There are 4 repositories under event-bus topic.
A swiss army knife CLI tool for interacting with Kafka, RabbitMQ and other messaging systems.
A distributed event bus that implements a RESTful API abstraction on top of Kafka-like queues
Low Level Designs of common data structures. These designs keep concurrency control, latency and throughput in mind. We use design patterns where applicable to make the code readable, extensible and testable.
Android library listening network connection state and change of the WiFi signal strength with event bus
[READ ONLY] Generic classes and interfaces for messages and message buses. Full documentation can be found here:
A simple, header only event bus library written in modern C++17.
💬 Publish-Subscribe (a.k.a Pub/Sub, EventBus) library for Android and JVM built with Coroutines
A synchronous event bus for Unity, using strictly typed events and generics to reduce runtime overhead.
Reference architecture for using EventDriven abstractions and libraries for Domain Driven Design (DDD), Command-Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Driven Architecture (EDA).
An AWS SAR app for sending generic webhook events to EventBridge event bus
noear::一站式分布式服务治理中台。可以理解为微服务架构支持套件。5个服务包合计40m大小,超轻量级。功能相当于:consul + rabbitmq + elk + prometheus + openFaas + quartz +等等并有机结合在一起。对 k8s 友好,支持 ip 漂移、支持 k8s svc 映射。简单工作,早点下班:)
RxJS-based message bus service for Angular.
Event bus for react native, cross-interface communication solution, it works on iOS and Android.
A Kotlin Multiplatform library that provides a simple event bus implementation using KotlinX Coroutines Channels. Multi-keys, multi-producers, single-consumer and thread-safe event bus backed by kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channels
Python mediator bus micro-framework for CQRS and Event Sourcing
A clean, simple and accessible java implementation of CQS/CQRS, with the Command Bus pattern and hexagonal architecture.
采用Reactor模式,注册readycreate, readyfinish事件到更新服务UpdateService,通过处理后进行模型缓存,然后将消息转化为 dispatchThread消息分配模型需要的create, update, finish的事件进行单线程循环调度 。调度过程使用了系统预置锁模型,来进行多线程唤醒机制,将所有的update循环检测进行多 线程调度,多线程更新服务使用future-listener机制,在完成调度后,根据模型状态,如果模型存活重新将消息转化为update 事件注册到dispatchThread消息分配模型进行循环处理。如果模型死亡将消息转化为readyfinish事件注册到更新服务UpdateServic进行销毁 。这个系统实现了模型自动缓存,多线程异步循环调度模型更新,自动处理模型死亡事件进行销毁。 支持将多个updater绑定到同一个更新线程上,减少线程调度。
Reffects is a Javascript framework for developing SPAs using an event-driven unidirectional flow architecture with a synchronous event bus with effects and coeffects.
Channel based event bus with request/reply pattern, using promises. For node & browser.
Event Bus for RESTful architectures
Fireasy 3.0 是基于 .Net Core 应用开发组件,其主旨**为“让开发变为更简单”,其义为,使用尽可能少的组件,实现你所需的功能。 Fireasy 提供最基础的功能和核心功能,如Emit、Aop,以及模块化、数据库访问、工作单元、多租户、实体仓储、分布式缓存、分布式锁、对象映射、事件总线(消息队列)等等功能。
Opinionated set of tools for creating JavaFX apps
Material designed Android soundboard with particles on tap and many more ...
Flutter Event Bus is an EventBus designed specific for Flutter app, which enable developer to write flutter app with Interactor pattern
message bus implementation with rabbitmq adapter. sends commands/events to the remote processes.
React Event Bus library for post messaging in JS/TS