There are 1 repository under sierpinski-triangle topic.
⚡️ React Fiber vs Stack Demo
An Exhibition Of Mathematical Beauty.
Short python samples of recreational mathematics.
Julia and Python recursion algorithm, fractal geometry and dynamic programming applications including Edit Distance, Knapsack (Multiple Choice), Stock Trading, Pythagorean Tree, Koch Snowflake, Jerusalem Cross, Sierpiński Carpet, Hilbert Curve, Pascal Triangle, Prime Factorization, Palindrome, Egg Drop, Coin Change, Hanoi Tower, Cantor Set, Fibonacci
A CLI tool for generating images of ferns 🌿 and other Iterated Function Systems
A stochastic method to generate an approximation to the Sierpinski triangle
❄️ The Sierpinski carpet, triangle, and a fractal tree using SwiftUI
A C project which implements various image processing operations and recursive fractal generating algorithms.
ASCII Visualizations of Fractals for the Ubuntu Terminal. Install using 'pip install frascii'
:sparkles: Collection of interesting patterns, inspired by nature, powered by p5js
Explorable 3D Sierpinski tetrahedrons rendered using WebGL.
Sierpinski triangles on the Commodore 64
Code Journal is a compilation of small ideas that I code in my spare time to have fun and try new things. It includes work with math, fractals and image generation.
I was interested in learning some SFML and doing fractals seemed like an interesting idea
Sierpiński triangle using Python
Highly customizable tool for generating pngs and gifs of fractals and other patterns created by Lindenmayer systems.
Draw three kinds of fractals by using Python turtle
Java program that renders Sierpinski's triangle up to a given level.
Computer Graphics programs
3D Fractals (WebGL)
A collection of graphic generators and simulations written in java
Sierpiński triangle dataset generator.
Sierpinskis Triangle made out of Circles
A Triangle Fractal coded in P5JS using L-Systems
A fractal exploration program to render and navigate fractals in realtime
Computer Projects from the Science Fest
A basic raymarcher made in GLSL
A website that allows you to generate shapes using The Chaos Game method
Sierpiński Triangle generated with Pascal triangle