There are 0 repository under myriad topic.
F# computational expressions to reduce boilerplate in Pulumi code
A ROS package to wrap openvino inference engine and get it working with Myriad and GPU
Wrapper package for OpenCV with Inference Engine python bindings.
Website for Eclipse ioFog, a distributed Edge Compute Network (ECN) platform
Provides a conversion flow for YOLACT_Edge to models compatible with ONNX, TensorRT, OpenVINO and Myriad (OAK). My own implementation of post-processing allows for e2e inference. Support for Multi-Class NonMaximumSuppression, CombinedNonMaxSuppression.
Uses Myriad to generate type safe reflection calls to internal functions/properties/methods.
An overview of the alwaysAI applications available on GitHub.
Web application for creating training plans, UW ECE FYDP
A Myriad plugin to generate test classes from behaviors.
This repository contains detailed notes of all chapters and all three projects completed in Intel-Edge-AI NanoDegree.
Myriad RPC wrapper written in java.
Intel NCS2 device plugin for Kubernetes
:orange_book: Source code for "A Design Space Exploration Framework for Convolutional Neural Networks Implemented on Edge Devices", CODES+ISSS '18.
Jekyll blog demo for Myriad Creative Services, creators of Gemini Station
Trabajo Fin de Máster: Estudio comparativo de un clasificador de imágenes en Raspberry Pi, de forma que se compara el tiempo de la inferencia en la Raspberry Pi con y sin el Neural Compute Stick (NCS). También se estudia como la complejidad de una red neuronal repercute en el tiempo de inferencia y se analiza si los tiempos obtenidos con el NCS en la Raspberry Pi se igualan a los conseguidos por la CPU del portátil y a los de una GPU de Google Colab.
Given real-world scenarios to build a queuing system and the hardware specifications, the user can identify which hardware types work best. The application tested using the Intel® DevCloud.
Prometheus Exporter for Intel NCS2 Metrics
AI technology can now be used on low-cost, low-powered edge computing devices such as the new Raspberry Pi 4