There are 1 repository under julia-set topic.
Fatou sets in Julia (Fractals, Newton basins, Mandelbrot)
Fractal images with Python
A C project which implements various image processing operations and recursive fractal generating algorithms.
Mandelbrot and Julia Set GUI application written in Python & Tkinter
ASCII Visualizations of Fractals for the Ubuntu Terminal. Install using 'pip install frascii'
This project is meant to create graphically beautiful fractals.
🎇 Render Julia Sets in real-time with Metal API on macOS
Generate images of the Julia and Mandelbrot sets with Jax.
Animating escape-time fractals including the Mandelbrot set, Julia set, Burning Ship fractal, and the Newton Fractal in Python using MatPlotLib.
42 São Paulo - fract-ol
x86 inline assembly language Mandelbrot and Julia fractal program (Windows)
A multi-threaded Mandelbrot and Julia set plotter in C
CUDA implementation for Julia set computation.
A Mandelbrot and Julia set explorer using HTML 5 canvas
A simple to use fractal viewer application. Simply drag and scroll to explore the marvels of complex dynamical systems.
Visualizer for Multibrot and Julia Sets. It allows to create and visualize complex fractals using various coloring techniques and uses WebGL for rendering.
allows easy viewing of the fractals created by the mandelbrot set and the julia sets
a collection of processing sketches using different algorithms!
The famous Julia Set, coded in P5JS
Work-in-progress fractal generator with my Standards library.
A Python platform for exploring and generating mesmerizing fractal patterns. This repository provides a collection of fractal algorithms and interactive tools to help you dive into the fascinating world of fractals.
My fract-ol project for the 42 Cursus. A 42School graphical project to display the Mandelbrot Set, and the Julia Set, in its own graphical window. Built using 42 library, miniLibX. 105/100
x86 assembly language (with GUI in C) Mandelbrot and Julia fractal program (Linux)
Playing around with OpenGL, GLSL, GLFW, GLEW by making Interactive Fractal Visualizations for Mandelbrot, Julia and more.
A graphical project exploring fractals and complex dynamics.
This project is a software tool designed to create and display fractals generated by applying Newton's Method to cubic polynomials in the complex plane.
Interactive 3D visualization tool for exploring the mesmerizing world of Mandelbrot and Julia fractals. Built with Python, OpenGL and PyQt5, offering real-time animation and intuitive controls.