Gafarxo / H1N1-Vaccine-Prediction

A GDSC AI Bootcamp Capstone project for predicting the likeliness of individuals to take the H1N1 vaccine .

Repository from Github https://github.comGafarxo/H1N1-Vaccine-PredictionRepository from Github https://github.comGafarxo/H1N1-Vaccine-Prediction

H1N1 Vaccine Prediction

GDSC AI Bootcamp - Capstone project


Gafar Aamir

Albaraa Elsharif

Tasabeeh Salah


Beginning in spring 2009, a pandemic caused by the H1N1 influenza virus, colloquially named "swine flu," swept across the world. Researchers estimate that in the first year, it was responsible for between 151,000 to 575,000 deaths globally.

A vaccine for the H1N1 flu virus became publicly available in October 2009. In late 2009 and early 2010, the United States conducted the National 2009 H1N1 Flu Survey. This phone survey asked respondents whether they had received the H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccines, in conjunction with questions about themselves. These additional questions covered their social, economic, and demographic background, opinions on risks of illness and vaccine effectiveness, and behaviors towards mitigating transmission. A better understanding of how these characteristics are associated with personal vaccination patterns can provide guidance for future public health efforts.

In this project, we will take a look at vaccination, a key public health measure used to fight infectious diseases. Vaccines provide immunization for individuals, and enough immunization in a community can further reduce the spread of diseases through "herd immunity."

Influenza virus vaccine, H1N1 is used to prevent infection caused by the influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus. The vaccine works by causing your body to produce its own protection (antibodies) against the disease. It is also known as a "flu shot".


This data comes from a NHFS National Flu Survey from 2009, which inquires about whether or not people received the seasonal flu and/or the H1N1 flu vaccination, as well as their demographic, behavioral, and health factors. There are 26,000 respondents to this survey. In this project we chose H1N1 vaccination rate as our target variable. We used all features in the survey, and filled missing values using mean and mode values.

Colab link


A GDSC AI Bootcamp Capstone project for predicting the likeliness of individuals to take the H1N1 vaccine .


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%