There are 2 repositories under usb-host topic.
CherryUSB is a tiny and beautiful, high performace and portable USB host and device stack for embedded system with USB IP
Open source library to access USB Mass Storage devices on Android without rooting your device
ESP32 software USB host through general IO pins. We can connect up to 4 USB-LS HID (keyboard mouse joystick) devices simultaneously.
A WiFi enabled USB Keylogger and Keystroke injection tool
Eclipse ThreadX - USBX is a high-performance USB host, device, and on-the-go (OTG) embedded stack, that is fully integrated with Eclipse ThreadX RTOS
USB host library 2.0 for Zero/M0/SAMD
Embedded controller for the IK Multimedia Tonex One guitar pedal
Basic USB 1.1 Host Controller for small FPGAs
USB Host Co-processor
A simply trick for interpret a 16-bit/axis mouse using USB_Host_Shield_2.0. (Logitech G502)
MIDI DIN to MIDI USB Host Converter
Efficient USB host stack for embedded systems equipped with a USB host or OTG controller. Includes many class drivers such as MSC, HID, CDC-ACM, and USB2Ser.
Convert USB keyboard, mouse, MIDI to Bluetooth
Arduino ESC POS printer library
zx spectrum 128 emulator on single esp32
Raspberry Pi USB host MIDI hub
ESP8266 software USB host through general IO pins. We can connect up to 2 USB-LS HID (keyboard mouse joystick) devices simultaneously.
ESP32 USB Host HID Keyboard for Arduino
A network <=> ESP32 <=> USB (FTDI) <=> 3D printer Bridge
Using the native USB interface of ESP32 S2/S3
Playground of RaspberryPi baremetal (V3D, HDMI Audio, DMA, DWC2 USBHost, UART, Framebuffer)
Raspberry Pi CM4 that plugs directly to TV/monitor
Arduino USB pass through demos
USBTMC Host driver
Use a Raspberry Pi Pico board to process USB MIDI data between a USB MIDI Keyboard or other device and a PC or other USB MIDI Host
Use a Raspberry Pi Pico to interconnect MIDI devices via a USB hub or old school MIDI
Android application for controlling USB audio dongles
Software USB-LS 4 hosts on stm32f103c8t6 gpio
Print pictures on a USB thermal receipt printer
USB Metamorph
DIY MIDI button controller from QWERTY USB keyboard