There are 0 repository under usc topic.
Tika-Python is a Python binding to the Apache Tika™ REST services allowing Tika to be called natively in the Python community.
Docker container and run scripts for MIT's xv6 kernel. Useful for USC CSCI 350.
A suite of Machine Learning / Deep Learning Dockerfiles to allow Apache Tika to extract objects and to produce textual captions for images and video
Coursework for CSCI-561 (Foundations of Artificial Intelligence) at USC for the Fall 2020 Semester
Age classification from text using PAN16, blogs, Fisher Callhome, and Cancer Forum
Polar USC activities related to NSF Polar CyberInfrastructure program at the University of Southern California
A dataset downloaded from the deep and scientific web across three major Polar data centers for use in research.
A tool built on top of OpenFace to detect eye contact with babies.
Event search Android app with autocomplete search. Functionalities includes autocomplete event search, team/player details, ratings, popularity, venue details and upcoming events. REST API Integration: Song kick, Spotify, Ticketmaster, Google custom search, Google Map and twitter.
USC Schedule of Classes API wrapper
The Next Generation Ulord's Sidechain Based on PBFT
Models, and associated helper code for GSOC 2017 project Tensorflow Image to Text in Apache Tika
Single Player, 3D Platformer movement-based game with Color and Level Mechanics with WebGL Builds
A easy tool to download usc den video using just one right click. Using tampermonkey and node.js
DSCI 552: Machine Learning for Data Science
DCT, IDCT, DWT, IDWT, This assignment will helped us to gain an understanding of issues that relate to image compression, by comparing and contrasting the frequency space representations using the Discrete Cosine Transform and the Discrete Wavelet Transform.
R code and datasets related to the mapping of USC research to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Upload some of the assignments or projects for record.
Coursework for EE569 (Digital Image Processing) at USC for the Spring 2021 Semester
A Workspace API client library for Node.js
Domain Discovery for the Sparkler Crawl Environment
A USC Dining Hall Menu API for Kotlin!
Learn by doing course projects
A data classification using MLP
Graduate Coursework for EE569 (Digital Image Processing) at USC.
USC_CSCI561_ Foundations of Artificial Intelligence_17Fall_Homeworks(Search, Minimax algorithm, First order logic)
EE450 Socket Programming Project, Fall 2022