Sarah Humphrey's repositories
In depth analysis of a company's bikesharing data from summer in New York City was done in attempt to understand trends in rides and demographics.
Established a supervised machine learning model trained and tested on credit risk data through a variety of methods to establish credit risk based on a number of factor
Unsupervised machine learning was used to establish a classification system for actively trading cryptocurrencies for potential investment prospects.
Local election results and trends analysis with python.
Company records were parsed with SQL through PgAdmin to determine retirement eligible employees, potential retirement numbers per department and titles.
Analysis of PyBer ride sharing data for multiple city types (rural, suburban, and urban) was done to determine relationships between location, cost, number of drivers, and amount of rides.
Analysis of 2000 randomly generated coordinate pairs for city location and weather conditions for development of user input responsive travel plans.
Our project focuses on affordable housing voucher's strain on governmental assistance programs as rent prices for many across the US skyrocket.
Performing analysis on Kickstarter campaigns and data to see trends.
Creation of maps using GeoJSON data to display location and severity of earthquakes worldwide.
Analysis of MechaCar dataset to establish relationships between features and miles per gallon(mpg) on a variety of cars. Various types of statistical analysis were performed using RStudio to establish potential relationships and the accuracy of each test respectively.
Analysis of organization funding criteria for a non-profit group that sources organizations with a focus on interpersonal, environmental, and worldwide wellbeing.
Development of Flask app for user filtered data on belly button bacteria cultures.
NLP of research articles for categorization with TF-IDF & LDA
Analysis of school math and reading testing was done to clean data and analyze overall scores by school, school type, and budget per student.
VBA macro was created to pull information for each stocks including total volume, start and end prices, and returns.