There are 2 repositories under covid-19-italy topic.
A project to help people stand in line at the market as little as possible
Condividiamo informazioni e segnalazioni sul COVID19
Resources for Covid-19
#covid19 Ciò che stiamo facendo è creare un servizio informazioni, aggiornato in tempo reale, relativo ad ospedali e supporto medico, attività produttive, servizi di approvvigionamento e molto altro. COVID-19
COVID-19 Italia - Applicazione Android per il monitoraggio della situazione
A linear regression model to forecasting the Italian new COVID-19 cases of next days.
Statistical processing of COVID-19 data using Apache Beam for Google Cloud Dataflow in Python. Project for the exam of "Sistemi ed Applicazioni Cloud" (2019-20), Magistrale di Ingegneria Informatica at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Enzo Ferrari.
iOS - Android - Web App to view Covid-19 stats
A script to visualize some statistics about the CoVid-19 epidemics in Italy
Dashboard of Coronavirus outbreak in italy
COVID-19 Pandemic in South America
A Telegram bot to get the data of the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) outbreak in Italy
Fully automated daily Data-Plots based in data from repository
An Android App to see the statistics of Covid 19 around world.
Dash visualization for regional COVID-19 data in Italy
A flutter application that monitors the trend of COVID-19 in Italy.
Un elenco di risorse gratuite per riuscire a sopportare meglio la quarantena e l'isolamento
Estimates of COVID-19 R_t in Real-Time.
Grafico dell'andamento dei contagi di COVID-19 in Italia. Lo script fa uso dei dati ufficiali rilasciati dalla Protezione Civile ( I risultati sono calcolati come l'operazione dei casi totali diviso i tamponi effettuati.
Report epidemia COVID-19 in Italia
Repository non ufficiale con estensioni calcolate sui dati CSV e JSON forniti dalla Protezione Civile @pcm-dpc
Coronavirus-live-data is a module for extracting the latest data regarding COVID-19
Import from the CSV files as tables into an Sqlite database.
Raccolta di API, dataset e dashboard sul Covid-19
References for COVID-19 situation in Italy.
Covid-19 fourth wave it's close in Italy, but how we can know when the situation starts to be critical? We want to predict the new cases future trend, with a good model, knowing what happened in previous days.
This is the source code of my thesis that explores the prediction capabilities of three compartmental models (SIR, SEIRS, SVEIRS) in the italian context of the pandemic of Sars-Cov-2
An app that fetches data from the repository of the Protezione Civile Italiana Public REST API used to get some re-elaborated covid data for Italy