dpretet / meduram

Multi-port BRAM IP for ASIC and FPGA

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Meduram is an IP core implementing a multi-port block RAM in order to share a memory space between multiple agents of a system. Meduram provides native block RAM interface (EN / ADDR / DATA) or AXI4-lite interface. It also supports independent clock domain for each read/write interface as for the RAM core, enabling a TDM-like implmentation to unleash performance when using AXI4-lite interfaces. In order to manage synchronization mechanism thru the memory space, Meduram provides flags to the read agents connected in case write or read collisions occur.

It's widely inspired by the concepts discussed in the paper "Efficient Multi-Ported Memories for FPGAs" by Charles Eric LaForest and J. Gregory Steffan. This article is also a good starting point to understand how to build this type of core.


  • Multi-port block RAM capable. Any number of R/W agents supported.
  • Provide native RAM interface or AXI4-lite
  • Can support independent clock domain per agent when using AXI4-lite interface
  • Rely on replicated RAM block, one dedicated per write agent.
  • AXI4-lite interface supports outstanding request (configurable)
  • Monitor write ops and detect collision. Can inform agents on such events.



Meduram uses Icarus Verilog for simulation and Yosys for synthesis.

To execute a basic synthesis with Yosys:

./flow.sh syn

or into syn folder


To execute the testsuite:

./flow.sh sim

or into sim folder


Meduram relies on SVUT to create and execute testsuites.


  • Implement a retry circuit in AXI4-lite read interface if read collision occurs
  • Manage APROT in AXI4-lite interface


This IP core is licensed under MIT license. It grants nearly all rights to use, modify and distribute these sources. However, consider to contribute and provide updates to this core if you add feature and fix, would be greatly appreciated :)

Please refer to LICENSE file for more details.


Multi-port BRAM IP for ASIC and FPGA

License:MIT License


Language:SystemVerilog 94.1%Language:Shell 5.2%Language:Fortran 0.8%