There are 0 repository under burning-ship topic.
Multiplatform fractals explorer 🌌
Fract'ol @ 42 - multi-threaded fractal renderer
Arbitrary-precision fractal explorer - Python package
Cross-platform GPU-accelerated viewer for the Mandelbrot set and similar (escape-time) fractals
This project is meant to create graphically beautiful fractals.
Fract'ol @ 42 - multi-threaded fractal renderer
42 | Graphic Branch | Fractal Drawer | C
Animating escape-time fractals including the Mandelbrot set, Julia set, Burning Ship fractal, and the Newton Fractal in Python using MatPlotLib.
This is a simple C / C++ program that lets you generate and explore colored fractals.
Factal generator made in c
A simple to use fractal viewer application. Simply drag and scroll to explore the marvels of complex dynamical systems.
A fractal exploration program to render and navigate fractals in realtime
A Java, GPU accelerated fractal explorer.
A graphical project exploring fractals and complex dynamics.
My fractol project
creation tool for fractals in the complex plane
42 School Fractol project: Fractal generator using MLX library.
A project focused on creating a program that generates and visualizes various fractals using parallel processing and graphical libraries.
This software is a mathematical simulation that represents a fractal. A fractal is a mathematical object with a similar structure at all scales. This software lets you visualize two very specific fractals and move inside to observe them.
Hasty implementation of three fractals (during two working days)
A fractal simulator implemented in C and MLX library.
A demo I created of various fractals in WebGL. This was made for CAP4720 Computer Graphics at UCF.
learning python from tutorials, drawing the Mandelbrot Set, the Burning Ship fractal and the Julia set
Renders navigable images of 3 particular complex plane fractals
An interactive tool written in C that lets you explore and visualize a wide variety of fractals.
Exploring fractals and creating hasty implementations
Using C++ MPI to compute Fractals