There are 4 repositories under upm topic.
Newtonsoft.Json (Json.NET) 10.0.3, 11.0.2, 12.0.3, & 13.0.1 for Unity IL2CPP builds, available via Unity Package Manager
A rule based addressable asset importer
This package extends the UI of Unity Package Manager (UPM) for the packages installed from git repository.
Unity Scene References for Runtime and Editor. Strongly typed, robust, and reliable. Provides GUID, Path, Build Index, Name, and Address.
Unity packages and demos—emphasizing ECS, jobs and the Burst compiler—by Reese and others.
A Non-Official OpenAI Rest Client for Unity (UPM)
UI blur (translucent) effect for Unity.
Easy datasheet management for C# and Unity. Supports Excel, Google Sheet, JSON and CSV format.
Converters of common Unity types for Newtonsoft.Json. Goes hand in hand with jilleJr/Newtonsoft.Json-for-Unity
Repository for PlayEveryWare's EOS Plugin for Unity, bringing the functionality of Epic Online Services to the Unity Game Engine.
The Official Mixed Reality Framework for Unity
Property drawer that allows class selection from drop-down in Unity.
Change the C# compiler (csc) used on your Unity project, as you like!
The OpenUPM-CLI is a command-line interface for maintaining UPM registries.
A package for animating ragdolls through keyframed animations.
A curated list of awesome Git repositories for Unity that support Unity Package Manager (UPM). Feel free to add yours in!
OpenType vertical metrics reporting and font line spacing adjustment tool
Tool extension for the Unity Editor that enables easy access to the player preferences over a simple UI.
Moralis Web3 Unity SDK provides full wallet and blockchain integration for your Unity Game. Full cross-chain and L2 support. Feel free to fork and contribute.
Flexbox layout support for Unity UI using the Yoga layout engine
Collection of utility methods, design patterns, and extensions for Unity.
Simple to use Update Manager pattern for Unity + Jobified Update for MonoBehaviours and pure C# classes alike
Alternative to Texture2D.Apply() that doesn't require synchronizing with the render thread, avoiding stalls in the main thread
Specialized folder objects for Unity Hierarchy.
SQLite-net for Unity, supports Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, tvOS, visionOS, Android and WebGL
Enhance your scene loading experience with Unity.
A non-official Eleven Labs voice synthesis client for Unity (UPM)
Task and Async Utility Package for Unity. Start co-routines from anywhere.
A synchronous event bus for Unity, using strictly typed events and generics to reduce runtime overhead.
This package aims to provide a comprehensible, simple and expandable way of creating in-game settings for any Unity game.