There are 0 repository under study-design topic.
An application that aims to assist researchers in designing animal tracking projects, by considering specific research questions.
Prioritize variables in observational study design through the joint variable importance plot; shiny app:
A scoping review of Avoidable WAste in REsearch (AWARE) and a tool to inform academics, clinicians, patient and public partners, policy-makers, and funders on how to reduce research waste in health and biomedical sciences. In development.
Literature and simulation (using R) resources for the study design and statistical analysis of RAND/UCLA Method (RAM) consensus studies.
A Shiny app for designing spatially explicit capture–recapture studies
Davis, K. L., Silverman, E. D., Sussman, A. L., Wilson, R. R., Zipkin, E. F. (2022). Errors in aerial survey count data: Identifying pitfalls and solutions. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8733.
This repository is used for a simulated scripted exposure study in Potsdam. The aim of the study is to assess air quality using sonification. The study design should ensure robust air quality values and good comparability during the study.
A statistical tool to conduct an a priori analysis of the precision and accuracy of the maximum likelihood estimator of the proportion of hatchery-origin spawners using parentage-based tagging
This repository contains code to estimate sample size needed to compare dynamic treatment regimens using longitudinal count outcomes from a Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART).
Production code for adaptive behavioral choice studies on human cognition in probabilistic situations (aka decisions under risk).
A Bayesian feature-selection model identifying barriers to digital health device adoption during Covid-19. Proposal for strategies to increase uptake
Analysis to car prototype data to fit a regression model to predict MPG.
A tool to calculate the power of a paired design for monitoring fish response to habitat actions
A statistical tool to conduct an a priori analysis of the precision and accuracy of a maximum likelihood estimator of the relative reproductive success (RRS) of hatchery-origin spawners
A tool to maximize precision of the T:M ratio by optimally allocating tagged smolts between transported and in-river migrant groups
A tool to estimate the power of detecting a difference in smolt-to-adult ratios (SARs) between transported and migrant salmon
Analysis of MechaCar dataset to establish relationships between features and miles per gallon(mpg) on a variety of cars. Various types of statistical analysis were performed using RStudio to establish potential relationships and the accuracy of each test respectively.