateOne - Gate One is an HTML5-powered terminal emulator and SSH client
  • atom-pair - An Atom package that allows for epic pair programming
  • analyze-css - CSS selectors complexity and performance analyzer
  • respimage - respimage is a responsive images polyfill, that loads your images fast and responsibly
  • tauCharts - D3 based data-focused charting library. Designed with passion. Flexible.
  • streama - Self hosted streaming media server.
  • awesome-selfhosted - This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers.
  • mindmaps - An open source, offline capable, mind mapping application leveraging HTML5 technologies
  • kill-tabs - Kill all Chrome tabs to improve performance, decrease battery usage, and save memory
  • disc - 📈 Visualise the module tree of browserify project bundles and track down bloat.
  • standardify - browserify plugin to force linting at bundle time
  • grunt-contrib-cssmin - Compress CSS files.
  • drupal-services-api - A Node.js client for interacting with Drupal 7 Services
  • styleguide - A tool to make creating and maintaining style guides easy.
  • drupal.org-shoov - Visual monitor Drupal.org
  • performance-bookmarklet - Performance-Bookmarklet helps to analyze the current page through the Resource Timing API, Navigation Timing API and User-Timing - requests by type, domain, load times, marks and more. Sort of a light live WebPageTest.
  • node-telegram-bot-api - Telegram Bot API for NodeJS
  • generator-ctools-layout - Yeoman generator for Drupal ctools layout plugins.
  • patternlab-src - Pattern Lab src directory boilerplate
  • stylize-front-end - A generic interface for browsing design patterns.
  • generator-drupal-module - Yeoman generator for simple Drupal modules
  • echo-chamber-js - Commenting without the comments
  • Sketch-Flex-Layout - Plugin for Sketch allowing for CSS Flexbox layouts using stylesheets and prototypes
  • OctoLinker - OctoLinker — Links together, what belongs together
  • paperoncino - Drupal 8 theme with material design and polymer elements
  • taskr - A fast, concurrency-focused task automation tool.
  • board - Trello like kanban board. Based on Restya platform.
  • generator-wbp - Scaffold a modern workflow for developing web apps and sites
  • fkill-cli - Fabulously kill processes. Cross-platform.
  • whatiscode - Paul Ford’s “What Is Code?”
  • map-chat - A super simple location based chat
  • ORG - Minds.org Site
  • tonic - Build your own quantified self website.
  • Leaflet - 🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
  • Semantic-UI - Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
  • hackpad-download - Chrome extension of hackpad download.
  • hemingway - Chrome extension for Hackpad
  • hackpad-export - Exports hackpads
  • hackpad - A web application hacker's toolbox. Base64 encoding/decoding, URL encoding/decoding, MD5/SHA1/SHA256/HMAC hashing, code deobfuscation, formatting, highlighting and much more.
  • hadashboard - Dashing dashboard for SmartThings.
  • HTMLDoc - A build tool for annotated pattern libraries
  • electron-angular-boilerplate - An Electron template app using AngularJS, Skeleton and a whoe sleuth of tools for building Windows/Mac/Linux desktop applications
  • styleguide - GitBook.com HTML/CSS Style Guide
  • hihat - 🎩 local Node/Browser development with Chrome DevTools
  • watchify - watch mode for browserify builds
  • user-home-cli - Get the path to the user home directory
  • purifycss - Remove unused CSS. Also works with single-page apps.
  • Rocket.Chat - The ultimate Free Open Source Solution for team communications.
  • me-api - An extensible, personal API with custom integrations
  • discord - GitHub webhook that analyzes pull requests and adds comments about incompatible CSS
  • chrome-wakatime - Chrome extension for automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your browsing activity.
  • webdrivercss-adminpanel - Administration App for CSS Regression Testing with WebdriverCSS
  • probo - Open source continuous integration and quality assurance.
  • www - The main website for Write the Docs.
  • gmail-toggl-responder - This script responds to an 'hours' request via gmail using the toggl api
  • critical - Extract & Inline Critical-path CSS in HTML pages
  • generator-ctools-content-type - A Ctools content_type plugins generator for Drupal
  • webpagetest-charts-api - An api of endpoints to build charts from WebPagetest results
  • aaron-gustafson.com - My website
  • postcss - Transforming styles with JS plugins
  • slackin - Public Slack organizations made easy
  • friends - 📺 P2P chat powered by the web.
  • betty - Google Voice with Receptionist abilities, built on top of Twilio
  • webpagetest-api - WebPageTest API wrapper for NodeJS
  • elevator.js - Finally, a "back to top" button that behaves like a real elevator.
  • sprint - A tiny, lightning fast jQuery-like library for modern browsers.
  • gulp-css-globbing - A Gulp plugin for globbing CSS import statements
  • cozy-home-v2 - This repository was part of CozyV2 which has been deprecated
  • Formstone - Library of modular front end components.
  • drupalcore-frontend-toolkit - A frontend toolkit for working with Drupal core
  • dragula - 👌 Drag and drop so simple it hurts
  • Sketch-Mate - These plugins will make you best friends with Sketch.
  • performance-bookmarklet - Performance-Bookmarklet helps to analyze the current page through the Resource Timing API, Navigation Timing API and User-Timing - requests by type, domain, load times, marks and more. Sort of a light live WebPageTest.
  • sightline - Demonstrate your CLI with animated examples.
  • Signal-Desktop - Signal — Private Messenger for Windows, Mac, and Linux
  • npm-run-all - A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential.
  • flowchart - a simple command line utility for walking through flowcharts
  • grunt-cssnano - DEPRECATED - Minify CSS
  • husky - 🐶 Git hooks made easy
  • replace - [UNMAINTAINED] Command line search and replace utility
  • github-enhancement-suite - A collection of userscripts specific to Github
  • gulp-starter-env - A basic gulp environment with autoprefixer and minifcation for designers to play around with
  • atomic-guide - A guide to help build highly reusable components through the study of an interface from a molecular level.
  • photobooth-control - Control App for photobooth project
  • burnout.io - Burnout.io is a site that provides resources to prevent work-related burnout.
  • materialize - Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
  • wakatime-mobile - Mobile app for WakaTime
  • hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
  • fuck-you - ⚠[unmaintained]⚠ (╯°□°)╯︵sǝssǝɔoɹd oʎ llɐ llıʞǝɓɐɹ
  • grunt-include-replace - Grunt task to include files and replace variables. Allows for parameterised includes.
  • criticalCSS - Finds the Above the Fold CSS for your page, and outputs it into a file
  • bugsnap - Chrome screenshot extension with direct posting to bug trackers
  • grunt-svg-sprite - SVG sprites & stacks galore — Grunt plugin wrapping around svg-sprite that reads in a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and creates SVG sprites and CSS resources in various flavours
  • slideout - A touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps.
  • textures - Textures.js is a JavaScript library for creating SVG patterns
  • Select-or-Die - Yet another jQuery plugin to style select elements. Demo at http://vst.mn/selectordie/
  • markdown-plus - Markdown editor with extra features.
  • low-carbon-councils - Ranking UK councils by how installed renewable capicity
  • dna2json - Formats your genome file as JSON
  • clean-css - Fast and efficient CSS optimizer for node.js and the Web
  • Placeholders.js - A JavaScript polyfill for the HTML5 placeholder attribute
  • grunt-html - Grunt plugin for html validation
  • frontend-tooling - Rocket Surgery for Brain Scientists
  • cssstats - Visualize various stats about your CSS
  • awesomplete - Ultra lightweight, usable, beautiful autocomplete with zero dependencies.
  • datedropper - datedropper is a jQuery plugin that provides a quick and easy way to manage dates for input fields.
  • sass-lint - Pure Node.js Sass linting
  • wifi-name - Get current wifi name
  • grunt-debug-files - Debug files run through grunt
  • BackstopJS - Catch CSS curve balls.
  • grunt-conventional-changelog - Grunt task for generating a changelog from git metadata
  • dog-names - 🐶 Get popular dog names
  • select2 - Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
  • imessageclient - send and receive iMessages in a terminal or over ssh
  • ie8linter - A little tool to lint websites for IE8 compatibility, with warnings for possible pitfalls
  • fulcrum - An agile project planning tool
  • frontend-md -
  • jsonresume-theme-slick - A simple theme for JSON Resume
  • remark - A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.
  • kss-node - The Node.js implementation of KSS: a methodology for documenting CSS and generating style guides
  • dough - Reusable UI components
  • cat-names - 🐈 Get popular cat names
  • etherpad-lite - Etherpad: Really real-time collaborative document editing
  • markdown-live - Markdown preview with live update.
  • tmi - TMI (Too Many Images) - discover your image weight on the web
  • font-face-render-check - Detect if @font-face is supported by checking if fonts are actually rendered
  • sandstorm - Sandstorm is a self-hostable web productivity suite. It's implemented as a security-hardened web app package manager.
  • contentify - The easiest way to manage your online content
  • sheetsee.js - 👀 📈 Visualize Data from a Google Spreadsheet
  • wekan - The open-source kanban (built with Meteor). Keep variable/table/field names camelCase. For translations, only add Pull Request changes to wekan/i18n/en.i18n.json , other translations are done at https://transifex.com/wekan/wekan only.
  • dashing-home - Dashboard for my house based on Dashing.io
  • tracker-home-ambient - Tracker for home ambient (light, sound and temperature) using tessel.io
  • drupalcs - Portable Gulp-based tool that lints custom JavaScript and PHP files, and checks them for coding standards violations.
  • GitHubForDrupalTeams - (DEPRECATED) Documentation and code examples for collaborative Drupal development on GitHub.
  • grunt-prettify - Grunt plugin for beautifying HTML. Lots of options so that you can format/beautify the generated HTML the way you want it.
  • focusable - 🔦 Set a spotlight focus on DOM element adding a overlay layer to the rest of the page
  • shields - Generate shields for your current project's README
  • a11y - Accessibility audit tooling for the web (beta)
  • grunt-a11y - Grunt wrapper for a11y
  • Trello-Bookmarklet - A bookmarklet that creates Trello cards from info on other webpages (e.g. FogBugz and github issues)
  • trello-calendar - A calendar for Trello with all your cards with a due date.
  • fe-skeleton - The official front-end skeleton used by rehabstudio.
  • fixed-nav - Responsive, fixed and touch friendly one page navigation with animated scrolling.
  • awm - Alfred workflow manager
  • screenshot-app - website screenshot service & app - powered by node.js, express, redis, node-canvas, phantomjs and more
  • uncss - Remove unused styles from CSS
  • openaddresses - A repository of global open address data.
  • frontendboilerplate - Modular, easy to use boilerplate for building web applications. Official Repository
  • projectz - Stop wasting time maintaining your project's readme and package files! Let Projectz do it for you.
  • mermaid - Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown
  • Sublime-Text-Preferences - A place to keep track of my Sublime Text user preferences
  • sc5-styleguide - Styleguide generator is a handy little tool that helps you generate good looking styleguides from stylesheets using KSS notation
  • styledown - Markdown-based styleguide generator
  • scrollback - Embeddable cross-platform chat for communities
  • screenshot-as-a-service - Website screenshot service powered by node.js and PhantomJS
  • remarkable - Markdown parser, done right. Commonmark support, extensions, syntax plugins, high speed - all in one. Gulp and metalsmith plugins available. Used by Facebook, Docusaurus and many others! Use https://github.com/breakdance/breakdance for HTML-to-markdown conversion. Use https://github.com/jonschlinkert/markdown-toc to generate a table of contents.
  • lazysizes - High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without configuration.
  • Buttons - A CSS button library built using Sass and Compass
  • laverna - Laverna is a JavaScript note taking application with Markdown editor and encryption support. Consider it like open source alternative to Evernote.
  • govuk_admin_template - [Deprecated] Styles, scripts and templates for building GOV.UK backend admin apps
  • govuk_frontend_toolkit - ❗️GOV.UK Frontend Toolkit is deprecated, and will only receive major bug fixes and security patches.
  • gh-pages-deploy - publish to gh-pages from package.json
  • responsivetest - Test responsive layout, powered by AngularJS and Bootstrap 3. If this tool is useful to you, please Star it.
  • takana - Takana lets you see your SCSS and CSS style changes live, in the browser, as you type them
  • fix-macosx -
  • csstest - A collection of resources on automated CSS testing
  • PhantomFlow - Describe and visualise user flows through tests with PhantomJS
  • outlayer - 👷 the brains & guts of a layout library
  • perfmap - Front-end performance heatmap bookmarklet.
  • nightmare - A high-level browser automation library.
  • accessibility-developer-tools - This is a library of accessibility-related testing and utility code.
  • postcss-bem-linter - A BEM linter for postcss
  • localtunnel - expose yourself
  • jquery-focuspoint - jQuery plugin for 'responsive cropping'. Dynamically crop images to fill available space without cutting out the image's subject. Great for full-screen images.
  • atomify-css - Atomic CSS - Reusable front-end styling using Rework, plugins, and Node's resolve algorithm
  • nirc - A simple web browser IRC client written in Node.js.
  • fontello - Iconic fonts scissors
  • jquery.dform - A flexible JavaScript Object and JSON to HTML converter with a focus on forms
  • odoo - Odoo. Open Source Apps To Grow Your Business.
  • grunt-markdown-pdf - Grunt plugin to convert markdown documents to PDF. Thin wrapper around the markdown-pdf module.
  • Sketch-Style-Inventory - Review, import & export styles in Sketch.
  • shout - Deprecated. See fork @ https://github.com/thelounge
  • uptime - A remote monitoring application using Node.js, MongoDB, and Twitter Bootstrap.
  • page-monitor - capture webpage and diff the dom change with phantomjs ♨
  • kitematic - Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • transit-map - The server and client used in transit map simulations like swisstrains.ch
  • komanda - The IRC Client For Developers
  • websync - websync is intended to be an rsync manager, where rsync tasks can be added, scheduled and maintained in a sane manner.
  • selectize.js - Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and <select> box. It's jQuery based and it has autocomplete and native-feeling keyboard navigation; useful for tagging, contact lists, etc.
  • timesheet.js - JavaScript library for HTML5 & CSS3 time sheets
  • slap - Sublime-like terminal-based text editor
  • screenshot-as-a-service - Website screenshot service powered by node.js and phantomjs
  • perfBar -
  • grunt-pageres - Capture website screenshots
  • generator-yeogurt - A generator for creating static sites. Helps you harness the power of your favorite tools: Pug or Nunjucks, Gulp, ES6/2015, and much more!
  • d3 - Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉
  • gremlins.js - Monkey testing library for web apps and Node.js
  • cssshrink - CSS minifier
  • grunt-perfbudget - Grunt task for performance budgeting.
  • grunt-devperf - Helps front-end developers to reach a good quality and good performances, based on phantomas and grunt-phantomas.
  • devshelf - [frozen] Community driven reading shelf.
  • Pikaday - A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker — lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS
  • hicat - Command-line syntax highlighter
  • picturefill - A responsive image polyfill for <picture>, srcset, sizes, and more
  • headstart - An automated front-end setup
  • autoprefixer - Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use
  • social-share-urls - Social Share URLs
  • cardio - cardio
  • PleaseJS - JavaScript Library for creating random pleasing colors and color schemes
  • theme-manager - Theme server for JSON Resume
  • scroll-frame - Retain your scroll position between pages using an iframe. Especially helpful for infinite scrolling views.
  • emailify - Make HTML pages email-safe
  • resume-linkedin - [DEPRECATED] Builds http://jsonresume.org/ JSON schema from your LinkedIn profile.
  • gulp - A starting gulp file and package.json
  • intense-images - A simple library to view large images up close using simple mouse interaction, and the full screen.
  • sassdoc - Release the docs!
  • css-colorguard - Keep a watchful eye on your css colors.
  • resumeToMarkdown - Convert your resume.json into a markdown file which can then be converted to HTML
  • Framer - Framer - Design Everything
  • gitbanner - 🎈 Generates a git repo to show a cool banner on your Github profile
  • markdown-preview - 📝 Markdown preview in Atom
  • fontprep - 🔣 The missing font generator for Mac OSX.
  • tableExport.jquery.plugin - "table2JSON", "table2XML", "table2PNG","table2CSV","table2Excel","table2Word","table2Powerpoint","table2txt","table2PDF"
  • resume-cli - CLI tool to easily setup a new resume 📑
  • Source - [ON HOLD] Living Style Guides Engine and Maintenance Environment for Front-end Components. Core repository.
  • datatables-responsive - Responsive Datatables Helper
  • history.js - History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers. Including continued support for data, titles, replaceState. Supports jQuery, MooTools and Prototype. For HTML5 browsers this means that you can modify the URL directly, without needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the old onhashchange functionality.
  • fontloader - A fontloader polyfill
  • fontIconPicker - jQuery fontIconPicker v2 is a small (3.22kb gzipped) jQuery plugin which allows you to include a simple icon picker with search and pagination inside your administration forms.
  • octicons - A scalable set of icons handcrafted with <3 by GitHub
  • grunt-pagespeed-ngrok-sample - Sample project for grunt-pagespeed and ngrok
  • csscomb.js - CSS coding style formatter
  • gulp-css-target - Gulp plugin for splitting a single CSS file into multiple CSS files
  • gulp-grunt - Run grunt tasks from gulp
  • drupal_styletiles - Style Tiles built on Foundation for Drupal Front End Developers
  • jekyll-table-of-contents - A simple JavaScript table of contents, designed for Jekyll (or similar) sites.
  • grunt-image - Optimize PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG images with grunt task.
  • pho-devstack - Automated workflow for front-end developers in one tasty bowl of code.
  • offline-issues - ❕ 📶 Get your GitHub Issues to read offline later. Mmm.
  • svg4everybody - Use external SVG spritemaps today
  • vtop - Wow such top. So stats. More better than regular top.
  • grunt-webfont - SVG to webfont converter for Grunt
  • gulp-base64 - Gulp task for converting all data found within a stylesheet (those within a url( ... ) declaration) into base64-encoded data URI strings
  • csscritic - Lightweight CSS regression testing
  • gitjk - Undo what you just did in git
  • scribe - DEPRECATED: A rich text editor framework for the web platform
  • gauth - A simple application for multi-factor authentication, written in HTML using jQuery Mobile, jsSHA and LocalStorage.
  • fabricator - A tool for building website UI toolkits and style guides
  • RWD-Table-Patterns - This is an awesome solution for responsive tables with complex data.
  • HTMLHint - ⚙️ The static code analysis tool you need for your HTML
  • github-gmail - [Browser extension] Open GitHub notifications with shortcuts in Gmail.
  • github-labels - Add github labels automatically
  • My-Grunt-Boilerplate - Right. Like the title.
  • yosay - Tell Yeoman what to say
  • gulp-app - Gulp as an app
  • octotree - GitHub code tree on steroids
  • grunt-devtools - 🛠 Grunt Task Runner Extension for Chrome Developer Tools
  • display-notification - Display a notification (macOS 10.9+)
  • day-player - A Sketch Plugin for creating placeholder images from online services.
  • rizzo - UI Layer for lonelyplanet.com
  • feedback_me - jQuery Feedback Me Plugin
  • trash - Move files and directories to the trash
  • tablesaw - A group of plugins for responsive tables.
  • jQueryGantt - jQuery Gantt editor
  • todotxt-chrome - Chrome extension port of Todo.txt CLI
  • anijs - A Library to Raise your Web Design without Coding.
  • generator-aurora - Yeoman generator for Aurora Drupal theme
  • grunt-chrome-extension-reload - Reload your extension code.
  • darkwallet - Your keys. Your privacy. Your sovereignty.
  • atom - :atom: The hackable text editor
  • SketchPlugins - A git repo for my Sketch plugins
  • ircanywhere - IRCAnywhere web based multi-user IRC bouncer built for teams
  • icloud-tabs - Get the iCloud tabs for all synced devices (macOS)
  • syte - A really simple but powerful packaged personal site that has social integrations like twitter, github, dribbble, instagram, foursquare, tumblr, wordpress, linkedin, spotify/last.fm, and much more...
  • origami-build-tools - Standard Origami component development tools.
  • dalek - [unmaintained] DalekJS Base framework
  • .todo - @todo a human-readable .todo language & syntax. Watch/Fork this project!
  • todotxtpp - NodeJS Application with Dropbox Integration for Managing a Todo.txt File
  • write-good - Naive linter for English prose
  • freeboard - A damn-sexy, open source real-time dashboard builder for IOT and other web mashups. A free open-source alternative to Geckoboard.
  • Sketch-plugins - Sketch plugins I use
  • sketch-plugins - Plugins for Bohemian Coding Sketch
  • Random-User - A SketchApp plugin that inserts random user data into your Sketch documents.
  • Content-generator-sketch-plugin - Sketch app plugin for generating dummy data such as avatars, names, photos, geo data etc
  • sandros-sketch-plugins - An assortment of random sketch plugins
  • subway - ABANDONED - A web based IRC client
  • cssarrowplease - Generate CSS tooltip arrows
  • tweetmap - 🔥 Visualise your tweets on a heatmap
  • grunt-svgstore - Merge svgs from a folder
  • modern.ie.virtualbox.scripts - setup and start modern.ie virtual machines
  • gitbook - 📝 Modern documentation format and toolchain using Git and Markdown
  • particular-pinboard - An enhanced pinboard bookmarklet for the persnickety
  • slick - the last carousel you'll ever need
  • lets-chat - Self-hosted chat app for small teams
  • kandan - Kandan is an Open Source Alternative to HipChat
  • Sublime-Text-Power-User-Talk - Slides and keyboard shortcuts for Wes Bos' Sublime Text Power User talk
  • fluidity - The worlds smallest fully-responsive css framework
  • cabot - Self-hosted, easily-deployable monitoring and alerts service - like a lightweight PagerDuty
  • stickyNavbar.js - stickyNavbar.js: Fancy sticky navigation jQuery plugin with smart anchor link highlighting
  • ngrok - Expose your localhost to the web. Node wrapper for ngrok.
  • atom-editorconfig - Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
  • jirasurvivor - A bug leaderboard for JIRA issues
  • dashing - The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework in Ruby and Coffeescript.
  • fireshell - Fiercely quick front-end boilerplate and workflows, HTML5, Grunt, Sass.
  • webspecter - BDD-style acceptance test framework for web applications based on PhantomJS.
  • csslint - Automated linting of Cascading Stylesheets
  • postcodes.io - UK Postcode API serving up Open Data
  • parker - Stylesheet analysis tool.
  • generator-zariz - Generator for static site from a Drupal installation built with the Zariz module suite.
  • generator-webapp_DEPRECATED - Yeoman generator that scaffolds out a front-end web app
  • responsive-elements - Responsive elements makes it possible for any element to adapt and respond to the area they occupy. It's a tiny javascript library that you can drop into your projects today.
  • sitespeed.io - Sitespeed.io is an open source tool that helps you monitor, analyze and optimize your website speed and performance, based on performance best practices advices from the coach and collecting browser metrics using the Navigation Timing API, User Timings and Visual Metrics (FirstVisualChange, SpeedIndex & LastVisualChange).
  • octocard - Highly flexible github info card for every github lover. [This project is deprecated.]
  • linux-dash - A beautiful web dashboard for Linux
  • share-button - ⚠️ ⚠️ Currently Unmaintained ⚠️ ⚠️ - fast, beautiful, and painless social shares:
  • WOW - Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page
  • cockpit - There's code a goin' on
  • cabin - 🌲 Cabin is the best JavaScript and Node.js logging service and logging npm package
  • bauble - Image tracking with getUserMedia
  • tiny-lr - tiny livereload
  • oocss - Object Oriented CSS Framework
  • styleSRC - The coded equivalent to a style-tile (responsive)
  • Style-Prototyping -
  • generator-style-prototype - Yeoman Generator for Style Prototypes
  • sublime-text-caniuse - Is a plugin for sublime text 2/3 for checking CSS property support
  • Centurion - A clean cut UI theme for Sublime Text.
  • toy-chest-theme - A color scheme for your text editor that makes coding fun.
  • book-of-modern-frontend-tooling - The Front-end Tooling Book
  • spacegray - A Hyperminimal UI Theme for Sublime Text
  • grunt-sass - Compile Sass to CSS
  • atomify - Atomic web development - Combining the power of npm, Browserify, Rework and more to build small, fully encapsulated client side modules
  • imagesloaded - 📷 JavaScript is all like "You images done yet or what?"
  • SublimeLinter-for-ST2 - [DEPRECATED] Inline lint highlighting for the Sublime Text 2 editor
  • devtools-terminal - Terminal in Chrome Devtools
  • Remote-Preview - Remote Preview allows you to preview any URL on large number of mobile devices simultaneously.
  • PhantomCSS - Visual/CSS regression testing with PhantomJS
  • grunt-contrib-watch - Run tasks whenever watched files change.
  • github-stars - Returns the aggregate number of stars for a user/org or single repo
  • grunt-patternprimer - Grunting grunts with grunt & serving a pattern catalogue
  • resume.github.com - Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
  • dashboard - Your life's personal dashboard.
  • grunt-starter - A set of starter files for a Grunt & Bower project.
  • browser-sync - Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites. http://browsersync.io
  • markdown-pdf - 📄 Markdown to PDF converter
  • Adaptive-UIs - Experiments in really adaptive/responsive user experiences for the web
  • gistdeck - GistDeck is a presentation layer for one of our favorite text sharing tools.
  • gistdeck-your-css - Turn a gist on GitHub or Gist.io into a slides presentation with your own CSS.
  • deCSS3 - A lil' bookmarklet that will strip out your CSS3 rules and show you how gracefully you're degrading.
  • trifleJS - Headless automation for Internet Explorer
  • dochub - speedy docs
  • Firefox-OS-Boilerplate-App - Creating Firefox OS apps
  • signature-pad - Online signature pad for collecting and displaying signatures. We use this for digital signatures on Rent Application
  • dreditor - An event and Promise based JavaScript parser and render (to HTML) for unified diff files.
  • DrupalCodingStandard - A Sublime build script for running Drupal Code Sniffer.
  • css-ratiocinator - because your CSS is garbage
  • helium-css - Helium - javascript tool to scan your site and show unused CSS
  • Overthrow - A tiny, no-frills, framework-independent, targeted overflow: auto polyfill for use in responsive design.
  • review - Visual regression testing tool for responsive websites
  • hub.me - [deprecated] A responsive gallery to display your projects on Github
  • togetherjs - A service for your website that makes it surprisingly easy to collaborate in real-time.
  • watchersto - Fetch a github projects watchers and exports them to either json, csv or vcf formats
  • Ghost - 👻 The #1 headless Node.js CMS for professional publishing
  • sir-trevor-js - Rich content editing entirely re-imagined for the web
  • alfred-workflows - Alfred Workflows for Developers
  • Colorsublime-Themes - Colorsublime themes collection
  • dgu_d7 - Data.gov.uk Drupal 7 project
  • Southstreet - Filament Group's core tools & workflow for delivering rich cross-device web applications
  • SketchGit - Git plugin for Sketch App
  • sketch-commands - A collection of script commands for Sketch.app
  • ucss - Find unused and duplicate CSS
  • hubot - A customizable life embetterment robot.
  • usercss - User CSS extension for Safari 5
  • DropKick - A JavaScript plugin for creating beautiful, accessible, and painless custom dropdowns.
  • SocialShare - JavaScript plugin to create sharing buttons
  • after_talk - Just gave a talk / workshop? Collect some feedback
  • Imager.js - Responsive images while we wait for srcset to finish cooking
  • social-buttons-server - Host your own social counters servers while pulling live data from Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus
  • PrettyCSS - CSS beautifier, lint checker, validator
  • grunt-git-contributors - Generate a list of contributors from your project's git history.
  • prose - A Content Editor for GitHub.
  • Parsley.js - Validate your forms, frontend, without writing a single line of javascript
  • border-image-generator - WYSIWYG editor for border-image styles
  • static-code-scan - Run this quick static code scan on any URL to check for out-of-date libraries, layout issues and accessibility.
  • Sublime-HTMLPrettify - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, React/JSX and Vue code formatter for Sublime Text 2 and 3 via node.js
  • ungit - The easiest way to use git. On any platform. Anywhere.
  • Hardy - Selenium-driven, cucumber-powered CSS testing.
  • html-inspector - HTML Inspector is a code quality tool to help you and your team write better markup. It's written in JavaScript and runs in the browser, so testing your HTML has never been easier.
  • patternlab - Make a pattern library using atomic design.
  • Stylify-Me - Website style analyzer for designers. This is the service part that does the analyzation etc.
  • Style-Prototypes - JavaScript and Sass for Style Prototypes
  • Style-Sites - A responsive style page for style tiles and generating a style guide
  • a-slightly-bizarre-starting-point - a starting point framework of HTML/CSS and JS files ready for quick start front-end developemt
  • drupalui - Experimental set of UI components for Drupal, focusing on the D8 version of the Seven admin theme and based on the style guide at http://groups.drupal.org/node/283223
  • reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework
  • dexy-styleguide-demo - These are the files for a demonstration I did at both Smashing Conference (http://www.smashingconf.com) and Fronteers 2012 (http://fronteers.nl/congres/2012).
  • styledocco - Automatically generate a style guide from your stylesheets.
  • Stapel - An experimental jQuery plugin that will group thumbnails by a shared data-attribute into a pile. When clicking on the pile, the thumbnails that belong to that pile will be spread into a grid using CSS transitions.
  • kanban - Kanboard board
  • Style-Sites - A responsive style page for style tiles and generating a style guide
  • drupal - A draft of proposed components and coding standards for Drupal 8.
  • kaleistyleguide - This project aims at making sure your style sheets are fully documented whilst being synchronized with your webpages styles. To do this it actually uses your live stylesheets in so that at anytime you can review how your styleguide looks.
  • SublimeTextSetupWiki - Enable people to get started with Sublime Text 2 much more quickly
  • drupal - A draft of proposed components and coding standards for Drupal 8.
  • Survival-Kit - Tools and defaults for designing websites in the brower.
  • accessifyhtml5.js - While most browsers work all right with the new semantic elements of HTML5, they don’t add the ARIA accessibility attributes that the specification demands. This small JavaScript adds those attributes to enhance accessibility of web sites.

Jupyter Notebook


  • hackfoldr - organize gdoc and hackpad for hackathons


  • ntopng - Web-based Traffic and Security Network Traffic Monitoring
  • telegram-bot - UNMAINTAINED - A Telegram Bot based on plugins


  • diff-pdf - A simple tool for visually comparing two PDF files


  • superdrive-enabler - Hack for Apple's Superdrive to work with other systems than OSX / MacOS and MBA
  • gitpr - A quick reference guide on fork and pull request workflow
  • mac-playbook - Mac setup and configuration via Ansible.
  • phpbrew - Brew & manage PHP versions in pure PHP at HOME
  • awesome-web-scraping - List of libraries, tools and APIs for web scraping and data processing.
  • example-drush-make - Terra ready drupal project
  • 7XX-rfc - An RFC for a new series of HTTP status codes covering developer fouls.


  • ipscan - Angry IP Scanner - fast and friendly network scanner


  • drupal-with-nginx - Running Drupal using nginx: an idiosyncratically crafted bleeding edge configuration.


  • sketchcachecleaner - 💻 Sketch Cache Cleaner
  • moreMenu - 👉 It's my menu and I need it now!
  • Soundflower - MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications.
  • Google-Drive-for-Mac - A standalone macOS app for Google Docs, Sheets and Slides
  • macmediakeyforwarder - Mac Media Key Forwarder for iTunes and Spotify
  • gasmask - Hosts file manager for OS X
  • Sketch-Toolbox - A plugin manager for Sketch.app
  • MiniMobileDeviceLab - A mini mobile web device lab
  • ControlPlane - ControlPlane - context-sensitive computing for OS X
  • GitUp - The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived.
  • nv - MultiMarkdown version of Notational Velocity with Markdown editing features and preview
  • NotificationClear - 📂 MacForge Plugin to add "Clear All" button for Notification Center on macOS
  • thyme - The task timer for OS X.
  • WakaLet - Wakatime.com OSX menulet (menubar application)
  • beardedspice - Mac Media Keys for the Masses
  • ResearchKit - ResearchKit is an open source software framework that makes it easy to create apps for medical research or for other research projects.
  • GIFs - A Mac App for finding GIFs
  • AnyBar - OS X menubar status indicator
  • fb-mac-messenger - ⚡️ Mac app wrapping Facebook's Messenger for desktop
  • spectacle - Spectacle allows you to organize your windows without using a mouse.
  • ios-app-v1 - [READ-ONLY] [DEPRECATED] wallabag App for iOS (for wallabag v1)
  • Sketch-Toolbox - DEPRECATED: A plugin manager for Sketch.app
  • vagrant-manager - Manage your vagrant machines in one place with Vagrant Manager for OS X
  • Cakebrew - Manage your Homebrew formulas with style using Cakebrew.
  • Hosts.prefpane - a Cocoa GUI for /etc/hosts
  • SafariTabSwitching - A SIMBL plugin for Safari 5.1 allowing tab switching by index (using Cmd-1, Cmd-2…)
  • satellite-eyes - Mac OS X app to automatically set your desktop wallpaper to the satellite view overhead.
  • launchrocket - A Mac PrefPane to manage all your Homebrew-installed services
  • chrome-cli - Control Google Chrome from the command line
  • PingMenu - Show the current latency of your connection in your Mac OS X menu bar
  • qlstephen - A QuickLook plugin that lets you view plain text files without a file extension
  • radioaunty - A Mac app that allows you to listen to live and catchup BBC Radio
  • igithub - github for the iphone
  • iPhoneTracker -
  • slate - A window management application (replacement for Divvy/SizeUp/ShiftIt)


  • textmate - TextMate is a graphical text editor for macOS 10.10 or later



  • KnpTimeBundle - Provides helpers for time manipulation
  • drupal-boina - The Drupal Boina Distribution
  • webtrees - Online genealogy
  • browsershot - Convert html to an image, pdf or string
  • drupal-conventions - Check (and fix) your code against Drupal's code conventions and coding standard.
  • librenms - Community-based GPL-licensed network monitoring system
  • Payum - PHP 7+ Payment processing library. It offers everything you need to work with payments: Credit card & offsite purchasing, subscriptions, payouts etc. - provided by Forma-Pro
  • php-gitlab-api - GitLab API client for PHP
  • domainmod - DomainMOD is an open source application written in PHP & MySQL used to manage your domains and other internet assets in a central location. DomainMOD also includes a Data Warehouse framework that allows you to import your web server data so that you can view, export, and report on your live data.
  • drupal-spec-tool - A tool for specifying Drupal architecture details and generating automated tests for them.
  • phpinsights - 🔰 Instant PHP quality checks from your console
  • php-generator - 🐘 Generates neat PHP code for you. Supports new PHP 7.3 features.
  • UniFi-API-client - A PHP API client class to interact with Ubiquiti's UniFi Controller API
  • file-directory-list - Free Super Clean PHP File Directory Listing Script
  • contribution-day - A Docksal based local environment for our Drupal contribution days.
  • webform_prefill -
  • phan - Phan is a static analyzer for PHP. Phan prefers to avoid false-positives and attempts to prove incorrectness rather than correctness.
  • psalm - A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications
  • composerize-drupal - Convert a non-Composer-managed Drupal application (e.g., one created via tarball) to a Composer-managed Drupal application.
  • phpactor - PHP completion, refactoring and introspection tool.
  • plugin-php-faker - The Faker Plugin adds Faker support to Pattern Lab.
  • markdown-extension - Markdown support for Twig
  • drupal-check - Check Drupal code for deprecations and discover bugs via static analysis
  • tracy - 😎 Tracy: the addictive tool to ease debugging PHP code for cool developers. Friendly design, logging, profiler, advanced features like debugging AJAX calls or CLI support. You will love it.
  • easy-bookmark-manager - Easy and simple self-hosted bookmark / snippet management tool.
  • config_split_merge - A tool to merge together separate configurations for Drupal 8 sites.
  • drupal-deprecation-testing - Runs Drupal against PHPStan with deprecation rules
  • tome_drush - Global Drush commands for initializing and installing Tome.
  • ui_patterns_from_layouts - Development and issues now at drupal.org
  • multiple_definition_files - Development and issues now at drupal.org
  • ui_patterns_pattern_lab - Allows the UI Patterns module to automatically discover patterns in a Pattern Lab instance.
  • value - Simplified Twig template variables for Drupal
  • oe_theme - OpenEuropa Drupal 8 theme based on the Europa Component Library
  • attach-library-twig-extension - Drupal's attach_library function in Pattern Lab to simply load the javascript files.
  • emoncsv -
  • drupal-gutenberg - 💥Repository deprecated💥 All work is now done at https://drupal.org/project/gutenberg
  • color-contrast-php - Tiny lib to find usable color combinations
  • ColorJizz-PHP - ColorJizz is a PHP library for manipulating and converting colors.
  • wcag2-color-contrast - A PHP function to compare two RGB values to determine if it meets WCAG 2 color conformance requirements
  • composer-drupal-optimizations - Saves memory and CPU cycles when you run composer update
  • ComposerRequireChecker - A CLI tool to check whether a specific composer package uses imported symbols that aren't part of its direct composer dependencies
  • PHPCompatibility - PHP Compatibility check for PHP_CodeSniffer
  • components - Component-based Theming with Twig Training
  • drupal-scaffold - 🚧 Composer Plugin for updating the Drupal scaffold files when using drupal/core
  • tome-project - A starter project for Tome.
  • drupal-paranoia - Composer Plugin for improving the security of composer-based Drupal projects by moving all PHP files out of docroot
  • automate - A deployment tool written in PHP
  • drupal_hax8 - start of d8 port
  • drupal-code-generator - A code generator for Drupal.
  • paragraphs_frontend_ui - POC for editing paragraphs from the frontend
  • password_exposed - 🔒 Password Exposed Helper Function - Check if a password has been exposed in a data breach.
  • bolt_connect - [READ-ONLY] Subtree split for the Drupal module used for integrating with the Bolt Design System. https://github.com/bolt-design-system/bolt/tree/master/packages/drupal-modules/bolt_connect
  • drupalorg-cli - A command line tool for interfacing with Drupal.org
  • unified-twig-extensions - Share Pattern Lab's custom Twig extensions with Drupal 8
  • indieweb - IndieWeb integration for Drupal 8
  • drupal-code-builder-drush - Drush commands for Drupal Code Builder. Use the branch that matches the Drush version.
  • twig_addons -
  • a11yformsfix - drupal 8 module to fix webform accessibility
  • drupal-finder -
  • learn-you-php - 🏆 Learn You PHP! - An introduction to PHP's core features: i/o, http, arrays, exceptions and so on.
  • clean-code-php - 🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for PHP
  • drush-launcher - A small wrapper around Drush for your global $PATH.
  • add-attributes-twig-extension - add_attributes twig extension
  • 12-factor-demo - Demo repository for setting up a Drupal app as 12-factor
  • drutiny - A Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 site auditing and remediation tool
  • freeagent-php - Wrapper for the Freeagent API
  • WemosSensor - Indoor Temp, Humidity and/or Barometric pressure sensor using Wemos D1 Mini
  • Drupal-8-Power - Drupal 8 Mad with Power Example Modules
  • october - Free, open-source, self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework.
  • Mannequin - Mannequin Component Theming Tool
  • Shaarli - The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service - community repo
  • composer-asset-plugin - NPM/Bower Dependency Manager for Composer
  • nodejs-installer - An installer package that let's you install NodeJS and NPM as a Composer dependency.
  • drupal-8-theming - Training documents for "Drupal 8 Theming for Drupal 7 Themers"
  • simple_theme - A Simple Drupal Theme to demo Pattern Lab integration
  • dockerized-drupal-starter - End-to-end (CI + CD) dockerized Drupal 8 starting point.
  • mavo-php - PHP adaptor for Mavo
  • Twig-sort-by-field - A Twig Extension filter to sort an array of entries (objects or arrays) by the specified field
  • drush_cmi_tools - Provides advanced CMI import and export functionality
  • dorgflow - Automated git workflow for drupal.org patches.
  • foodcoopshop - Open source software for foodcoops
  • list_selected_values - Shows all list field options with selected items.
  • plugin-data-transform - Data Transform Plugin for Pattern Lab PHP
  • Drupal-8-Examples -
  • example-drupal - This is an example Drupal project to demonstrate the features of Code Enigma's deployment pipelines and test changes to build scripts.
  • gathercontent_migration - A Drupal 8 migration source plugin for the GatherContent API.
  • amp-library - Convert HTML to AMP HTML and report HTML compliance with the AMP HTML specification
  • edition-php-twig-standard - Fork of Pattern Lab Standard Edition for Twig
  • Drupal-Scaffold -
  • drupalglossaryazsearch - Drupal Glossary AZ Search https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api_glossary
  • bene-project - Starting point for site builds based on Bene
  • drupal-auto-update - A little bit of magic for automatically updating Drupal sites
  • mgs_demo - Site showing off the Migrate Google Sheets module
  • migrate_google_sheets - Drupal 8 Migrate Source for Google Sheets
  • polr - 🚡 A modern, powerful, and robust URL shortener
  • YOURLS - 🔗 Your Own URL Shortener
  • url-shortener - Web application that will help you in shortening your url
  • php-url-shortener - Simple PHP URL shortener, as used on mths.be
  • http-status-check - CLI tool to crawl a website and check HTTP status codes
  • Drupal-8-Module-Theming-Example - A simple D8 Module to get you started with rendering twig templates from a controller
  • Robo - Modern task runner for PHP
  • errorstyle - Drupal 8 module to test the form elements (especially for https://www.drupal.org/node/1493324)
  • directus - Directus 7 Suite — Future-Proof Headless CMS & API for Custom Databases
  • blt - Acquia's toolset for automating Drupal 8 development, testing, and deployment.
  • letter - Letter is a simple, highly customizable tool to create letters in your browser.
  • Organizr - HTPC/Homelab Services Organizer - Written in PHP
  • Temp-Monitor - Internet of Things data platform for temperature and humidity sensors with maps
  • ui_patterns - UI Patterns module
  • DrupalTwigFood - Useful functions, filters for twig @ Drupal 8
  • auth0 - Simple auth0 implementation for Drupal logins
  • block_aria_landmark_roles - Official mirror from Drupal.org
  • datetime_tweaks - Tweaks for DateTime field in Drupal 8 to support human date formats in browsers that don't support type=date HTML5 element
  • bund-drupal-starterkit -
  • drupal-lab - A sample Drupal 8 site with a Pattern Lab Twig powered theme.
  • platformsh-cli - 💻 The unified tool for managing your Platform.sh services from the command line.
  • bat_drupal - Booking and Availability Management Tools for Drupal 7 and Drupal 8
  • octane - Drupal 8 starting distro
  • annertech-backup-scripts - This project contains the scripts that handles backups from cloud services
  • domain - Domain module for Drupal port to Drupal 8.
  • drustack-standard - The "DruStack Standard Edition" distribution
  • starterkit-twig-drupal-demo -
  • edition-php-drupal-standard - The standard edition of Pattern Lab to be used with Drupal.
  • pattern-builder-drupal -
  • drupalcamplondon2016 - Presentation and code examples for Drupalcamp London 2016
  • patternengine-php-twig - Twig-based PatternEngine for Pattern Lab.
  • adminer - Database management in a single PHP file
  • styleguide - Port Style Guide module to Drupal 8 (https://www.drupal.org/node/2061293)
  • git-scan - CLI tool for scanning/updating git repos
  • drupal-vm-cli - A CLI app for Drupal VM.
  • bedrock - WordPress boilerplate with modern development tools, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure
  • project-base - Provides a template to create a new Commerce 2.x project via Composer.
  • CWTest_Behat - An automation framework for testing Drupal sites using Behat
  • deployotron - Reload! deploy script
  • dclondon16-d8-module - An example Drupal 8 module for DrupalCamp London 2016.
  • PracticalRESTinDrupal8 -
  • sandwich - Sandwich demo module.
  • invoiceninja - Invoices, Expenses and Tasks built with Laravel and Flutter
  • berta - Berta.me is a simple website creation app
  • backdrop - Backdrop core code repository.
  • kashflow-export - A simple application to view, export and delete your data from Kashflow
  • contribkanban.com - ContribKanban.com - turning Drupal.org issue queues into kanban boards to better Drupalkind
  • drupal-micro - Micro Module for D8
  • d7patternlab - Drupal 7 Pattern Lab starter
  • patternlab-php-drupal7 - Drupal 7 framework version of Pattern Lab (PHP version)
  • first-drupal-8-module - Accompaniment for the CTI blog post "Creating your first Drupal 8 module"
  • drupal-project - 🚀 Composer template for Drupal projects with support for Continuous Integration
  • deployer - A deployment tool written in PHP with support for popular frameworks out of the box
  • drupal-project - 🚀 Composer template for Drupal projects. Quick installation via "composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project"
  • BootstrapBlocksModule - Module that goes along with Base Building Blocks Theme
  • codeception-drupal-drush - A Codeception module for running Drupal Drush commands.
  • example-drupal8 - Front-end for Terra, powered by Drupal 8
  • bolt - Bolt is a simple CMS written in PHP. It is based on Silex and Symfony components, uses Twig and either SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • terra-cli - The Terra Command Line Interface
  • drupal-make - Radar site - Drupal drush makefile
  • node_clone_d8 - Repository to port node_clone module to drupal 8
  • file_entity - DEPRECATED: File Entity moved to Media team, use the official repository.
  • media_entity - DEPRECATED: See https://drupal.org/project/media_entity for latest code and issues - Media entity for Drupal 8 (http://drupal.org/project/media_entity)
  • addressfield - Addressfield for Drupal 8
  • phpdotenv - Loads environment variables from .env to getenv(), $_ENV and $_SERVER automagically.
  • kraftwagen - Drush commands to manage a install profile based Drupal 7 development workflow
  • selecta - Write HTML strings using CSS selectors
  • mz - Marzee Labs Drupal makefiles and profile to spin off new Drupal projects
  • foobar - Drupal 8 Module Example
  • field_group -
  • field_group -
  • sidr - Silex front end for Drupal
  • spress - PHP Static site generator
  • drush-docset - Docset for Dash/Zeal
  • spreadsheet-reader - A PHP spreadsheet reader (Excel XLS and XLSX, OpenOffice ODS, and variously separated text files) with a singular goal of getting the data out, efficiently
  • bootstrap - Bootstrap Theme for Drupal 8
  • devshop - Drupal Cloud Hosting & Testing Platform. Release Roadmap: https://github.com/orgs/opendevshop/projects/1
  • devmaster - Drupal front-end for DevShop
  • restful - RESTful best practices for Drupal
  • unmark - An open source to do app for bookmarks.
  • openscholar - OpenScholar project
  • grav - Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS
  • stylex - Atomic design, style guides, and prototyping with Silex and Twig
  • true-drush-cc-all - An implementation of 'cc all' for drush that truly clears all caches.
  • drupal-to-ghost - Drupal 7 module to migrate content to Ghost.io
  • phabricator - Open software engineering platform and fun adventure game
  • countries - World countries in JSON, CSV, XML and Yaml. Any help is welcome!
  • oxdug-d8-first-module - My first Drupal 8 module, an OxDUG talk with code demos
  • hackpad-alfred - HackPad.com workflow for Alfred.app
  • webpagetest - Official repository for WebPagetest
  • Cachet - 📛 An open source status page system for everyone.
  • drupalextension - An integration layer between Behat, Mink Extension, and Drupal.
  • Couscous - Couscous is good.
  • drupal-docker-marriage - Example Docker-powered Drupal site, for a wedding
  • pydio-core - Pydio 8 official repository
  • apihub - API Hub drupal module
  • token - Token D8 Port
  • vlad - Vlad - Vagrant LAMP Ansible Drupal
  • bustimes.org - Bus times for GB using Traveline's nextbuses API and other regional APIs/data where available.
  • humhub - HumHub - Open Source Social Network
  • climate - PHP's best friend for the terminal.
  • dav - sabre/dav is a CalDAV, CardDAV and WebDAV framework for PHP
  • github_api - GitHub API integration module for Drupal
  • emoncms - Web-app for processing, logging and visualising energy, temperature and other environmental data
  • rainloop-webmail - Simple, modern & fast web-based email client
  • Faker - Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
  • drush_zsh_completion - Drush ZSH Completion. Please follow on drupal.org
  • drush_make_generator - Bringing drush make to the masses in a simple GUI.
  • svg-tube-map - The London Tube Map recreated with SVG & RaphaelJS
  • GifBot - Random GIF generator for your Slack channels.
  • zariz - Site preview and static site generator from Drupal
  • Alfred-Workflows - Make your Alfred more powerful. (include Workflows, Extensions and Themes)
  • joindin-legacy - Source code behind the old version of the joind.in website
  • dindent - HTML indentation library for development and testing.
  • Spotify-for-Alfred - aka Spotifious — a natural Spotify controller for Alfred
  • backup-manager - Database backup manager for dumping to and restoring databases from S3, Dropbox, FTP, SFTP, and Rackspace Cloud
  • matomo - Liberating Web Analytics. Star us on Github? +1. Matomo is the leading open alternative to Google Analytics that gives you full control over your data. Matomo lets you easily collect data from websites, apps & the IoT and visualise this data and extract insights. Privacy is built-in. We love Pull Requests!
  • drupal_checksheet -
  • Embed - Get info from any web service or page
  • bastard - My Bastard Drupal Theme
  • hyde -
  • drush - Drush is a command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those who spend their working hours hacking away at the command prompt.
  • kanboard - Kanban project management software
  • alfred-github-stars - Alfred workflow to search your stars on GitHub stars directly from Alfred.
  • alfred-github-workflow - GitHub command bar for Alfred 2
  • alfred-localhost-workflow - [Depreciated] Toggle Localhost Services
  • QLColorCode-extra - Quicklook Syntax highlighting with support for Drupal filetypes and more (module, profile, theme, install, inc)
  • Trello-Workflow-for-Alfred - Trello Workflow - Create cards in Trello via Alfred App for Mac
  • generator-drupaltheme - Yeoman generator for a Drupal theme
  • drush-toolbox - Drush Developers' Toolbox.
  • lh_resume_builder - Public repository for the Lifehacker Resume Builder (http://lifehacker.com/5946783)
  • drush-toolbox - Drush Developers' Toolbox.
  • patternlab-php - The PHP version of Pattern Lab
  • subDrush - Drush integration for Sublime Text 3 to facilitate Drupal development.
  • dekyll - Drupal as content editing interface for Jekyll (Deprecated - see link)
  • drupal-boilerplate - Boilerplate project for drupal development
  • Conference-Dashboard -
  • alfred-spotify-mini-player - 🎵🎩 Alfred workflow to control your Spotify library at your fingertips
  • drupal-skeletor - A skeleton Drupal install profile to set up an appropriate layout for Myplanet's install profile development strategy, striving toward continuous delivery and greater good.
  • simplytest -
  • Pico - Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
  • openatrium-drops-7 - Open Atrium 2 distro for Pantheon
  • puppet-drush-simple - A basic puppet module to install Drush
  • openintegrity - Open Integrity Index
  • drupal-ajax-demo - A little Ajax-driven article reader to show you how the Drupal Ajax framework works
  • alfred-dev-doctor - A dev documentation finder for alfred
  • domination_tools - Code snippets and documentation for dominating the theme layer and creating efficient, extensible and not least submissive markup.
  • barebones - Initial directory setup, style guide and pattern primer. Intended as a starting point for my own projects, available for others to clone and adapt for theirs.
  • Pears -
  • block_extended_permissions - Extends Drupal 7's block permissions to make them more granular
  • green - D7 zen sub-theme
  • Bluey-cloud - Drupal 6 theme
  • dgb - Drupal Git Backup (dgb) script for backing up Drupal sites with Git and Drush


  • aviewer - Inspection tool for Windows accessibility API information (MSAA, IAccessible2, UI Automation, ARIA, HTML DOM)


  • TuyOTA - Flashing Tuya devices with Tasmota firmware.
  • rcm - rc file (dotfile) management
  • rifec - Receive Images From Eye-Fi Cards
  • todotxt-clock-addon - A todo.txt addon cloning and extending the functionality of punch.py, but in perl
  • sysadmin-util - Tools for Linux/Unix sysadmins.
  • get_iplayer - A utility for downloading TV and radio programmes from BBC iPlayer



  • doitlive - Because sometimes you need to do it live
  • git-browse - Like git blame, but interactive.
  • ansible-role-macosbox - An Ansible role to help reproducibly configure new/existing macOS workstations.
  • moonsheep - Moonsheep digitizes huge, messy paper and PDF archives through crowdsourcing and cutting edge technology.
  • gandi-dyndns - Dynamic DNS for gandi.net
  • gandi-live-dns - DynDNS Updater for Gandi LiveDNS REST API
  • h - Annotate with anyone, anywhere.
  • GpxTrackPoster - Create a visually appealing poster from your GPX tracks
  • LinkedRW - A simple CLI to create your resume and personal website based on your LinkedIn profile or a JSON file
  • lexicon - Manipulate DNS records on various DNS providers in a standardized way.
  • tuya-convert - A collection of scripts to flash Tuya IoT devices to alternative firmwares
  • ArchiveBox - 🗃 The open source self-hosted web archive. Takes browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
  • http-prompt - HTTPie + prompt_toolkit = an interactive command-line HTTP client featuring autocomplete and syntax highlighting
  • tdm - GUI application to discover and monitor devices flashed with https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota
  • project_alias - Alias is a teachable “parasite” that is designed to give users more control over their smart assistants, both when it comes to customisation and privacy. Through a simple app the user can train Alias to react on a custom wake-word/sound, and once trained, Alias can take control over your home assistant by activating it for you.
  • smarthome - @skalavala 👍 Nothing But Smarthome Stuff! - By Mahasri Kalavala
  • sherlock - 🔎 Find usernames across social networks
  • catt - Cast All The Things allows you to send videos from many, many online sources to your Chromecast.
  • cookiecutter - A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates). E.g. Python package projects, jQuery plugin projects.
  • Wakatime-Logger - "Extend" the Wakatime Free Plan so you won't loose your logged data!
  • ungoogled-chromium - Google Chromium, sans integration with Google
  • trackerjacker - Like nmap for mapping wifi networks you're not connected to, plus device tracking
  • itermocil - Create pre-defined window/pane layouts and run commands in iTerm
  • sudo-font - Sudo, a font for programmers and command line users.
  • cheat.sh - the only cheat sheet you need
  • termtosvg - Record terminal sessions as SVG animations
  • raspberry-pi-turnkey - How to make a Raspberry Pi image that can be deployed anywhere and assigned to a WiFi network without SSH 👌
  • shallow-backup - Git-integrated backup tool for macOS and Linux devs.
  • fritzbox-munin - A collection of munin plugins to monitor your AVM FRITZ!Box router
  • certbot - Certbot is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server. It can also act as a client for any other CA that uses the ACME protocol.
  • raspberry-pi-safe-off-switch - A set of scripts that can be used to provide a "safe power off switch" for a Raspberry Pi.
  • pi-shutdown - Shutdown/reboot(/power on) Raspberry Pi with pushbutton
  • tldr - 📚 Simplified and community-driven man pages
  • SonOTA - Flashing Itead Sonoff devices with custom firmware via original OTA mechanism
  • asciinema - Terminal session recorder 📹
  • spotify-downloader - Download Spotify playlists with albumart and meta-tags
  • WebTools.bundle - WebTools is a collection of tools for Plex Media Server. Like the Unsupported AppStore (UAS)
  • wtfpython - A collection of surprising Python snippets and lesser-known features.
  • cheat - cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but not frequently enough to remember.
  • deployments - Our custom Fabric and shell scripts for deploying various PHP apps.
  • Chicken_Door - Inital script
  • inter - The Inter font family
  • domain_analyzer - Analyze the security of any domain by finding all the information possible. Made in python.
  • thumbor - thumbor is an open-source photo thumbnail service by globo.com
  • sample-data - Samples and examples of OCDS data, to show what OCDS data looks like
  • awesome-iot - Awesome IoT. A collaborative list of great resources about IoT Framework, Library, OS, Platform
  • Electrify - Unmaintained, do not use!
  • pshtt - Scan domains and return data based on HTTPS best practices
  • algo - Set up a personal VPN in the cloud
  • timestrap - Time tracking you can host anywhere. Full export support in multiple formats and easily extensible.
  • Cormorant - Cormorant open-source display font family
  • gandi.cli - command line interface to Gandi.net products using the public API
  • public-apis - A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.
  • FalconGate - A smart gateway to stop hackers and Malware attacks
  • metawear - Example code for fetching data from MbientLab's "MetaWear C"
  • pymetawear - Community developed SDK around the Python bindings for the C++ SDK
  • WeatherPi - A selfmade IoT-Dashboard written in python and made out of 3 adafruit 16x8 LED matrix, a 24 LED bargraf from adafruit and Pimoroni's unicornhat (hd) + blinkt. it monitors 2 ESP8266 sensor nodes via mqtt and creates rich weather forecasts with underground.io weather data. it also creates a log file with weather information for further usage (like drawing diagrams etc.)
  • Climaduino-web-controller - Web interface for the Climaduino controller. Provides the ability to modify parameters and view historical data. Web pages are optimized for viewing on a phone. Tested on iPhone.
  • thermostat - Raspberry Pi Thermostat
  • waybackpack - Download the entire Wayback Machine archive for a given URL.
  • say_what - Using speech-to-text to fully check out during con calls
  • oil-tank-monitor - A sonar oil tank monitor that reports the current oil level to Domoticz
  • hosts - Extending and consolidating hosts files from several well-curated sources like adaway.org, mvps.org, malwaredomainlist.com, someonewhocares.org, and potentially others. You can optionally invoke extensions to block additional sites by category.
  • statuspage - A statuspage generator that lets you host your statuspage for free on Github.
  • proselint - A linter for prose.
  • sentry - Sentry is cross-platform application monitoring, with a focus on error reporting.
  • sublime-stylefmt - Sublime Text plugin for Stylefmt
  • macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide - Guide to securing and improving privacy on macOS
  • airplane-mode - Airplanes are programming heaven. Airplane Mode turns off the bad internet. Yes docs, no facebook!
  • alfred-homebrew - Easily control Homebrew with Alfred
  • monoid - Customisable coding font with alternates, ligatures and contextual positioning. Crazy crisp at 12px/9pt. http://larsenwork.com/monoid/
  • SynoDLNAtrakt - Synology DLNA scrobbler for trakt.tv
  • Synology - Scripts related to synology backup (rsync & hubic) & data corruption detection
  • eyefiserver3 - A standalone Eye-Fi server in Python, for Linux (specifically Synology NAS)
  • eyefiserver2 - A standalone Eye-Fi server in Python, for Linux
  • taiga-back - Project management web application with scrum in mind! Built on top of Django and AngularJS (Backend Code)
  • fieldpapers - Field Papers umbrella project
  • github2hackpad - A tool for propagating github issues to hackpad.
  • material-theme - Material Theme, the most epic theme for Sublime Text 3 by Mattia Astorino
  • GitHubinator - Sublime Text plugin that shows selected text on remote GitHub or Bitbucket repo
  • roboto - The Roboto family of fonts
  • ajenti-v - Virtual Hosting addon for Ajenti
  • Toggl.py - Build team reports using Toggl Reports API. It is used in Software Engineering program to track teams performance
  • toggl_target - A little project to make sure I keep on track of my monthly goals of working hours.
  • toggl-cli - A simple command-line interface for toggl.com
  • alfred-extension - alfred app workflow made by Jaemok
  • thefuck - Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
  • pack - Hack for helping out with packing when moving or travelling. Generates list of items to pack based on specified criteria.
  • Cactus - Static site generator for designers. Uses Python and Django templates.
  • GitSavvy - Full git and GitHub integration with Sublime Text 3.
  • documentation - Official documentation for the Raspberry Pi
  • spammy-recruiters - A list of UK recruitment companies who have a tendency to send out scattergun spam to digital agencies, in a format for dropping into your GMail filters.
  • SublimeFileBrowser - Ditch sidebar and browse your files in a normal tab with keyboard, like a pro!
  • slacker-cli - Messages to slack from command line
  • gitfs - Version controlled file system
  • home-assistant - 🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first
  • FiraSystemFontReplacement - Modified version of the Fira Sans fonts to replace the default system font on macOS
  • munki - Managed software installation for macOS —
  • cssdig - Peek inside CSS to uncover refactor opportunities.
  • flocker - Container data volume manager for your Dockerized application
  • CouchPotatoServer - Automatic Movie Downloading via NZBs & Torrents
  • headphones - Automatic music downloader for SABnzbd
  • sshuttle - Wrong project! You should head over to http://github.com/sshuttle/sshuttle
  • compose - Define and run multi-container applications with Docker
  • fireplay-sublime - A fantastic plugin connecting your favorite editor with your favorite web debugger
  • ajenti - Ajenti Core and stock plugins
  • yslow-rules - YSlow Rules
  • magpie - Git-backed Evernote replacement
  • DashDoc - Dash integration for Sublime Text
  • sublime-keymaps - Find a keymap for... and show all enabled keymaps in a Cheat Sheet.
  • sublime-phpcs - 🔍 PHP CodeSniffer, PHP Coding Standard Fixer, Linter and Mess Detector Support for Sublime Text
  • drupal-sublimetext - A package for Drupal snippets, autocomplete support, and info file syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
  • youtube-dl - Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
  • jrnl - Collect your thoughts and notes without leaving the command line.
  • ProjectMaker - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to allow creating any kind of project from your own custom templates
  • STProjectMaker - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to allow creating any kind of project from your own custom templates
  • httpie - As easy as HTTPie /aitch-tee-tee-pie/ 🥧 Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc. https://twitter.com/clihttp
  • sublime-github - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin that provides a number of useful commands for GitHub.
  • SublimeSimpleSync - Simple ST2/ST3 plugin for SSH and local syncing. Based on https://github.com/tnhu/SimpleSync
  • Sublime-Colorcoder - Semantic highlight for Sublime Text
  • git-sweep - A command-line tool that helps you clean up Git branches that have been merged into master.
  • git-imerge - Incremental merge for git
  • SublimeText-Preference-Helper - Helps you to fill out the Sublime Text 2/3 sublime-settings files. This version is compatible to Sublime Text 2 and 3
  • AlfredWorkflow.com - A public Collection of Alfred Workflows.
  • CTags - CTags support for Sublime Text 2/3
  • sublime-todotxt - SublimeText plugin to sort tasks by project and prio
  • sublimetext2-todotxt - Sublime Text 2 package for todo.txt
  • SublimeTodoTxt - Sublime Text 3 syntax highlighting for Todo.txt
  • storm - Manage your SSH like a boss.
  • SideBarEnhancements - Enhancements to Sublime Text sidebar. Files and folders.
  • Modific - Highlight lines changed since the last commit (supports Git, SVN, Bazaar, Mercurial and TFS) / ST2(3) plugin
  • speedtest-cli - Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net
  • Mailpile - A free & open modern, fast email client with user-friendly encryption and privacy features
  • fantasque-sans - A font family with a great monospaced variant for programmers.
  • mailinabox - Mail-in-a-Box helps individuals take back control of their email by defining a one-click, easy-to-deploy SMTP+everything else server: a mail server in a box.
  • Sublimall - Synchronize your SublimeText configuration
  • ReadingListReader - Python library to read contents of Safari Reading List. Includes scripts to output as CSV or "bookmarks" file format and to upload to Instapaper.
  • tlipsum - Yorkshire Lorem Ipsum Generator (Google App Engine / Python)
  • wagtail - A Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience
  • Origami - Split the window however you like! Create new panes, delete panes, move and clone views from pane to pane.
  • alfred2-workflow-help - An Alfred2 workflow that will display the commands of all other workflows.
  • sublime-path-tools - A suite of commands for copying or inserting the current file's path in Sublime Text 2 or 3.
  • GitHubMarkdownPreview - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for GitHub Flavored Markdown.
  • sublime-text-quick-file-move - ST2/3 Plugin for quickly moving/renaming files
  • local-history - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for maintaining local history of files. [backup | open | compare | incremental diff]
  • sublime_text_alternative_autocompletion - Adds TextMate-like autocompletion to Sublime Text 2 and 3.
  • Sublime-Extras - Some extra Jazz for Sublime Text 3
  • sublime-wakatime - Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin for automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your programming activity.
  • QuickThemes - Quick theme switcher package for Sublime Text 2
  • Browsers - Collection of Browsers and Virtual Machines for web development on the Mac.
  • SublimeLinter - The code linting framework for Sublime Text 3
  • pinry - The open-source core of Pinry, a tiling image board system for people who want to save, tag, and share images, videos and webpages in an easy to skim through format.
  • kite - (Obsolete, use https://github.com/inboxapp/inbox instead) A modern webmail.
  • sublime-drupal-autocomplete - A Sublime Text 2 plugin which provides autocomplete for all Drupal functions.
  • itermbg - Generate on-the-fly backgrounds for iterm2 windows detailing connection state (etc).
  • glue - Glue is a simple command line tool to generate CSS sprites
  • Workflows - A collection of Alfred v2 workflows that are no longer maintained.
  • powerline - Powerline is a statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awesome and Qtile.
  • dnsyo - Check your DNS against over 1000 global DNS servers
  • sublime-view-in-browser - Open the contents of your current view/tab in a web browser
  • alfredworkflows - Legacy Alfred Workflows
  • editorconfig-sublime - Sublime Text plugin for EditorConfig - Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
  • SublimeLastModifiedIndicator - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin indicating the last modified line
  • mincss - Tool for finding out which CSS selectors you're NOT using.
  • Schemr - A color scheme selector for Sublime Text.
  • Themr - A UI theme selector for Sublime Text.
  • sublime-vagrant - Vagrant commands for Sublime Text
  • legit - Git for Humans, Inspired by GitHub for Mac™.
  • sovereign - A set of Ansible playbooks to build and maintain your own private cloud: email, calendar, contacts, file sync, IRC bouncer, VPN, and more.
  • sublime-DefaultFileType - ST2 Package which automatically sets the syntax for new files
  • alfred-countdown-timer - A countdown timer extension for Alfred.app
  • huxley - A testing system for catching visual regressions in Web applications.
  • package_control - The Sublime Text package manager
  • mackup - Keep your application settings in sync (OS X/Linux)
  • sublimetext-markdown-preview - markdown preview and build plugin for sublime text 2/3
  • sublime-css-selector-reveal - A Sublime Text 2 plugin to show the matching CSS selector when you have a closing brace selected.
  • BrowserRefresh-Sublime - This plugin will switch from ST2 and ST3 to Google Chrome, Google Chrome Canary, Safari, Firefox or Opera and reload the active tab
  • dexy -
  • SubliminalCollaborator - Sublime Text 2 Plugin for remote pair programming
  • atchai-ci - Atchai's continuous integration tools and scripts for
  • dom - Check domain name availability from the command line.
  • Iconic - A minimal set of icons in raster, vector and font formats — free for public use.
  • Refugee-Buddy - A django-powered website for connecting volunteers with service organisations based on location. Built during http://www.asix.org.au/sicamp
  • tvnamer - Automatic TV episode file renamer, uses data from thetvdb.com via tvdb_api


Rich Text Format

  • macdown - Open source Markdown editor for macOS.


  • alfred-drive-workflow - Alfred workflow to search google drive
  • homebrew-webfonttools - Homebrew formulae for font tools
  • spectre - A simple UI for browsing and inspecting diffs, and an API for runner scripts to submit screenshots to and receive a pass or fail in real time. (For use with Wraith, Backstop, Selenium etc)
  • html-proofer - Test your rendered HTML files to make sure they're accurate.
  • github-awards - Discover your ranking on github :
  • github-changelog-generator - Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub.
  • awesome-raspberry-pi - 📝 A curated list of awesome Raspberry Pi tools, projects, images and resources
  • vcr - Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
  • ssh_scan - A prototype SSH configuration and policy scanner (Blog: https://mozilla.github.io/ssh_scan/)
  • alfred-workflows -
  • homebrew-cask-upgrade - A command line tool for upgrading every outdated app installed by Homebrew Cask
  • thermostat - A place for all things related to ye olde Spark Thermostat Hackathon
  • uphold - A tool for programmatically verifying database backups
  • open-baskerville - An open font project to create a revival of Fry’s Baskerville
  • wayback-machine-downloader - Download an entire website from the Wayback Machine.
  • jekyll-auth - A simple way to use GitHub OAuth to serve a protected Jekyll site to your GitHub organization
  • kash_emoncms_flow - Extract P&L data from KashFlow accounting API and post to Emoncms
  • dinghy - faster, friendlier Docker on OS X
  • errbit - The open source error catcher that's Airbrake API compliant
  • valhalla - Drupal 8 Theme using Sass, Singularity, Breakpoint that following SMACSS.
  • toggl - Redmine Toggl Integration Plugin
  • hackpad-converter - A lib for converting hackpad html to github markdown
  • ghi - GitHub Issues on the command line. Use your $EDITOR, not your browser.
  • browser_sniffer - Properly detect what browser you are dealing with
  • fpm - Effing package management! Build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity.
  • gmail-britta - Generate complex gmail filters via a neat little ruby DSL
  • redmine_etherpad - Plugin for embedding etherpads in redmine wikis.
  • diffux - Perceptual diffs of responsive screenshots made simple.
  • ansible-vagrant-examples - Ansible examples using Vagrant to deploy to local VMs.
  • redmine_dashboard - This redmine plugin adds an issue dashboard that supports drag and drop for issues and support various filters and groups.
  • homebrew-cask-versions - 🔢 Alternate versions of Casks
  • hackpad-cli - A CLI for some remote hackpad operations.
  • openproject-revisions_git - An OpenProject plugin for managing Git repositories through Gitolite.
  • ginatra - A web frontend for Git repositories
  • crewmate - Community fork of Teambox-3 with LDAP support, option to disable “community mode” and more…
  • jobsworth - Project Management, Collaboration and Time Tracking.
  • evil-icons - Simple and clean SVG icon pack with the code to support Rails, Sprockets, Node.js, Gulp, Grunt and CDN
  • github-status-hue - Blink dem lights when GitHub has issues
  • taiga-vagrant - Vagrant for taiga
  • t - A command-line power tool for Twitter.
  • OpenFarm - A free and open database for farming and gardening knowledge. You can grow anything!
  • votr - A super simple voting app we're using for the FEL One Day event
  • home_stats - A couple of scripts to import home data (water and power consumption) and weather data into Elasticsearch.
  • onboard - Checks, downloads, verifies, adds, and commits Drupal contrib modules.
  • ordnance_survey_vs_the_world - Convert from easting/northing to latitude/longitude
  • homebrew-cask-fonts - 🖋 Casks of F🅾𝓝𝐓𝚂
  • premailer - Preflight for HTML email
  • octopress - Octopress is an obsessively designed framework for Jekyll blogging. It’s easy to configure and easy to deploy. Sweet huh?
  • awesome-awesomeness - A curated list of awesome awesomeness
  • hubcap - GitHub work planning board
  • Hubcap - A social GitHub client for Mac OS X
  • alfred-ratio-calculator - A ratio calculator Alfred workflow that takes a series of three numbers as input and outputs the missing number.
  • openfoodnetwork - Connect suppliers, distributors and consumers to trade local produce
  • docman - Docman main code
  • screenshooter - 📷 A tool for generating BrowserStack screenshots from the command line.
  • faker - A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.
  • jekyll-ical -
  • pages-gem - A simple Ruby Gem to bootstrap dependencies for setting up and maintaining a local Jekyll environment in sync with GitHub Pages
  • plugin-directory - Official Sketch Plugin directory
  • openproject - OpenProject is the leading open source project management software.
  • vagrant - Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing development environments.
  • vagrant-foodshow - Vagrant plugin for ngrok
  • json_resume - Generates pretty HTML, LaTeX, markdown, with biodata feeded as input in JSON
  • hologram - A markdown based documentation system for style guides.
  • parrot - A vagrant VM for Drupal Development
  • github-stars2pinboard - Import your starred github repositories to pinboard.
  • galileo - github search in your shell
  • dotfiles - YADR - The best vim,git,zsh plugins and the cleanest vimrc you've ever seen
  • scss-lint - Configurable tool for writing clean, consistent SCSS
  • tugboat - A command line tool for interacting with your DigitalOcean droplets.
  • osx - OS X Setup via Babushka
  • frab - conference management system
  • hatmaker - An Alfred Workflow Manager
  • betty - Friendly English-like interface for your command line. Don't remember a command? Ask Betty.
  • spotify-export - A simple Ruby utility that uses Spotify's Web API to export a playlist as plain text
  • spotify-to-mp3 - [DEFUNCT] Download MP3 files of Spotify tracks
  • lunchy - A friendly wrapper for launchctl
  • hound - Automated code review for GitHub pull requests.
  • guides - A guide for programming in style.
  • git-up - NOT MAINTAINED
  • minicron - 👨🏻‍💻 Monitor your cron jobs
  • extract-sass-vars - Extracts global variables from a Sass file into a json object
  • vagrant-host-shell - simple vagrant provisioner that executes commands on the host
  • radbot -
  • ase.rb - Reader/writer for Adobe Swatch Exchange files in Ruby
  • vagrant-drupal8 - Get a simple Drupal 8 site up and running quickly.
  • livingstyleguide - Easily create front-end style guides with Markdown and Sass/SCSS.
  • gitsh - An interactive shell for git
  • bootstrap-sass - Official Sass port of Bootstrap 2 and 3.
  • alfred - Alfred Workflows
  • divergence - A HTTP proxy that lets you map subdomains to git branches for site testing
  • gitreports.com - Git Reports is a free service that lets you set up a stable URL for anonymous users to submit bugs and other Issues to your GitHub repositories.
  • gitlabhq - GitLab CE Mirror | Please open new issues in our issue tracker on GitLab.com
  • loomio - Loomio helps people make decisions together
  • vagrant-vbguest - A Vagrant plugin to keep your VirtualBox Guest Additions up to date
  • csscss - A CSS redundancy analyzer that analyzes redundancy.
  • alfred2-dropbox - Dropbox Workflow for Alfred 2
  • ghost - Create, list, delete, and modify /etc/hosts entries with ease...
  • github-gem - github command line helper for simplifying your GitHub experience.
  • colored - Colors in your terminal. Unmaintained.
  • puppet-dropbox - Install Dropbox.
  • pivotal_workstation - A cookbook of recipes for an OSX workstation
  • MakeYourLaws - A project to convert the world to direct democracy
  • mac_os_x-cookbook -
  • snoop - Snoop on content, be notified when it changes.
  • vagrant-hostsupdater -
  • proviso - Proviso aims to be an SDK+API to provision platform-independent local VMs for Drupal development.
  • mailcatcher - Catches mail and serves it through a dream.
  • git-wtf - A Ruby script that displays detailed status of local & remote branches, whether they are merged, and so on
  • findi - Find your iPhone through Apple's API's.
  • puppet-git -
  • psd.rb - Parse Photoshop files in Ruby with ease
  • vagrant-lamp - My default LAMP development stack for Vagrant
  • vagrant-cachier - Caffeine reducer
  • drupal-lamp - A vagrant build to run a Drupal development LAMP stack on a vmware or virtualbox provider.
  • choosealicense.com - A site to provide non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project
  • vagrant-ariadne - A standardized virtual machine (VM) development environment for easily developing Drupal sites in a local sandbox that is essentially identical to a fully-configured hosted solution.
  • apropos - A simple way to serve up appropriate images for every visitor.
  • vagrant-drupal - Example of integration of Vagrant, deploy-drupal cookbook, and your Drupal project.
  • fm-vagrant - Funnymonkey Puppet and Vagrant config for PHP applications
  • huginn - Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
  • wraith - Wraith — A responsive screenshot comparison tool
  • parrot - A vagrant VM for Drupal Development
  • boom - Motherfucking TEXT SNIPPETS! On the COMMAND LINE!
  • gollum - A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
  • fresh - Keep your dotfiles fresh.
  • homesick - Your home directory is your castle. Don't leave your dotfiles behind.
  • gitdown - Don't commit when you're drunk
  • homebrew-cask - 🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
  • alfred2-top-workflow - Alfred 2 Workflow: 1) Top Processes Based Memory, CPU, and IO Usage; 2) Get a Glance of System Status
  • boxen - Manage Mac development boxes with love (and Puppet).
  • swordfish - EXPERIMENTAL password management app. Don't use this.
  • drupal-puppet - Drupal puppet manifests for deploying budget vps's or vagrant sandbox
  • vagrant-drupal - Template repo for a new drupal project built on top of a vagrant vm.
  • zocial - Sass and Compass CSS3 social buttons framework
  • capistrano-drupal - A set of capistrano recipies for working with drupal


  • zsh-yarn-autocompletions - Zsh plugin for yarn autocompletions.
  • svgcleaner - svgcleaner could help you to clean up your SVG files from the unnecessary data.
  • awesome-static-analysis - Static analysis tools for all programming languages
  • imageflow - High-performance image manipulation for web servers. Includes imageflow_server, imageflow_tool, and libimageflow
  • fd - A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'


  • grid - The Guardian’s image management system
  • source-han-sans - Source Han Sans | 思源黑体 | 思源黑體 | 思源黑體 香港 | 源ノ角ゴシック | 본고딕


  • bitmap-fonts - Monospaced bitmap fonts for X11, good for terminal use.
  • awesome-git-hooks - ⚓ A curated list of awesome git hooks
  • pure-bash-bible - 📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
  • cd-gitroot - zsh plugin to cd to git repository root directory.
  • DietPi - Lightweight justice for your single-board computer.
  • spaceship-prompt - 🚀⭐ A Zsh prompt for Astronauts
  • formation - 💻 macOS setup script for front-end development
  • vscodium - binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing
  • pre-commit-php - Pre-commit scripts appropiate for any PHP project. These hooks are made as custom plugins under the pre-commit git hook framework.
  • clean-shutdown - Python daemon to watch a GPIO pin and trigger a clean shutdown.
  • RaspberryPi - Example shell scripts for interfacing electronics with the GPIO ports of the Raspberry Pi
  • dotfiles -
  • ievms - Automated installation of the Microsoft IE App Compat virtual machines
  • mac-builder - Scripts to run a fresh install of a Mac, customized for Kanopi.
  • secret-patterns - RegExp patterns for code secrets
  • ansible-nas - Build a full-featured home server or NAS replacement with an Ubuntu box and this playbook.
  • PiShrink - Make your pi images smaller!
  • FullPageOS - A raspberrypi distro to display a full page browser on boot
  • ievms - Automated installation of the Microsoft IE App Compat virtual machines
  • check-site-up - Simple script to check that a site is up and loading expected content
  • yonce - 👑 Queen Bey-inspired themes for all your favs.
  • darkmode - Set macOS dark mode and Alfred dark theme at sunset
  • awesome-home-assistant - A curated list of amazingly awesome Home Assistant resources.
  • google-font-download - Locally host Google's web fonts
  • share.sh - simple script to share files to a server you control
  • git-reintegrate - Tool that allows the regeneration of integration branches
  • tools-osx - A small collection of command line tools for Mac OS X, incl.: clipcat, dict, eject, ql, swuser, trash & with.
  • passpwn - See if your passwords in pass has been breached.
  • blackbox - Safely store secrets in Git/Mercurial/Subversion
  • gitlab-mirrors - A set of scripts adding the ability of managing remote mirrors to GitLab.
  • wakatime-zsh-plugin - 🕒Track how much time you have spent in your terminal!
  • mac-setup - Installing Development environment on macOS
  • rclone4pi - rclone4pi - Easy Install of rclone to Raspberry Pi Computer with automated folder sync demo
  • dropbox-archive - Upload emoncms data to Dropbox
  • pimusicbox - An image (SD-card) to turn the Raspberry Pi into an easy to use MusicBox with Spotify playback and AirTunes streaming
  • dotfiles - Public repo for my personal dotfiles
  • git-hooks - A tool to manage project, user, and global Git hooks
  • docker-pa11y - Test a website for accessibility.
  • Bash-Snippets - A collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users
  • pivpn - Simple OpenVPN installer, designed for raspberry pi.
  • scm_breeze - Adds numbered shortcuts to the output git status, and much more
  • zsh-you-should-use - 📎 ZSH plugin that reminds you to use existing aliases for commands you just typed
  • standard-readme - Standard Readme Style
  • drucker - drucker: Drupal + Docker - Spin up Drupal, Lightning or BLT in seconds.
  • drupal-8-best-practices - Collection of our Drupal 8 knowledge and best practices over time.
  • drupal-site-scaffolder - A Drupal 7/8 websites scaffolder built on composer
  • overthebox-feeds - OverTheBox - LEDE/OpenWrt feed
  • overthebox - OverTheBox - Aggregate and encrypt your multiple internet connections.
  • DPlatform-Shell - Deploy self-hosted apps easily: simple, bloat-free, independent installation
  • Awesome-arduino - A curated list of awesome Arduino hardwares, libraries and softwares with update script
  • docksal - Docker 🐳powered environments for web development on macOS, Windows and Linux
  • prm - A minimal project manager for the terminal.
  • docker4drupal - Docker-based Drupal stack
  • dcr - NOT MAINTAINED! Use Dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer
  • Gidole - Gidole - Open Source Modern DIN
  • Mac-CLI -  OS X command line tools for developers – The ultimate tool to manage your Mac. It provides a huge set of command line commands that automatize the usage of your OS X system.
  • druleton - Set of bash scripts and configuration files to install, reset, upgrade & build a Drupal project without the need to have Core and Contributed code in the repository.
  • nvm - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
  • provision-ansible-mac - Provision a Mac using Ansible with Homebrew
  • Dockie - 🐳 Collection of Modern Development Environments for Docker
  • macsible - Provision your Mac with Ansible
  • cozy-docker - Dockerfile to build an official Cozy image
  • git-blame-someone-else - Blame someone else for your bad code.
  • dotfiles - My configuration. Minimalist, but helps save a few thousand keystrokes a day.
  • markdown-diff - Markdown-Diff formats diff of Markdown documents in Markdown
  • macOS-Defaults - A centralized place for the awesome work started by @mathiasbynens on .osx
  • wifi-password - Get the password of the wifi you're on (bash)
  • docker-osx-dev - A productive development environment with Docker on OS X
  • dde - [DEPRECATED] Docker and Docker Compose based environment for Drupal
  • Hack - A typeface designed for source code
  • diagrams - Source files for diagrams used in Git for Teams workshops, sessions, videos, and the book.
  • dotfiles - A set of vim, zsh, git, and tmux configuration files.
  • drupal_ti - Drupal - Travis Integration
  • drupal-8-tools - Spin up a D8 site in seconds. Audit your D7 module and get a scaffolding for a port to D8. And more.
  • grunt-drupal-code-quality - Code quality tools for Drupal 8.
  • drupal8-docker-app - App Container Drupal 8 in Docker serves as Drupal Trial for Linux/Mac/Windows users and as an Out-of-the-box Development Container
  • drush-config-workflow - Jumpstart your Drupal configuration merge magic with this repo's code and instructions.
  • iterm2-borderless-padding - Deprecated. A custom binary of iTerm2 that removes borders and adds padding 💻
  • boot2docker-vagrant - [DEPRECATED] Boot2docker Vagrant box for optimized Docker and Docker Compose use on Mac and Windows
  • awesome-styleguides - 📋 A list of styleguides
  • attacking-drupal - 🔥 Scripts used to augment the penetration testing process of Drupal web applications.
  • docker-alpine - Alpine Linux Docker image. Win at minimalism!
  • gg - Git Goodies: At-A-Glance, Efficient, and Aesthetically Pleasing Git Shortcuts
  • zsh-async - Because your terminal should be able to perform tasks asynchronously without external tools!
  • delete-unknown-root-ca - Delete Known Government-Linked Certificate Authorities in OS X
  • generator-hedley - Scaffold a headless Drupal backend, Angular app client, and Behat tests
  • drupal-pre-commit - A Drupal pre-commit hook to help write better code.
  • Web-Font-Load - Install all Google Web Fonts onto your local machine
  • git-commits-to-rescuetime-daily-highlights - An example script to show how to log code commits as Daily Highlights in RescueTime
  • ghub - Open this project in github
  • drupal-vm - A VM for Drupal development
  • paperwork - Paperwork - OpenSource note-taking & archiving alternative to Evernote, Microsoft OneNote & Google Keep
  • config - Personal checklist for setting up a new Mac's dev environment.
  • drush-zsh-plugin -
  • uk-it-recruiter-domains - List of the domains of UK IT recruiters & some scripts for processing it.
  • Docker-Nginx-Drupal - Dockerfile to build Centos-LEMP Drupal Installed Container
  • kalabox-docker-poc - A basic drupal webserver inside a docker container.
  • docker-drupal-nginx - Docker with Drupal running nginx+fpm+apc+mysql+memcache
  • docker-drupal - Docker LAMP for Drupal 6/7/8 - highly configurable
  • dots - WIP bootstrapping library for osx & ubuntu (and maybe others!)
  • zsh-syntax-highlighting - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.
  • ansiweather - Weather in terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols
  • drupal-quickstart - A simple easy to use Drupal installation on OpenShift that will do it all for you!
  • z - z - jump around
  • dvm - An on demand Docker virtual machine, thanks to Vagrant and boot2docker. Works great on Macs and other platforms that don't natively support the Docker daemon. Support VirtualBox, VMware, and Parallels.
  • devshop_vagrant - DEPRECATED: Vagrantfile for DevShop and development tools. Merged into main devshop project. Use https://github.com/opendevshop/devshop.
  • streisand - Streisand sets up a new server running your choice of WireGuard, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, or a Tor bridge. It also generates custom instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, and fellow activists.
  • docker-osx - Fast and easy installation of Docker on OS X
  • baseimage-docker - A minimal Ubuntu base image modified for Docker-friendliness
  • ansible-examples - A few starter examples of ansible playbooks, to show features and how they work together. See http://galaxy.ansible.com for example roles from the Ansible community for deploying many popular applications.
  • frontdesk - Community driven list of useful things for Front End Developers
  • open-vagrant-boxes - Docker-compatible Vagrant base boxes
  • docker-gitlab - Dockerized GitLab
  • oh-my-drush - Drush ZSH Completion. Please follow on drupal.org
  • dotfiles - [DEPRECATED] The first JavaScript-based dotfiles powered by Grunt.
  • dotfiles - My Ubuntu / OS X dotfiles.
  • term - Terminal fun written in bash inspired by clibs/term
  • macbook-bootstrap - My Personal SETUP
  • purity - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
  • dotfiles - OS X dotfiles: bash, git, vim, etc.
  • brew-emp - (E)nginx + MySQL + PHP installer
  • virtualhost.sh - A script for Mac OS X to create virtual hosts under Apache
  • veewee - Easing the building of vagrant boxes
  • git-ftp - Uses Git to upload only changed files to FTP servers.
  • drupal-dev - https://github.com/integratedexperts/drupal-dev
  • rsync-time-backup - Time Machine style backup with rsync.
  • d8githooks - Drupal core committer git hooks
  • bashstrap - A quick way to spruce up your terminal in OSX.
  • todo.txt-cli - ☑️ A simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file.
  • apaxy - a simple, customisable theme for your apache directory listing
  • drupal-quickstart - A simple easy to use Drupal installation on OpenShift that will do it all for you!
  • zshuery - [DEPRECATED] Minimal zsh framework
  • fish-shell - The user-friendly command line shell.
  • ievms - Automated installation of the Microsoft IE App Compat virtual machines
  • laptop - A shell script to set up a macOS laptop for web and mobile development.
  • oh-my-zsh-powerline-theme - oh-my-zsh Powerline style Theme
  • fonts - Patched fonts for Powerline users.
  • prezto - The configuration framework for Zsh
  • sublime-settings - Benjamin Lupton's Sublime Text Settings
  • git-extras - GIT utilities -- repo summary, repl, changelog population, author commit percentages and more
  • pure - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
  • dotfiles - @holman does dotfiles
  • sketch-icons - All kinds of icons
  • jenkins_github_drupal - Create a Drupal site from a new Pull Request on Github with Jenkins
  • iTerm2-Color-Schemes - Over 200 terminal color schemes/themes for iTerm/iTerm2. Includes ports to Terminal, Konsole, PuTTY, Xresources, XRDB, Remina, Termite, XFCE, Tilda, FreeBSD VT, Terminator, Kitty, MobaXterm, LXTerminal, Microsoft's Windows Terminal
  • papache - Phing script to manage drupal installations on apache virtual hosts
  • Alfred-Extensions -
  • laptop - Laptop is a shell script that turns your Mac OS X laptop into an awesome development machine.
  • spark - ▁▂▃▅▂▇ in your shell.
  • GitHub-Wikifier - A pre-commit Git Hook that will generate all the Table of Contents you will ever need. Just write your content, and let it take over.
  • mac-setup - Setup script for OS X development machine (work in progress)
  • Dropbox-Uploader - Dropbox Uploader is a BASH script which can be used to upload, download, list or delete files from Dropbox, an online file sharing, synchronization and backup service.
  • aegir_deployment - This is a collection of fabric commands that do awesome stuff with sites hosted in Aegir. It gives you the ability to create sites and migrate them between platforms automatically.
  • git-dude - Git commit notifier
  • dotfiles - 🔧 .files, including ~/.macos — sensible hacker defaults for macOS
  • utiliscripts - Utiliscripts make life easier. Originally for Ubuntu / Debian distros, now used most often on Macs.
  • bash_kit - Bash kit is a collection of functions, scripts and aliases for Drupal developers.
  • oh-my-zsh - 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 1,300+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.

Standard ML

  • World-Citizenship - Globally orientated citizenship with private passport services using available cryptographic tools


  • Gifski - 🌈 Convert videos to high-quality GIFs on your Mac
  • BluetoothConnector - Simple macOS CLI to connect/disconnect a Bluetooth device. Useful for AirPods or other Bluetooth headphones.
  • Screenbar - A MacOS menubar app for automating screenshots
  • iina - The modern video player for macOS.
  • Google-Docs-for-Mac - Native Google Docs app for Mac
  • open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS.
  • timer-app - A simple Timer app for Mac
  • is-camera-on - Check if the built-in Mac camera is on
  • mas - 📦 Mac App Store command line interface
  • WebShell - Bundle web apps to native OS X app
  • Helium - A floating browser window for OS X


  • prettydiff - Beautifier and language aware code comparison tool for many languages. It also minifies and a few other things.
  • npkill - List any node_modules directories in your system, as well as the space they take up. You can then select which ones you want to erase to free up space.
  • vscode-control-snippets - Disable or enable VS Code's built-in snippets and manually installed snippets from extensions.
  • vscode-quick-select - Quick and Simple Jumping Text Selection
  • readme - Automatically generate a beautiful best-practice README file based on the contents of your repository
  • fast-glob - 🚀 It's a very fast and efficient glob library for Node.js
  • permaweb - Source code for Permaweb, the writing app for busy people.
  • rword - 🎲 A cryptographically secure random generator for real English words. Contains 370,000+ English words.
  • terminus - A terminal for a more modern age
  • fabulous - 🎨 CSS properties sidebar for VS Code
  • SourceScraper - Simple library which helps you to retrieve the source of various video streaming sites.
  • pwmetrics - Progressive web metrics at your fingertipz
  • lynt - ✨ A zero config JavaScript linter with support for Typescript, Flow, and React.
  • Memex - Browser Extension to full-text search your browsing history & bookmarks.
  • linkinator - 🐿 Scurry around your site and find all those broken links.
  • editor.js - A block-styled editor with clean JSON output
  • accessibility-insights-web - Accessibility Insights for Web
  • frontend-bootcamp - Frontend Workshop from HTML/CSS/JS to TypeScript/React/Redux
  • vscode-browser-preview - A real browser preview inside your editor that you can debug.
  • downwrite - ✍️ Markdown writing application that's down right, neat.
  • notable - The Markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
  • foy - A simple, light-weight and modern task runner for general purpose.
  • rrweb - record and replay the web
  • eva-icons - A pack of more than 480 beautifully crafted Open Source icons. SVG, Sketch, Web Font and Animations support.
  • squoosh - Make images smaller using best-in-class codecs, right in the browser.
  • tinycolor - 🎨 Color manipulation and conversion
  • docz - ✍🏻It has never been so easy to document your things!
  • padloc - A modern, open source password manager for individuals and teams.
  • slack-timezone-bot - 🤖⏰ Slack bot to show time in users' timezones
  • botpress - The open-source Conversational Platform with built-in language understanding (NLU), beautiful graphical interface and dialog manager. Easily create chatbots and AI-based virtual assistants.
  • js-tracker - A chrome extension tracks front-end JavaScript that uses DOM / jQuery APIs to manipulate html dom elements (e.g., change style, attach event listener) at runtime.
  • node-sass-magic-importer - Custom node-sass importer for selector specific imports, module importing, globbing support and importing files only once.
  • css-blocks - High performance, maintainable stylesheets.
  • finicky - A macOS app for customizing which browser to start
  • refined-github - Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
  • is - Type check values
  • ngx-admin - Customizable admin dashboard template based on Angular 8+
  • GhostText - 👻 Use your text editor to write in your browser. Everything you type in the editor will be instantly updated in the browser (and vice versa).
  • bottender - ⚡️ Make Bots Your Way. Fast and Flexible.
  • caprover - [previously CaptainDuckDuck] Automated Scalable PaaS Package (automated Docker+nginx) - Heroku on Steroids
  • Mailspring - 💌 A beautiful, fast and maintained fork of @Nylas Mail by one of the original authors.
  • fontplop - Fast, Simple, & Free Open Source Webfont Converter
  • vscode - Visual Studio Code
  • remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter - Debug Safari and WebViews on iOS from tools like VS Code, Chrome DevTools, Mozilla Debugger.html
  • learn-anything - Organize world's knowledge, explore connections and curate learning paths
  • ImageOptim-CLI - Make optimisation of images part of your automated build process
  • hint - 💡 A hinting engine for the web
  • desktop - Simple collaboration from your desktop
  • vh-check - mobile vh unit utility
  • blaze - Framework-free open source UI toolkit
  • free-style - Make CSS easier and more maintainable by using JavaScript
  • router5 - Flexible and powerful universal routing solution
  • desktop - The Wakatime Desktop Application.
  • menubar - ➖ high level way to create menubar desktop applications with electron
  • sweetalert - A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"
  • linkedin-to-json-resume - An exporter from a LinkedIn profile to JSON Résumé
  • feedback - Feedback tool similar to Google's.
  • gistio - A gist-backed pretty display for markdown.
  • pageres - Capture website screenshots
  • ionicons - The premium icon font for Ionic Framework and web apps everywhere


  • nutty - A Network Utility

Vim script

  • dotfiles - Colourful & robust configuration files and utilities for Mac, Linux and BSD
  • focus - Code editor color theme that lets you focus on the content. Available for Sublime Text, Atom, TextMate, Vim, Chocolat, and more...
  • flatland - Flatland is a simple theme and accompanying color scheme for Sublime Text 2.
  • dotfiles - config for neovim, tmux, molotov colourscheme, and more
  • dot-files - My vim setup.


  • dotfiles - .files, including ~/.osx — sensible hacker defaults for OS X
  • color-schemes - Color schemes I've used for an extended period of time and like


📝 License

To the extent possible under law, waako has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.


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