There are 1 repository under distributions topic.
Powerful modern math library for PHP: Features descriptive statistics and regressions; Continuous and discrete probability distributions; Linear algebra with matrices and vectors, Numerical analysis; special mathematical functions; Algebra
An orientation guide for Linux newbies
Truncated Normal Distribution in PyTorch
Expectation operators for Distributions.jl objects
Fully managed library providing various random number generators and distributions.
A web app to visualize distributions in Stan. Uses Stan Math C++ compiled to Webassembly to evaluate the functions using actual Stan implementations. Uses d3.js for visualizations.
The code base for Boxtribute 2.0, a humanitarian aid web application making it easy to source, store and distribute goods to people in need in a fair and dignified way
Bitmex trading tool using REST API and Websocket
Create tidy probability/density tibbles and plots of randomly generated and empirical data.
Repository for DTU Special Course, focusing on Variational Inference using Normalizing Flows (VINF). Supervised by Michael Riis Andersen
A Crystal shard to perform descriptive statistics and sampling on popular distributions
A statistical framework written in Swift 4.1 +
Solutions to some exercises from Walter Rudin's Functional Analysis
Battle of the Leakage Detection and Isolation Methods (BattLeDIM 2020)
Empirical probability distributions in Julia
Badges for Linux/FLOSS distributions (mirror:
Interface for mathematical/statistical densities in Julia
A simple Python script for calculating the particle size distribution (PSD) of emulsions
A simple `UniformRandomBitGenerator` wrapper for the xoshiro256*** and xoroshiro128+ PRNGs
An efficent (O(1)) algorithm to extract numbers from a non-uniform discrete probability distribution
Primary event censored distributions.
cross-platform package manager for developer
Easy evaluation and plotting of statistical data and high-dimensional distributions in python - Fast generation, loading and storing of custom datasets.
Code accompanying the Anatolyev, S. and BarunĂk, J., (2019). Forecasting dynamic return distributions based on ordered binary choice. International Journal of Forecasting, 35(3), pp.823-835
[WIP] Extension of sklearn Naive Bayes models that allows sampling and more feature distributions.
A modern Fortran statistical library.
R Gallery Book
My contributions to the #30DayChartChllenge, #rstats edition