kumaashi / RaspberryPI

Playground of RaspberryPi baremetal (V3D, HDMI Audio, DMA, DWC2 USBHost, UART, Framebuffer)

Repository from Github https://github.comkumaashi/RaspberryPIRepository from Github https://github.comkumaashi/RaspberryPI

Playground of RaspberryPi baremetal.

What is a baremetal?

The baremetal means not using linux or some OS. Build with scratch to alls. One of the exception I believe VideoCore4 has such an OS on firmware or something.


  • Raspberry Pi Zero W or such devices.
  • Ubuntu (latest)
  • Arm compiler sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi

Sample screenshots(I strongly using OBS with using USB-HDMI capture (not expensive)

GPU Driver of the RaspberryPi Zero W V3D Triangle with perspective correct texture.

picture picture Youtube : Raspberry PI Zero W baremetal programming V3DGPU with perspecrive corrected texture.

GPU Driver of the RaspberryPi Zero W V3D depth rendering.

picture picture

RaspberryPi Zero W V3D Triangle with NV Primitive


RaspberryPi Zero W HDMI audio output sample.


Raspberry PI Zero W DWC2 tentative driver for XBOX 360 wired controller.


Raspberry PI Zero W DMA rendering sample.


RaspberryPi Zero W framebuffer sample


On RPI2 V3D Texture (rusted.)



Playground of RaspberryPi baremetal (V3D, HDMI Audio, DMA, DWC2 USBHost, UART, Framebuffer)


Language:C 93.8%Language:C++ 4.1%Language:Assembly 0.7%Language:JavaScript 0.6%Language:OpenQASM 0.3%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:HLSL 0.1%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:FLUX 0.1%Language:Batchfile 0.0%